Small crescendo documentation improvement suggestion

2008-05-19 Thread Arjan Bos
a a a a a a a\!\mf } And this is what worked \relative c' { \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic "cresc. poco" } \set crescendoSpanner = #'text \override DynamicTextSpanner #'style = #'dotted-line a&

How to show a small glissando?

2008-05-22 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear list, Could someone please show me how to make a \glissando appear when the notes are very close to each other? See this small example: \version "2.11.45" \paper { ragged-right = ##t } %% makes the first \glissando disappear \score { \relative c'' { es8\glissando d4.~ d2 \glissan

Re: How to show a small glissando?

2008-05-22 Thread Arjan Bos
necessary, to give each glissando a minimum length (which is long enough that it's also printed). \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #4 /Mats Arjan Bos wrote: Dear list, Could someone please show m

Re: substitution with \movement

2008-06-11 Thread Arjan Bos
May I chime in a bit here? This prodding of the scheme interpreter is one of the few things I do not like in the lilypond syntax. I do love LilyPond and as a programmer at heart, I adore its syntax. However, as a programmer, it is my duty to let the computer do the work instead of the user.

Re: substitution with \movement

2008-06-11 Thread Arjan Bos
On 11 jun 2008, at 23:48, Graham Percival wrote: Rewriting the parser for such a trivial thing would be a waste of resources. Just get used to typing #, just like {} or ,' or any other piece of lilypond input. The docs are supposed to use #"" all the time, to reinforce this point. If it we

Re: another emacs osx question

2008-09-18 Thread Arjan Bos
On 18 aug 2008, at 13:33, James E. Bailey wrote: Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this? James, I hope that you've already foun

How to create a double glissando?

2008-10-23 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear list, I would feel priviliged if I can tap into your wealth of knowledge on all things lilypond. The thing that's bugging me at the moment is that I cannot figure out how to create a double glissando where the first glissando goes from note 2 to note 4 and the second glissando goes f

Re: How to create a double glissando?

2008-10-24 Thread Arjan Bos
On 23 okt 2008, at 17:55, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Arjan, all within the same voice You can attach each gliss to hidden notes in two separate Voice contexts and then combine them into the Staff with the other two Voices (which contain the visible notes). But otherwise you can't do it

Re: How to create a double glissando?

2008-10-24 Thread Arjan Bos
On 23 okt 2008, at 17:55, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Arjan, all within the same voice You can attach each gliss to hidden notes in two separate Voice contexts and then combine them into the Staff with the other two Voices (which contain the visible notes). But otherwise you can't do it

Parser error when including file

2008-11-21 Thread Arjan Bos
ird error is thrown. Is this something I have to learn to live with or is it within the possibilities of the developers to create a more descriptive error message? Met vriendelijke groenten, Arjan Bos Description:

Fwd: Parser error when including file

2008-11-21 Thread Arjan Bos
From: Arjan Bos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 21 november 2008 23:03:02 GMT+01:00 To: Jan van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Parser error when including file Yes you are right, and I perfectly understand the error. However, the error is signalled in the other file! And sadly, t

Re: Parser error when including file

2008-11-22 Thread Arjan Bos
On 22 nov 2008, at 00:28, Johan Vromans wrote: Yes it may seem weird, but it is logical. It certainly seems weird and I can understand why it is. And I know it is very hard to write good parsing error messages, but if I now jump to the error, it jumps away from my typo into a perfectly co

Re: Segmentation fault on file with bookparts

2008-12-16 Thread Arjan Bos
On 15 dec 2008, at 20:11, Tim Reeves wrote: Also ran successfully here on Win XP SP2, Lilypond 2.11.65, with many warnings. (different from above warnings!) Here on Mac OSX 10.5.5 with lilypond 2.11.65 I also get a whole host of warnings and errors. Most of them are due to font issues:

