Re: umlaut trouble; was Weird output

2007-05-21 Thread Fred Leason
David: Can't help you with windows. However on OS X (Lilypond 2.10.20) the italic umlauts printed fine. I used TexShop which is a confirmed "UTF-8 Unicode" editor. Furthermore, your email (X-Enigmail-Version:; Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; Content-Transfer-Encodin

Re: Lilypond-book indentation

2007-02-03 Thread Fred Leason
hera, Tone Six}\\* \lilypondfile{./} \end{document} Good luck. Fred Leason fredleason at gmail dot com On Feb 2, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Matthew Syvinski wrote: OK, I have reduced the test case and eliminated dependence on custom package liturgix. The music still indents. Here is the

Re: Lyric and Stanza collision

2007-02-05 Thread Fred Leason
Yet another alternative is to insert something like \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1 before each new verse to get some extra space. See the section on "Horizontal spacing overview" for more info. /Mats Fred Leason wrote: I am using lilypond to write out and poi

Re: Lyric and Stanza collision

2007-02-05 Thread Fred Leason
e Rehearsal marks, i.e. use the \mark command, just as you already have done for the "REFRAIN" indication in your original example. Also, it's much easier to understand a question if you include a complete example that can be ran directly in LilyPond instead of just a few lines take

Re: Lyric and Stanza collision

2007-02-05 Thread Fred Leason
Thanks for taking a look at this. I thought about inserting invisible bar lines to allow more natural breaking on long strings of lyric text. But for that to look right, there would need to be a way to optionally re-print the reciting tone at the beginning of the new line. I don't know if

Re: Problems with Midi

2007-02-06 Thread Fred Leason
complete. In the midi section of the manual it says the midi should be inside \score. Maybe that is the issue. Good luck. Fred Leason fredleason at gmail dot com On Feb 6, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: OK, I'm gonna try this again ... A few days ago, I wrote the list ask

Re: Problems with Midi

2007-02-06 Thread Fred Leason
Fr Gordon I'm glad that was simple. Here are the errors. I don't understand them at all and they didn't seem to have an effect. Pango complaints. I have pango 1.14.2_0 on the system and all the pango stuff that came with LilyPond. No matter. Also, I only got chords on the first line of

Re: Fixed width measures (or another good way to do this)

2007-02-15 Thread Fred Leason
you are looking for. Or, you can use latex (or pdflatex) to make the two column format. If you send some samples, I'd be glad to play around with it. I'm getting better at the lilypond-book stuff. Fred Leason On Feb 15, 2007, at 7:43 PM, Geoff Horton wrote: I'm working on

Re: Vertical position of lyrics

2007-02-15 Thread Fred Leason
somewhere around this location in the documentation lilypond-2.11.12-1.documentation/Documentation/user/lilypond/Vocal- ensembles.html#Vocal-ensembles it illustrates that \layout { \context { % a little smaller so lyrics % can be closer to the staff

Re: Lilypond 2.10.17-1: lilypond-book ImportError

2007-02-15 Thread Fred Leason
tions/" export PATH There are more elegant ways of doing this, but this works. Good luck! Fred Leason On Feb 15, 2007, at 11:02 AM, nicola wrote: Hi, when executing lilypond-book contained in (Mac OS X), I get the following error: Traceback (m

Re: Lilypond 2.10.17-1: lilypond-book ImportError

2007-02-16 Thread Fred Leason
your path. Or, I know it works in 2.11.13. Good luck. On Feb 16, 2007, at 3:07 AM, nicola wrote: In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fred Leason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: You explicitly called lilypond-book. I suspect you do not have the bin directory in your PATH. lilypond-book

Re: point and click and with-url behavior

2007-02-17 Thread Fred Leason
I could not get the URLs to work at all. No errors thrown. But no link in the PDFs. Version 2.11.13. Mac OS X. Tried it with and without the -d On Feb 17, 2007, at 7:39 AM, lala lala wrote: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 14:25:45 +0100

Re: Problems with Lilypond-book, accidentals, and time signatures

2007-02-22 Thread Fred Leason
om lilypond-book will not wind up in lilyscratch as you intended. If you are looking for it there, you will have something old (maybe from a previous version of lilypond. Fred Leason On Feb 22, 2007, at 4:25 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote: This sounds like some weird problem with some font file.

Re: Importing PDF into Adobe Illustrator

2007-02-22 Thread Fred Leason
If you are merely queuing the cover to the printer, why don't you just define a custom Paper Size for your printer. Preview can make it fit top and left justified. In Preview, hit File / Page Setup. The third pull-down is "Paper Size:" pull down and select "Manage Custom Sizes." On the "C

Re: Importing PDF into Adobe Illustrator

2007-02-22 Thread Fred Leason
rawford [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fred Leason wrote: If you are merely queuing the cover to the printer, why don't you just define a custom Paper Size for your printer. Preview can make it fit top and left justified. In Preview, hit File / Page Setup. The third pull-down is

Re: Problems with Lilypond-book, accidentals, and time signatures

2007-02-22 Thread Fred Leason
Aaron: I tried it using --psfonts and everything worked fine that way as well. dvips(k) 5.95b kpathsea version 3.5.5 >gs --version 8.54 Unfortunately, this version / path / fonts / environment stuff is not my strong point. Good luck! On Feb 22, 2007, at 3:48 PM, Aaron Dalton wrote: Firs

Re: LilyPond is hosed! Any suggestions?

