On 4 jan 2010, at 17:57, Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

Hi Reinhold,

Unfortunately, after inserting this forced \pageBreak the scores (except the last), which before took only ~1.33 pages, suddently don't even fit on 2 pages
any more, but need 3 pages!

I've noticed this kind of thing [a lot!] for a number of versions now — maybe starting 2.13.7 or so? — but haven't had the time to make a minimal example. Forced page breaks definitely wreak havoc, though the effect seems to be minimized by changing the page-breaking mechansm (e.g., optimal- vs minimal-).

Any ideas how I can get this score on 4 pages, with
-) 1 Title page
-) 2 pages for the next 4 scores
-) 1 page for the final score

I ended up taking advantage of my layout functions:

pageBreaksForbid = { \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'page- break-permission = ##f } pageBreaksAllow = { \revert Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'page-break- permission } lineBreaksForbid = { \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line- break-permission = ##f } lineBreaksAllow = { \revert Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break- permission }

It's a hassle to do this manually — especially on a 40+ page score — but it was the only way to crank out the score in the required tim e.

Hope this helps!

You're a life saver (or at least a score book saver). I'm having great troubles with page breaking. So much that I've almost giving up on lilypond.

As a guitarist I need both hands to play. I can't turn pages, so bad page breaking makes a music engraver unusable.

I tried to make a minimal example, but it needed to be almost as complex as my 40 scores in a 22 page book. So I gave up on page breaking and lilypond. This might just bring me back.

Thank You so much!

Sent from my iPhone

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