New to Lilypond...many questions! Simple chord placement ? to start

2006-03-14 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I am using 2.6.5 on a WIndows XP-home box. Pretty new computer, no issues in the 6 months I've been beating it. I tried to post some code I lifted the example below from one of the examples in the documentation, but the submitter form kept saying I was top posting. I'll describe the issue. If


2006-03-18 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I want to put down some of my bass/fretless bass exercises. I would like to have one file that has several short examples that might be a a couple of lines long. I'm not having luck finding old posts, or the right spots in the documentation. What I'm trying to do (I think) is stop a staff, ad

Regression Tests?

2006-03-27 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I'm confused, trying to read old posts... What is the "Regression Tests" documents? Where do I locate them? I'm using 2.6.5 on a Win XP/Home machine...right now I'm at a point where I want to alter the way a couple of chords are printed, probably common tricks. I want a 13th to just have "13" question

2006-03-27 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I tried to post about this before...I don't knwo why my post never showed up. I've looked at this file, and looked at a lot of posts about changing the way chord names are displayed, and all I get is more confused. Can somebody give me some guidance on how to create my own list of chord name ex

Re: Fwd: Re: OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-13 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I'm just about 6 weeks shy of 50, been programming computers for close to 20 years. I have been involved with deep database design, GUI design, and reporting over the years, I'm primarily a SQL jock now. I picked up Lilypond in early 2006, if the modified dates on my files are any indication. I'm

Re: Fwd: Re: OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-13 Thread Edward Ardzinski
At this point I can't even locate the LP 2.6.5 install package - so I'll be faced with a change when I need a new computer, and that is probably a shockingly small number of days. I figure I can figure something out for opening ly files - they are text after all. The custom editor was fun and all

Upgrade to 2.18 from...a long time ago

2015-09-28 Thread Edward Ardzinski
My computer died, and while I should be able to salvage my old filed, but for now I'm trying to deal with using note pad. It seems my old template might work ok, I thought that I could not use \tempo in the midi {} block, but it seems to work. It's funny how much you forget relying on tools and

Re: Upgrade to 2.18 from...a long time ago

2015-09-30 Thread Edward Ardzinski
since that doesn't carry a numeric value with it, > you can manually use \midi { \tempo 4 = 72 } to get the right playback speed > while not affecting what appears on the printed score. > > But you probably knew that already... > > Best, > Abraham > >> On Mo

Re: Upgrade to 2.18 from...a long time ago

2015-09-30 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Right now it's a total reboot. When I finally do recover the old files they will work just fine on my friends computer. But now I've started with a blank file in Notepad, 2.18.2, and starting off with an example file. At this point I just about have my old template "re-written". One thing I've

There used to be a way... dynamics in Midi

2015-10-01 Thread Edward Ardzinski
As I have evolved using LP I've become very modular. One of the last things I was working on before my computer crash was a serial/tone row thing, so that's where I picked up. So I have my upper and lower parts, and a drum part...I remember that there was a way to assign dynamics to each part, so

Re: There used to be a way... dynamics in Midi

2015-10-01 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I've figured it out, and it's probably the same as in my way-back machine. Now the skill will be writing good, accurate dynamics. Here's my score block, with dynBass and dynDrums my dynamics variables. And yes, I know I have the first context as voice two... \score { << \contex

2.18.2 - Thoughts so far

2015-10-03 Thread Edward Ardzinski
1) I was apparently following some good practices in 2.6.5, since what I've done in 2.18.2 has been essentially seamless. But... a) I miss my old editor, as I had a lot of code shortcuts built in it. Still, I had not updated it in many years, so there was an ancillary text file of snippe

Re: 2.18.2 - Thoughts so far

2015-10-03 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Martin's "\pointAndClickOff " did the trick, but "#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) " was what I used to use, David. Frescobaldi is where I'm headed. But I think an extended time using the native tools will do me some good. Even some of my oldest files were difficult to revise, even using th

Re: 2.18.2 - Thoughts so far.

2015-10-03 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I've been exposed to vi through work, and really failed to see the "thing" that fuels the vi fan club. Actually I can't recall the other side of that turf war, but I know that Notepad is not even a dream in that conflagration. Notepad has it's limitations,'s predictable. At least to a b

Re: 2.18.2 - Thoughts so far.

