Amélie Aubut wrote:
Hello everyone!
I have a little Incipit problem. [...] if anyone have an
idea of how I could get the staves nicely aligned...
Thank you! / Merci!
Sorry for giving a short answer, I'm in a hurry right now...
Haven't deeply looked into your code, but I think I once so
David Bobroff wrote:
Following Mats' suggestion I went to: find a solution for an odd tempo marking. I succeeded in
displaying the desired result but ran into a snag. The tempo I want
to display occurs at a rehearsal mark. The tempo marking also
Hi all,
has anyone of you ever seen the attached variant of a dal segno symbol
across the whole staff, similar to a section sign (§) with one
additional curl? This is not featured by the feta font, right?
lilypond-user maili
Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear lilypond-users,
> I have a question concerniung the paper size. When I print a pdf-file
> with lpr, the top off the page is cut off. I think, the defualt paper
> size is not a4. But the same thing happens, when I include the line "
> #(set-default-paper-size "a4")" in th
James E. Bailey wrote:
> How does the output differ from what's suggested in, printing
> marks on every staff?
For one thing, Kieren's right, although I didn't notice this problem up
to now. Since those marks don't belong to a single voice, it doesn't
seem to make sense to put them there,
Neil Puttock wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> 2008/8/25 Alexander Kobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I tried to copy from the Piano-centered dynamics template and it's
>> Dynamics context, which seems to be similar. I ended up with the
>> attached output, which l
Uah, and is it possible to leave the bar numbers at their usual place?
Above the Marks context they look crappy, and adding the
Bar_number_engraver to the topmost Marks is better, but not as good as
the default.
lilypond-user mai
James E. Bailey wrote:
>> wrong! I see that when notes are slurred, the slurred notes have
>> beams. Is there an easy way to indicate that if notes are within a
>> slur, they should be beamed, otherwise not?
> Not that I know of.
>> I suspect it can be done with 'override-auto-beam-setting'
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
>> does anybody know whether/how it's possible to locally
>> prevent staves from hiding troughout a part of the piece?
> See Neil's solution to the same question, which I posed almost exactly a
> year ago:
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> I have only a couple of non-free apps on my Ubuntu machines, and Acrobat
> Reader is one of them because of this problem. :(
> Jon
> p.s. BTW, Apple's Preview also seems to render lilypond-generated .pdf
> files badly compared to Acrobat Reader. At least when I print
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> I haven't looked very far into it. I use Preview for previewing things,
> because as you say it's very fast, but if I have to print it and make it
> look good, I use Adobe Reader. It's probably the print driver, because
> when I zoom in on-screen everything looks great on P
notesetter wrote:
> [...]
> 1) Install 2.11.59 via shell script and alter my system so that the command
> 'lilypond' points to the new installation in my home directory.
Usually it is sufficient to rename the old executable and point a
symbolic link to the new one; say you installed the recent vers
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> Hmm. I changed the print driver to a ps one. That driver wasn't
> available when I was using the cups interface to hook up to the
> printer--very limited options for drivers on Mac's cups system--but once
> the printer was installed that way I was able to reconfigure using
Uh, wanted to give this to the list, too.
Besides, you might want to change the first page number:
(Not sure whether this is done automatically; I never had to use this
feature so far...)
--- Begin Me
Guys, I've been busy the last few weeks and just loosely followed the
ongoing discussions about the doc design, but I just recognized you did
a great job there! And I like the unobtrusive link coloring...
However, one suggestion: Have you talked about the size of the
navigation sidebar? On my 13"
Sebastian Menge wrote:
> How can I generate pdf and png but no ps?
AFAIK for what you want, no; LilyPond needs the PS for PDF output.
IIRC, recently there was a discussion about implementing a switch to
automatically delete the intermediate PS, but currently there is none.
So you'll have to call a
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> [...]
> Your situation is perfectly suited for the script that Patrick Horgan
> and I wrote. [...]
These are the moments when I think I should set up my own little project
where I can reinvent the wheel for all basic stuff on myself.
I'm just missing an idea what this project
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> [...]
