
I have a very funny issue using the Charis SIL font:
under some special circumstances instead of the "Z" "a" is set in lyrics as
well as in markups.

I tried to isolate the issue, but haven't been really successfull. What I
can see about the code below is that

1. the issue only occurs with the Charis SIL font
2. it only occurs when there is some letter with diacritics in the score
title (with the function call - not otherwise) AND another such letter in
the piece field.

The issue occurs when using LilyPond 2.17.0 as well as 2.14.2.

Do you have a clue what the problem might be?

Thanks, Jakub

---------------- the code:

 \version "2.16.0"

\paper {

myStaffSize = #20

#(define fonts


"Charis SIL"

"VL Gothic"


(/ myStaffSize 20)))


#(define-markup-command (titlingCommand layout props titul rank datum)
(markup? markup? markup?)


(interpret-markup layout props



(#:medium #:large datum


#:medium #:large rank))))

\header {

title = \markup\titlingCommand





\score {

\relative c' {

a a a


 \header {

piece = "Žalm 63"



% testing markup - shows ZzZz (OK) or azaz (the issue)?

\markup {ZzZz}
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