Re: also, lyric help

2008-12-27 Thread Arjan Bos
On 26 dec 2008, at 21:35, James E. Bailey wrote: Try: upperVoice = \relative c'' { % c8 d e4 f g | c8 d e4 f g | c8 d e4 f g | c8 d e4 f g | } lowerVoice = \relative c' { % s1 | c8[ d] e4 f g | s1 | c8[ d] e4 f g } textOne = \lyricmode { % You know how to write ly

Re: rearrange music flow

2008-12-27 Thread Arjan Bos
On 26 dec 2008, at 18:41, Antanas Budriūnas wrote: Hello Lily-users, after few arrangements and engraving from my own manuscripts I'm trying to move my composing work to Lilypond (without paper sheets). I guess this is rare but IMHO worth to try. Till now I puzzle over a problem each time when

Re: also, lyric help

2008-12-27 Thread Arjan Bos
examples in the NR 2.1.3 "Aligning lyrics to a melody". Maybe I don't understand voice or lyrics contexts, but I read that things are carried over in a voice context. Bah. I guess I'll just do this the long way. Kind regards, Arjan Bos _

Fwd: Compiling on Mac OS X

2008-12-27 Thread Arjan Bos
/lilypond/lilypond/ ly/generate-documentation And now I'm at a loss, because I don't have a ports.c file on my computer (according to locate) Can someone chime in here please? Or should I take my quest for Intel Mac OS X Lilypond to a developer list? Kind regards, Arjan Bos

Re: Compiling on Mac OS X

2008-12-28 Thread Arjan Bos
On 28 dec 2008, at 22:03, Kim Shrier wrote: The problem you are seeing: Assertion failed: (pt->read_pos == pt->read_end), function scm_fill_input, file ports.c, line 978. has to do with a bug in the scheme code that was fixed yesterday afternoon. If you update your source from the git r

Re: Compiling on Mac OS X - succes!

2008-12-29 Thread Arjan Bos
On 28 dec 2008, at 22:03, Kim Shrier wrote: The problem you are seeing: Assertion failed: (pt->read_pos == pt->read_end), function scm_fill_input, file ports.c, line 978. has to do with a bug in the scheme code that was fixed yesterday afternoon. If you update your source from the git r

Re: How to do a Barré in guitar music?

2009-01-01 Thread Arjan Bos
g from the output of this function. Am I heading in the correct direction? Am I missing something? Kind Regards, Arjan Bos \version "2.12.0" barreBracket = #(define-music-function (parser location chord) (ly:music?) #{ \hideNotes

RE: warning: barcheck failed at: -5/8... but... WHERE?

2009-01-02 Thread Arjan Bos
On 1 jan 2009, at 22:22, Alberto Simões wrote: Hello I am having a strange error about barchecks. Current version of the document is at If anyone can help, I would appreciate. My output follows bellow. Thank you Alberto -- GNU LilyPond 2.12.

Re: Umlaute

2009-01-04 Thread Arjan Bos
On 4 jan 2009, at 19:31, Hasi wrote: Do any of you know how I can use Umlaute? I'd like to do the following: _\markup { \italic hartnäckig } it just comes out as "hartnckig" Hasi, Please save the file with UTF-8 encoding. Most editors offer this option on the save (as) menu. If you need

Arpeggio in the wrong bar

2008-01-12 Thread Arjan Bos
Hello, Many thanks to the developers who made it possible to work with Arpeggios over different voices. It works very well... Except in 2.11.37 when fingering is applied to part of the chord. Then the arpeggio mark is moved to the previous bar as in this almost minimal example: Arpeggio

Re: Arpeggio in the wrong bar

2008-01-13 Thread Arjan Bos
On 12 jan 2008, at 17:56, Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/1/12, Arjan Bos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: This only occurs when the arpeggio mark applies to a chord with fingering in it and when that same arpeggio mark spans two or more voices. Are there any ideas on this list on how to prev

How to do a Barré in guitar music?

2008-02-17 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear list, First of all, does anyone of you know the English word for the Dutch word Barré? I could not find it in the Music Glossary. Second of all, does anyone of you how to draw it in lilypond? I've attached an example of what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a way to draw the vertical b

Re: How to do a Barré in guitar music?