> I suppose you could say it's a reinvention of the wheel, but this wheel
> rides more smoothly for me :)
I didn't dig into your script at all (although I probably will some
time); my "reinvention of the wheel" merely refers to my longish post a
few minutes before, wit
Sebastian Menge wrote:
> Am Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:47:56 +0200
> schrieb Alexander Kobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> However, one suggestion: Have you talked about the size of the
>> navigation sidebar? On my 13" MacBook (1280x800), there is /plenty/ of
>> space
Sebastian Menge wrote:
> [...]
>> For the long lines: I heard this stuff - 40 to 80 characters, best
>> between 50 and 60, serifs (although not on the screen, depending on
>> whom you ask), microtypographically fitted hyphens and dots at the
> Just looked up a research article on this. I dont un
Patrick McCarty wrote:
>> I just looked at the manual at different sizes, and I agree that we
>> should not decrease the size of the navigation bar too far - it makes
>> things too worse for smaller screens.
>> But, couldn't we try a minimum-width in absolute values, say 240px (or
>> about 16em, to
>> "Patrick" == Patrick McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> also offer a safe-and-sound version, and have this
>>> "ugly-but-efficient" narrow-TOC solution as a "large screen
>>> optimized version"?
> Patrick> Good idea. I'll start experimenting with this.
Patrick McCarty wrote:
>> Besides, I'm not completely sure if this idea can be easily added, since
>> you use the absolute positioning and do not really apply a width, but
>> set the margins s.t. the width constraints follow; correct?
> I was having trouble implementing a solution that works in
> A List Apart explains how to implement this with cookies, but we would
> rather not use JavaScript:
And yes, I'm against JavaScript, too. This doesn't count as a real
client-side solution from my point of view.
Simplest solution, server-sided, efficient and secure, but clearly not
nice: Keep a v
Eyolf Østrem wrote:
> I suppose this thread brings up the issue of styles: since the mentioned
> clef is not really a new SIGN just a different GLYPH, are there other such
> signs that we want?
The one I stumbled across some while ago is an alternate D'al Segno
glyph, depicted here:
A high-resolution version of a similar clef is here:
However, the font designer does not seem to have invested very much time
in it's design, and the engraver used is not mentioned.
Bailey James E. wrote:
> Curious, I wonder how those dashes are produced. On a macintosh, en and
> em dashes can be easily inserted with option,- or option, shift,-. See
> the attached output. Where I tried using the en and em dashes produced
> just by normal utf-8.
\relative c'' {c4^\m
I have a score like this one (in Lilypond 2.10.5)
|||| ...
|||| ...
(ChoirStaff and PianoStaff, not shown here) and want to include an
incipit like this:
==|||| ...
==|||| ...
Cesar Penagos wrote:
> [...] I'm thinking in a feature that I consider very usefully, and
> that all the mayor engraver programs have, and lily has not. This
> feature refers to the possibility to make Title page [...]
Just my two cents:
What I've seen in other engravers (which isn't much, I hav
Charles Gran wrote:
> Lilypond 2.10.33 doesn't accept this:
> \header {
> copyright = "\markup { \column{
> \line{ Verse 2. }
> \line{ All the children laughed and played }
> \line{ To see a lamb at school. }
> }"
> }
You've got the quotes at the wrong p
The first appearance of "ewig reicher Gott" to come in my mind is "Nun
danket alle Gott", a very well-known choral by Johann Crüger on a text
by Martin Rinckart (German Catholic "Gotteslob", 266).
It seems to be usually translated with "bounteous God" there; e.g. cf.
Risto Vääräniemi wrote:
On 08/04/2008, Trevor Daniels wrote:
The snippet 204 doesn't work very well with 2.11 because it uses
negative padding to position the rhythm mark closer to the staff and
that's not supported by 2.11.
I think there's another drawback of the snippet.
I had a very similar
Oh, and since I'm typing right now anyway: Here's a slight modification
of LSR snippet 390 to also modify rest events, laying around here for
some time...