2015-10-04 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I donwloaded and installed Frescobaldi. I'm giving it a test run now, finishing up a piece I'm working on. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Re: 2.18.2 - Thoughts so far.

2015-10-04 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I think I'm going to like Frescobaldi - especially building up the snippets I need... Now to see how long I stay on this version. LOL Thanks! -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list arch

Re: frescobaldi output file location

2015-10-08 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I'm in the same boat, and was confused. Actually it seems that you can save the PDF when you do a preview also. For the midi files after I've played it in Windows Media Player I open the file folder up and copy the file to where I want. Opening the folder this way gets me access tot he PDF to do

Thoughts on Frescobaldi...

2015-10-13 Thread Edward Ardzinski
WOW! This is what I was trying to do with the editor I wrote 10 years ago (which kept me tied to v2.6.5), if I had the programming skill/patience. There is so much available that I don't need to have the template file I used to use anymore. I'm still struggling a little bit with the output path,

Re: Website down?

2015-11-03 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I haven't been able to reach in a few days... -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user ma

Re: Strange LilyPond crash

2015-11-24 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I don't know if I'm stumbling on something similar, but I can't believe that it's a large file issue - the piece is about 50 bars of mostly slow 7 with a repeat unfolded, two voices and a 2 part drum staff, no lyrics, and done entirely with 2.18.2 I got to the final dozen bars, and was compiling a

Re: Strange LilyPond crash

2015-11-25 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Here's the file... -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble

Hiding one dynamic on a drum staff?

2016-01-31 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I usually write in a lazy way, omitting most dynamic marks, but a piece I'm working on now I'm explicitly putting a crescendo for a few bars on the drum part. For ease I just put it in the notes, rather than create a separate variable for the drum staff dynamics and attach it in the score block.

Re: Hiding one dynamic on a drum staff?

2016-01-31 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Geez, thought about including the code: Just a basic drum staff inside a score block: \new DrumStaff << \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \dh } \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \dl } >> the dynamics are embedded in the \dh and \dl notes. the drum high part: cymc4 r4. sn8\ppp\< [sn sn] sn4

Re: Hiding one dynamic on a drum staff?

2016-01-31 Thread Edward Ardzinski -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Re: Hiding one dynamic on a drum staff?

2016-01-31 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Thanks, Simon. Not exactly what I'd like, but far more presentable. Like I said, I'm not too concerned with the look, but I don't like "ugly" things. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Us

Bar Lines and Compound Time Signature

2016-03-12 Thread Edward Ardzinski
I'm working on a piece that alternates between 9/8 and 4/4. The compound time signature is great. Where in my original piece I had the time changes in the fragmentary 2 bar music variables, with the compound time signature I removed the time changes and forced a bar line after the 9/8 "measure".

Re: Bar Lines and Compound Time Signature

2016-03-12 Thread Edward Ardzinski
compound_time_signature_bar_line_issue.pdf I would like the

Re: Bar Lines and Compound Time Signature

2016-03-12 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Worked like a charm. Thanks! -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing list lily

Re: purple highlight in Frescobaldi

2018-10-29 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Thanks-in my case it was Ctrl-B instead of Ctrl-V. Sent from my iPhone > On Oct 27, 2018, at 3:26 AM, Urs Liska wrote: > > > > Am 27. Oktober 2018 08:59:30 MESZ schrieb Andrew Bernard > : >> Hello Joseph, >> >> Something that tricked me for a long time also. Many people don't >> realize >>

Re: Question for a FLOSS licensing session

2016-10-30 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Does this matter to the average user? Probably not. But some here use LP for more than I do. But I'm not sure why the programming should be separated from the output? From my perspective the programming IS the music, be it a PDF score or the MIDI files I use to make my MP3 demos. Certainly

Re: Question for a FLOSS licensing session

2016-11-01 Thread Edward Ardzinski
After reading these replies I may not be wiser...but it did occur to me that there might be a flaw in my thinking as I do the "programming" with Frescobaldi. Does that have an impact on any of these issues? Would have been changed looking back to the "old days" when I used my own editor I wrote i

Re: basic question regarding \drummode

2016-11-04 Thread Edward Ardzinski
Shouldn't any tonal parts be a specific instrument (such as a vibraphone)? Each instrument should have it's own staff, regardless if more than one voice is handled by a single performer. In the case the players are moving around, and say there are times where player A plays the snare while pl