2008-02-17 Thread Arjan Bos
On 17 feb 2008, at 19:24, Daniel Tonda wrote: 2008/2/17, Daniel Tonda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: You're absolutely right, I forgot about the accidentals, but they should also be transparent. :) Even better, remove the accidental and the barre will be a bit closer to the notes. Thanks a l

Re: Full bar rests in multi-voiced piano scores -- question and asuggestion

2008-02-26 Thread Arjan Bos
Hi, I normally use \oneVoice r4 \voiceOne in the first voice and s4 in the second voice. This makes the rest a normal (merged) rest instead of a rest belonging to a specific voice. HTH, Arjan On 25-feb-2008, at 11:50, "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi David I've made a n

Re: Introducing OrchestralLily: A package to easily create complex orchestral scores in lilypond

2008-03-03 Thread Arjan Bos
Sent from my iPod On 2-mrt-2008, at 17:57, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm happy to finally present my latest project: OrchestralLily A package for lilypond to easily create orchestral scores Version 0.01

\arpeggioUp with connected voices

2008-03-07 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear List, Could anyone please tell me how I can do an arrowed arpeggio with \arpeggioUp when two voices share the arpeggio? I've tried this (adjusted from ): \version "2.11.39" \score { \new StaffGroup { \se

Re: \arpeggioUp with connected voices

2008-03-07 Thread Arjan Bos
Thanks, I'll try it out tonight. Arjan Sent from my iPod On 7-mrt-2008, at 11:24, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: See with follow-ups. /Mats Arjan Bos wrote: Dear List, Could anyone please te

right-hand fingering emacs function

2008-03-08 Thread Arjan Bos
Hi list, For all those users of the One True Editor ;-) that use right-hand fingering in their guitar notation, I've written a small bit of elisp that saves me a lot of typing. Just select the region it should work on and use M-x lilypond-right-hand-fingering. (defun lilypond-right-hand-f

Re: \arpeggioUp with connected voices

2008-03-08 Thread Arjan Bos
ed in Lilypond itself? Kind Regards, Arjan bos --- In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious. -- Schrödinger's Moggy explain

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-04-01 Thread Arjan Bos
On 31 mrt 2008, at 14:59, James E. Bailey wrote: I'm wondering if there's an easy way to generate a piano reduction from a choral piece but without all of the dynamics. The choir parts all have their dynamics, but the piano part shouldn't. And the handy snippet I found generates a piano pa

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-04-01 Thread Arjan Bos
On 1 apr 2008, at 16:12, Mats Bengtsson wrote: Arjan Bos wrote: Ah, I remember that thread. It is what gave me this idea in the first place. The problem of centered dynamics crossing bar lines does not apply to most of my music, which is polyphonic classical guitar these days. It does

Re: Building Lilypond for Leopard (calling Nicholas Sceaux)

2008-04-11 Thread Arjan Bos
On 10 apr 2008, at 13:24, Sven Axelsson wrote: This is how make ends: No rule to make target `out/', needed by `default'. Stop. I found that this is the cause: /opt/local/bin/perl /usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/buildscripts/out/ help2man out/lilypond-invoke-editor > out/lil

Re: crash on 10.4.11

2008-04-27 Thread Arjan Bos
If, as you say, the size has doubled, then it looks either like it has become a universal binary or that it has debugging info in it. Does it still work from the Arjan Sent from my iPod On 27-apr-2008, at 0:24, Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Apr 26, 2008, at

Re: emacs mode test file

2008-05-10 Thread Arjan Bos
James, AFAIK there is no such file. Maybe there should be one for regression- testing purposes? Perhaps the best way to go is to start with your own files and fix all the colouring options. However, I don't know how familiar you are with the emacs variety of lisp, elisp, but as you know li

Re: Languages other than English on the mailing list

2005-06-25 Thread Arjan Bos
On 25 jun 2005, at 18:22, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote: I too can read the French but it would be very convenient to have a translation so I do not inadvertently misunderstand. Merci Jay Not only that, but posting your question in a language other than english will deprive your

