Dear List,Could anyone please tell me how I can do an arrowed arpeggio with \arpeggioUp when two voices share the arpeggio? I've tried this (adjusted from < >):
\version "2.11.39" \score { \new StaffGroup { \set Score.connectArpeggios = ##t << \new Voice \relative c' { \arpeggioUp <e g>4\arpeggio } \new Voice \relative c { \clef bass \arpeggioUp <c e>4\arpeggio } >> } \layout { \context { \Score \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver" } } } but that gives an unarrowed arpeggio:
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Thanks, A.J. ---People have believed for hundreds of years that newts in a well mean that the water's fresh and drinkable, and in all that time never asked themselves whether the newts got out to go to the lavatory.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man)
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