I'm just about 6 weeks shy of 50, been programming computers for close to 20
years. I have been involved with deep database design, GUI design, and
reporting over the years, I'm primarily a SQL jock now.

I picked up Lilypond in early 2006, if the modified dates on my files are
any indication.  I'm assiduous that way - It's helped narrow the genesis of

Lilypond's set up immediately hooked me, I really have never used any other
manuscript programs, so my perspective is probably pretty limited.  And
unique - as a programmer I created my own text editor...now that the source
code is on a very old computer, I'm kind of locked into the very old LP
version I run...I did some experimenting with v2.12, so I think I could
convert, but at this point I have not had any limitations in 2.6.5.  (yes,
that old)...

I am primarily a rock bassist, but with some classical piano and trumpet
training,and I also can play guitar.  I developed my own template and
methods of taking a simple musical theme and weaving it into a 2-4 minute
song.  I'm trying to write out a cogent essay outlining the symbiotic
process between my music LP and the other software products I employ. 
Mainly I create midi files for a 3 part "power trio" - a treble part, a bass
part, and a 2 stave drum kit.  From there I use AcidPRO to create mp3's
files to hear, in a general way, the way the music sounds.

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