Re: emacs: "error in post-command-hook: (wrong-type-argument integerp nil)"

2005-11-06 Thread Arjan Bos
above defun is still the same as above, so if a lilypond developer would be so kind as to look into my suggestions, I'd be most obliged. Let me know how you're doing! Kind regards, Arjan Bos --- A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that

Re: lilypond-mode.el

2006-03-30 Thread Arjan Bos
(cc-ed to the list, so leaving your reply intact) On 30 mrt 2006, at 15:03, Orm Finnendahl wrote: Hi Arjan, thanks for the hints. I had a closer look at lilypond-mode.el and as far as I can see it can't possibly work. The syntax table seems to get erased in a post-command hook which mig

Re: Contexts (Was Re: Set vs. Override - I'm confused)

2006-05-03 Thread Arjan Bos
Erik, That's a great document! I've read about half of it now and it does a very good job to explain to me how LilyPond works. And seeing the date on the title page, I think I have to congratulate you on your Masters Degree! Well Done! Off topic, but are your music streams implemented in

Re: Object hierarchy in LilyPond?

2006-05-08 Thread Arjan Bos
On 6 mei 2006, at 21:20, Mats Bengtsson wrote: Quoting Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: On Tuesday 02 May 2006 09:06, Tomas Valusek wrote: Hello, I'm trying to figure out an overall object hierarchy of LilyPond. The only way I've discovered so far is to traverse programmers guide and f

How to show 4x repeats?

2006-09-25 Thread Arjan Bos
Hi list, Where can I find in the manual how can I show the fact that a volta repeat should be played 4 times? The score I'm copying has a horizontal bracket over it with the text "4x" in the middle of the bracket Something like: -- 4x |: :| Thanks, Arjan -

Music for the Martians?

2006-11-24 Thread Arjan Bos
On 23 nov 2006, at 3:10, Graham Percival wrote: I think this is referring to people with 6-fingers. Typing e8_1 means "first finger"; typing e8_"1" prints "1" as a TextScript. But what are martians and why are they playing my music? Shouldn't this message simply state that a 6 is a stra

Re: Manual engraving video

2006-11-24 Thread Arjan Bos
On 23 nov 2006, at 8:09, Martial wrote: The fact that they chose to switch to computer-engraving doesn't contradict that hand-engraving is far better; see: And the Lilypond product is great ! The interesting thing from

Re: Music for the Martians?

2006-11-28 Thread Arjan Bos
all those oss hackers have too much time on their hands, but I haven't! But since LilyPond is such a wonderful piece of work, it was all worth it. Arjan On 25 nov 2006, at 1:03, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: Arjan Bos escreveu: So please remove it, or if it is felt that it is a just

Re: OS X question about Apple's Preview

2006-12-07 Thread Arjan Bos
On 7 dec 2006, at 21:33, Trevor Bača wrote: Hi, Not a direct Lily question, but useful nonetheless: Any OS X folks know how to tell Apple's Preview application -- from the commandline -- to close foo.pdf (but leave other pdfs open, ie, without actually killing the Preview process)? The most

Re: OS X question about Apple's Preview

2006-12-07 Thread Arjan Bos
On 7 dec 2006, at 22:11, Trevor Bača wrote: On 12/7/06, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Christian was kind enough to provide a pointer an article that leads here. 1. go to (the maintainer of the page is some other Trevor, not me) 2. sc

Fwd: lilypond and editors

2006-12-11 Thread Arjan Bos
On 7 dec 2006, at 22:09, Thomas Scharkowski wrote: Just curious: what's wrong with jEdit? Thomas Remember: While all editors can save your files, only one can save your soul. (Per Abrahamsen on alt.religion.emacs) Arjan ___ lilypond-user ma