(if (or (eq? 'NoteEvent (ly:music-property chordElt 'name))
(eq? 'RestEvent (ly:music-property chordElt 'name)))
Risto Vääräniemi wrote:
On 12/04/2008, Alexander Kobel wrote:
I think there's another drawback of the snippet.
I had a very similar problem, trying to add marks like "Moderato (* =
63)", yet using rehearsal marks at the same time for sectioning the piece.
Problem is, Lily c
Craig Bakalian wrote:
Hi Everybody,
I found the problem. The file helped me. There was a
strange ascii shape at the end of my file. Weird.
Craig Bakalian
These kind of errors annoy me to death since I'm using a Mac.
Lily, LaTeX, several compilers; everything complains about t
Josh Nichols wrote:
I want to move the breath marks from in the staff to above the staff in
this example:
\version "2.12.2"
\relative c'' {
c \breathe d e \breathe f
\version "2.12.2"
\relative c'' {
c \breathe d
\override Voice . BreathingSign #'Y-offset = #3
e \b
Carl Glick wrote:
How would I go about making systems smaller so more can fit on the page?
Hi, Carl.
There's not an one and only solution, but you might want to look into
section 4 of the Notation Reference:
David Bobroff wrote:
I ran across a variant of "Segno" which can be viewed here:
It's pretty obvious; it's just to the right of the time signature. I
don't think I can produce a cleaner one but I was wondering if this
glyph could be ad
Josh Nichols wrote:
I am trying to move the espressivo sign down below the staff in the
following example:
\version "2.12.2"
\relative c'' {
c4_\espressivo a8 a b g
It is below the staff here for me... If you want to increase the
distance to the staff, you can use
Alexander Kobel wrote:
Josh Nichols wrote:
I am trying to move the espressivo sign down below the staff
\override Voice . Script #'padding = #whatYouWantInStaffSpace
But: Why does this work? I've found some other mail about it, but
according to what I understand
Mark Polesky wrote:
Oscar van Eijk wrote:
Hi all,
I wrote a piece for piano that I'm now typesetting in Lilypond.
However, there's a construction in which I run into problems. I've
attached an snippet that shows a bit what I need (it's the same bar
twice); the triplets in the left hand are conn
Josh Nichols wrote:
How can I raise or lower the metronome marking in the following example:
\version "2.12.2"
c'' {
\clef treble
\time 2/4
\tempo 4 = 120
c e
Any guidance? Thanks for your help!
Hi, Josh,
\once \override Score . MetronomeMark #'padding = #42
for yo
Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
Hi, I have a note with two simultaneous markups:
I want to move "B" to be right below the note and not below the staff.
How to achieve that without instantiating a new Voice containing a
hidden note? I couldn't find any other solutions.
Hi, Be
Mark Polesky wrote:
Alexander Kobel wrote:
% Allow grob to go into the staff
-\tweak #'outside-staff-priority #'()
I would have never thought to set 'outside-staff-priority to '().
Is that in the docs somewhere? If not, we really need to put it
there. I remember
Mark Polesky wrote:
Alexander Kobel wrote:
By the way - is there a way to output all (current or default) known properties
of an object? Like \dump-properties Voice . Slur? This would be a _really_
useful thingie to have...
If you just want to print stuff to the console, you can do this
Hi, all,
perhaps it's a bug; I'm not convinced yet, but surely irritated.
The header markups (title and tagline) in the attached example have an
additional X-offset of about the width of a usual space, both compared
to the staff lines and the normal "book body" markups.
I don't see any point
Alexander Kobel wrote:
Hi, all,
perhaps it's a bug; I'm not convinced yet, but surely irritated.
The header markups (title and tagline) in the attached example have an
additional X-offset of about the width of a usual space, both compared
to the staff lines and the normal
Josh Nichols wrote:
I want to be able to generate graphic musical examples without getting
it formatted on a giant paper-formatted .pdf or .png. How do I
accomplish this?
I cannot find anything in the manual which allows this.
I assume you basically want to trim your output to the really u
Alexandros Droseltis wrote:
If I use markup at the last note of a bar and the next bar has a bar
number appearing, then the bar number appears above the text of markup.