2007-02-24 Thread Fred Leason
I would like to help, but will need more information. I am on OS X and do not have a problem. I am on 2.11.19. From execute these commands and publish results here. echo $PATH fc-list --version lilypond --version sudo find / -name "fc-list" -print sudo find / -name "fonts.conf" -

Re: "No module named lilylib"

2007-02-25 Thread Fred Leason
" /Applications/ Resources/bin/lilypond-book datadir = os.path.abspath (bindir + '/../%s/lilypond/current/ python/' % p) Fred Leason On Feb 25, 2007, at 3:37 PM, Davide Benini wrote: I have had a look at the message, and scanned the mailing list for

Re: Extending lyrics after notes

2007-02-27 Thread Fred Leason
Keith: I do this all the time for chant. You use "\once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT" for the last word of the line. Try this: BEGIN LilyPond \version "2.11.19" global = { \key e \major \set Staff.whichBar = "" \set Score.timing = ##f } tr

Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-04 Thread Fred Leason
ne at least look at the LilyPond and tell me why this will not process on the server? Thanks. On Feb 27, 2007, at 9:37 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote: On Feb 27, 2007, at 9:17 PM, Fred Leason wrote: I do this all the time for chant. You use "\once \override LyricText #'self-alignment

Re: Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-05 Thread Fred Leason
ple pointed text from Hymnal 1985 png Final output pdf On Mar 4, 2007, at 3:11 AM, Cameron Horsburgh wrote: On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 02:11:21AM -0600, Fred Leason wrote: At Stan Sanderson's suggestion, I put together an LSR entry for using an Anglican Chant template. Here are all

Re: Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-05 Thread Fred Leason
Your were right. I used en-dash which works fine locally but not on the server. I substituted a regular hyphen and everything is up to date in LSR under the title SATB Anglican Chant. On Mar 5, 2007, at 7:11 PM, Graham Percival wrote: Fred Leason wrote: I commented my \version line and

Re: Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-06 Thread Fred Leason
From your comments: I also noticed that the explanation looks fine when you look at it in "modify" form but is not paginated (no line feeds) when you look in Preview mode. I tried changing line endings to Unix (in vim :set fileformat=unix) but that had no effect. Behavior is same in FireF

Re: Cannot install lilypond on my MacBook

2007-03-06 Thread Fred Leason
Bob: I'm also running 10.4.8. Maybe I can help. From your description, I get the impression you cannot download the .tar.bz2 file. Is that right? What browser or software are you using for download? Safari? Which application is giving you the error? What is the address you are downl

Re: Measures are not the right size for lyrics

2007-03-11 Thread Fred Leason
Stephen: If you use " \new ChoirStaff <<" instead of GrandStaff, the lyrics do not seem to collide with the bars because the bars do not extend between clefs. It seems completely readable to me. I used 2.11.19. By the way, I've never seen Makefile used like this before. To engrave you

Re: Problems with lyrics of a gregorian chant piece

2007-03-14 Thread Fred Leason
David, If the first line is aligned OK, but you don't like the way the second line is compressed, you can fix that easily by adding: \layout { ragged-right = ##f ragged-last = ##f } at the end of \score between the >> and the final } This will

Re: New Templete.

2007-03-14 Thread Fred Leason
There are templates in the LSR. Is this suitable for your specific request? It does not include piano score. Perhaps you would like to contribute your work so far and create a new Snippet.;id=181;rld=m_snippet I agree that templates in the doc

Re: New Templete.

2007-03-15 Thread Fred Leason
Cesar: If you forward me your score with SATB and Piano, I will be glad to clean it up and put it in the LSR. I will add documentation and give you props. It's up to you. Fred Leason fredleason at gmail dot com On Mar 14, 2007, at 3:49 PM, Cesar Penagos wrote: And I totally f

Re: Problem with lyrics

2007-03-17 Thread Fred Leason
Hello again, Cesar: On OS X (lilypond 2.11.19) your file processed fine in lilypond and created a postscript file. But ghostscript was not able to create a PDF. Strangely, when I simplified the name of the file to everything worked fine. My SWAG is try renaming the .ly file. T

Re: No time/no bars

2007-03-19 Thread Fred Leason
Place global = { \set Staff.whichBar = "" \set Score.timing = ##f } at the beginning, and place \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } under \layout. Good Luck On Mar 19, 2007, at 1

Re: jazz font?

2007-03-23 Thread Fred Leason
pastedGraphic.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document Above is graphic with "Is this what the Jazz Font looks like? It is standard on Mac." in Jazz Font. On Mar 23, 2007, at 8:01 AM, Johan Vromans wrote: rif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: But seriously, what would it take to get a jazz font? I

Re: Canorus 0.2.5 is out

2007-03-30 Thread Fred Leason
A few weeks ago, Matevž posted an announcement about Canorus. I have tried to make it work on Mac OS X. Unfortunately, my programming skills are not up to the challenge. Has anyone else taken a look at Canorus, Mac OS X or otherwise. Are there other GUI front ends (or that export) to Lil

Re: Canorus 0.2.5 is out

2007-03-31 Thread Fred Leason
ownload the whole Tex environment ( ,) you get a gui app called It is more feature rich than and accepts and runs .ly files without problem. On Mar 31, 2007, at 1:45 AM, Sam Hernandez wrote: Fred Leason wrote: A few weeks ago, Matevž posted