2007-03-12 Thread Arjan Bos
On 28 feb 2007, at 4:19, Graham Percival wrote: Dan Eble wrote: The NEWS for 2.11 says that "The environment variable LILYPONDPREFIX has been renamed to LILYPOND_DATADIR." If that is new for 2.11, why are versions of 2.10 complaining about it? This is on Mac OS X 10.3 (PowerPC). Thanks

Re: lyrics and \skip

2007-03-12 Thread Arjan Bos
On 16 feb 2007, at 12:08, Dominic Neumann wrote: Hi, I have a song with two parts. The first has also one lyrics line (the refrain). the second part has three lyrics lines (the verses). I have the lyrics in the vars refrain, verseOne, verseTwo and verseThree. If I try to add them via \addlyri

How to switch the articulation and the righthand fingering

2007-03-13 Thread Arjan Bos
Hi List, I'm currently trying to typeset some old copies of Anton Stingls guitar book "30 Lehrstücke in den leichten Tonarten". And I'm having some troubles getting both the articulation ">" and the righthand fingering "i" on the same note in the order that I want it. No matter what I tr

What is a system?

2007-03-14 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear list, For a few years now I've been working around this issue, but it finally caught on to me. It might be my lack of understanding of musical english, but: What is a System in for example between-system-padding? Is it one line of music? Is it one score? is it a set of bars? Is it ev


2007-03-15 Thread Arjan Bos
On 14 mrt 2007, at 21:38, Graham Percival wrote: Arjan Bos wrote: On 28 feb 2007, at 4:19, Graham Percival wrote: Dan Eble wrote: The NEWS for 2.11 says that "The environment variable LILYPONDPREFIX has been renamed to LILYPOND_DATADIR." If that is new for 2.11, why are versio

Fwd: What is a system?

2007-03-15 Thread Arjan Bos
Thanks to you both! On 14 mrt 2007, at 12:37, Robert Memering wrote: Am Mittwoch, 14. März 2007 12:05 schrieb David Bobroff: You almost had your answer with "one line of music." In the case of a single staff instrument it is one line of music. For something like piano music it is one lin

How do I move a \markup down?

2007-03-16 Thread Arjan Bos
ip However, if I want to override either the padding or the staff- padding, lilypond tells me that the \override is unexpected. So how do I move down the markup? Regards, Arjan Bos --- Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before you break '


2007-03-18 Thread Arjan Bos
On 18 mrt 2007, at 5:32, Graham Percival wrote: Did you know that instead of editing your .profile to set environment variables for that specific bash session, I don't understand -- modifying .profile will effect the environment for every bash session. It will, but you will have to sta

Three small variations on lyrics?

2004-11-03 Thread Arjan Bos
Hi List, Since last weekend I started on LilyPond 2.4. I'm a newbie to LilyPond, so this might just be a question of reading the fine manual. I have a lyric that goes as follows: "Nie -- mand is hier 1. die mij de han -- den reikt. Nooit een dag in je leven" 2. die mij tr

lilypond-mode for emacs

2004-11-03 Thread Arjan Bos
When compiling an incorrect .ly file with C-c C-l I get the following messages: compilation-next-error-function: Symbol's value as variable is void: next-error-highlightInvalid face reference: next-error Invalid face reference: next-error [217 times] Any idea how to fix this? TIA, Arjan --- It

Re: Three small variations on lyrics?

2004-11-04 Thread Arjan Bos
rovided in /Mats Arjan Bos wrote: Hi List, Since last weekend I started on LilyPond 2.4. I'm a newbie to LilyPond, so this might just be a question of reading the fine manual. I have a lyric that goes as follows: "N

stanzas and \lyricsto question

2004-11-05 Thread Arjan Bos
\startText << \lyricsto everyone \stanzaOne % why is \lyricsto needed? \new Lyrics \lyricsto everyone \stanzaTwo \new Lyrics \lyricsto everyone \stanzaThree >> \lyricsto ever

Documentation html bug in 2.4

2004-11-05 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear List, Could anyone please tell me where I can report the following? I'm reading the documentation in one-big-page for version 2.4 ( lilypond.html) and when trying to follow links to the program reference, I get 404 on for e

Re: Three small variations on lyrics?

2004-11-08 Thread Arjan Bos
addlyrics { \startSpace \stanzaThree } %% To show that the lyrics all belong to the first staff, we %% add a second staff with music. \context Staff = melody { \clef bass \music } >> } Hope this will help someone in the (near) future Regards, Arj

\addlyrics always adds to first staff

2004-11-11 Thread Arjan Bos
hould I report this as a bug? Kind regards, Arjan Bos --- It was funny how people were people everywhere you went, even if the people concerned weren't the people the people who made up the phrase "people are people everywhere" had traditionally thought of as people. And even if

How to add a closing brace?

2004-11-11 Thread Arjan Bos
I'm writing some vocal music. I have three staves without connecting bars. I'd like to have a Start Brace, no connecting bars and an End Brace. The Start Brace and the disconnected bars are in the documentation. I do have them in a StaffGroup and I remove the "Span_bar_engraver". How do I add

Re: How to add a closing brace?

2004-11-12 Thread Arjan Bos
The only place I need it is at the end, to make very clear that the piece has ended. But an occasional spanned bar would be welcome too. On 12 nov 2004, at 10:43, Mats Bengtsson wrote: I don't know any simple way to get that. Maybe some of the hackers can come up with a trick. /Mats

Strange Behaviour of same-note polyphonic

2004-11-19 Thread Arjan Bos
Hi list, I have found something peculiar in lilypond 2.4.2. I'm setting a piece that has, in a few cases, two voices instead of one. Browsing the manual, I found the << a \\ b >> syntax. So far, so good. Normally, when two notes are the same, they are printed overlapping. However, when introduc

Unfolding Volta repeats in midi (hacker help wanted)

2004-11-28 Thread Arjan Bos
I read the documentation on unfolding volta repeats in midi output. Combined with the recent discussion on scheme functionality, I got the following idea: Could it be possible to write a scheme function that evaluates to "volta" when evaluating the music for layout and that evaluates to "unfol

Unexpected extra measure at end

2005-01-28 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear list, When creating a score for the choir I'm in, I found out that Lilypond generates an extra measure at the end when the lyrics are defined within the voice. When they are just outside the closing `}' of the voice, the resulting pdf looks the same, except the empty bar at the end has gon

Fwd: Unexpected extra measure at end

2005-01-31 Thread Arjan Bos
Sorry, it went only to Mats Begin forwarded message: From: Arjan Bos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 31 januari 2005 21:43:20 GMT+01:00 To: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Unexpected extra measure at end Ah, so it all makes sense after all. Although, come to think of it, w

Box markup box not a square

2005-02-23 Thread Arjan Bos
e square has moved a bit to the left. Is this a bug? Or can I make the box square. By the way: The boxes look square on paper and in the end that's what counts. So it might just be a display issue here. Kind regards, Arjan Bos --- Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a sick mind

lilypond install mac os x

2005-02-23 Thread Arjan Bos
e're on the Mac here :-) kind regards, Arjan Bos --- It was funny how people were people everywhere you went, even if the people concerned weren't the people the people who made up the phrase "people are people everywhere" had traditionally thought of as people. And even if you w

Box markup box not a square

2005-02-24 Thread Arjan Bos
d to these functions in the recent development versions, but I don't know enough details to say if it's easy to fix it in your version. /Mats Arjan Bos wrote: Hi list, I'm using 2.4.2 In my pieces I like to have the default marks (with \mark \default) to be in a box. As per documentation

error Printing

2005-03-07 Thread Arjan Bos
ked at the fonts in the pdf-file and all-but-one are marked "embedded subset". The exception is "T3_Font_0". Could this be the source of the error? TIA, Arjan Begin forwarded message: From: "Bakker, Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 7 maart 2005 14:24:43 GMT+01:

Re: emacs lilypond-mode

2005-03-26 Thread Arjan Bos
just not when pressing return. The `normal' way of giving a newline in emacs is C-j. This will do auto indenting. To indent a line press either [tab] or C-i. To indent a whole buffer, press C-x h (select whole buffer) and then C-M-\ (indent-region) HTH, Arjan Bos Lilypond 2.4.2 Mac OS X 10

Re: invoking Lilypond from a script

2005-04-09 Thread Arjan Bos
Just to rule out things, I take it you looked at the "convert - DVI to Postscript.scpt" that comes with the folder actions (or a similar one)? My guess is that you need to use the --output=FILE option of Lilypond. This option is in 2.4.2. I haven't checked with 2.2.5 due to lack of availability

Re: mac osx emacs lilypond-mode

2005-05-07 Thread Arjan Bos
t do no harm to read the tutorial which you can access via the 'help' menu, or via C-h t (That is control-h t) I never could get point-and-click to work on Mac OS X 10.3.n, not even when using X11 and xdvi and emacs via X11, so if it works for you I'd be delighted to know. Hope

Mac OS X 10.4 spotlight indexing of .ly files?

2005-05-11 Thread Arjan Bos
Hi there all you Mac OS X Tiger users. Does anyone of you know of a metadata importer for lilypond files? Because currently they are not indexed. The documents from Apple tell how to do it, but since my c classes are 12 years ago, I'm very rusty in this area. So if someone has already done an im

How to move StringNumber along Y-axis?

2009-02-08 Thread Arjan Bos
Dear list, How do I move the StringNumber to below the Staff? I tried Y-offset but that didn't work. As a test to see if I had the correct syntax, I tried the X-offset and that /did/ work. Any ideas? \version "2.12.2" \score { \relative c'' { %% This override does not move the String

Re: How to move StringNumber along Y-axis?

2009-02-08 Thread Arjan Bos
ypond internals. But this works beautifully. Thanks! Arjan Bos ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Compiling times on this file

2009-11-27 Thread Arjan Bos
On 27 nov 2009, at 13:58, Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: Hi all, Yesterday, I was dealing with fonts; today I'm wondering just what got into my code. Perhaps the font cache is getting rebuild every time you compile? You mentioned that you were working on fonts before this happened. For

Re: Strange page breaking issue in 2.13.10

2010-01-05 Thread Arjan Bos
On 4 jan 2010, at 17:57, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Reinhold, Unfortunately, after inserting this forced \pageBreak the scores (except the last), which before took only ~1.33 pages, suddently don't even fit on 2 pages any more, but need 3 pages! +1 I've noticed this kind of thing [a

Re: Lilypond on iPhone

2010-02-06 Thread Arjan Bos
On 4 feb 2010, at 21:53, Dave Addey wrote: > Hi all, > > I’m wondering if anyone has built or tried to build the Lilypond library for > the iPhone platform, to render engraved music on an iPhone-OS-powered device? > I’m considering this for an upcoming project, and wanted to ask a few > ques

Re: Dumb Emacs lilypond-mode question

2010-03-05 Thread Arjan Bos
On 28 feb 2010, at 08:11, James Bailey wrote: > If I remember correctly, GUI apps don't by default load your $PATH, there's a > trick somewhere to get them to do it, I just don't remember where or how. But > that may be what you need. The trick is not very simple. To have full control over you

Re: Dumb Emacs lilypond-mode question

2010-03-05 Thread Arjan Bos
On 28 feb 2010, at 06:46, Tim McNamara wrote: > I've had lilypond-mode working in Emacs for a year now, using Carbon Emacs on > Mac OS X 10.4. Works great, kuds to whomever wrote the mode. I just built > the latest Emacs 23.1 to give it a try; it initially didn't work with > Lilypond at all

Re: Yamaha recall

2010-03-21 Thread Arjan Bos
On 21 mrt 2010, at 18:34, Valentin Villenave wrote: > On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Hans Aberg wrote: >> Though off-topic, it is pretty funny to those interested in music. >> >> > > LOL -- funny indeed. I'm Fwding it to devel-chat :-) There seems to be a dischor