If I raise the text in markup, then the bar number is raised
automatically too. How could I put the markup text above th
Gerard McConnell wrote:
AFAIK to put an image on a web-page, I need a bitmap, not a .pdf. I
can't find any reference to .png in any of the docs. [...]
Hi, Gerard,
have a look at
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Just a small point: has anyone confirmed that -3 is a "standard" magstep?
Just my thought. I used some values between -2 and -3, depending on what
fits for this very score and page size.
In "The Essential Dictionary of Music Notation" (Gerou and Lusk) - well,
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
when compiling my most recent score, I get an strange error message,
taht I don't understand. And I don't get any output!
Hi, Stefan,
I'm afraid it's nearly impossible to get an idea of what's going on as
long as we can't see your input file.
If you're a
Stefan Thomas wrote:
warning: cannot find or create new `Dynamics'
warning: cannot find or create new `Pedal'
programming error: (de)crescendo on items with specified volume.
continuing, cross fingers
MIDI output to `xeno04.midi'...
Solving 1 page-breaking chunks...[1: 2 o
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Alexander,
I still have this strange error-message.
The strange thing is:
At the moment, it works, but if I compile the whole piece, I get
problems, and nothing is compiled.
I send You the score (as a zip-file, because it consists of many parts),
maybee You ore someone
Graham Percival wrote:
These two images have the same top-level menu item selected.
Which is easier to see?
I especially like the different gradient for the lily on the left, to
denote that this is a link of it's own. I think a different solid
background color in the other approac
Hi. wrote:
I am still trying to improve this a little bit. I would like
- to have the maxima start a little bit more towards the right, so that
the word "maxima" does not extend out of the staff
- I would like to have a symmetric effect on the right
Use \ov
the last sentence in NR 6.8, "Difficult tweaks", should probably read
"Note, however, that \override, applied to _NonMusicalPaperColumn_ and
PaperColumn, still works as expected within \context blocks."
instead of
"Note, however, that \override, applied to NoteMusicalPaperColumn and
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Alexander Kobel wrote Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:03 PM
the last sentence in NR 6.8, "Difficult tweaks", should probably read
"Note, however, that \override, applied to _NonMusicalPaperColumn_ and
PaperColumn, still works as expected within \context block
Graham Percival wrote:
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 08:46:59AM -0500, Tim McNamara wrote:
If the user is "new to music in general" then they have set themselves a
daunting task trying to score music with LilyPond. There is no way for
the documentation to make up for the user's lack of knowledge abo
Daniel MALIK wrote:
i try this code for a midi file with drums with a volume low
\score {
\new Staff {
\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #1
\new Staff {
\set = #0.1
\drums {
Valentin Villenave wrote:
2009/8/25 Didi & MiMi Kanjahn :
I am trying to resize a score from A4 to A5.
\layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 14)...
most things bound to the staff scaled down nicely, but the distance of staff
lines (for me unexpectedly) did not.
Unexpectedly for almost
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Alexander Kobel wrote Friday, August 28, 2009 12:02 AM
Valentin Villenave wrote:
2009/8/25 Didi & MiMi Kanjahn :
I am trying to resize a score from A4 to A5.
\layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 14)...
most things bound to the staff scaled down nicely, but
David Rogers wrote:
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 08:03, Kieren
MacMillan wrote:
I can't remember who in this thread first suggested that when you play an
instrument you "follow the key signature", but this notion is silly — and
ultimately harmful (to music education).
That would be me.
David Rog
Hi, all,
anyone knows how to write a G clef, like in
\clef "treble_8"
but with the octavation "8" in parentheses? (It's for a staff with a
solo voice sung by either alto or baritone, and thus the octavation is
Hi, all,
today at the train station I stumbled across the German LinuxUser
magazine, featuring an article about music engraving. I found myself
surprised and happy, seeing LilyPond mentioned in the first place,
besided NoteEdit and MuseScore. (I don't read the LinuxUser on a regular
basis, a
Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Thank you for the effort!
The letter looks good, but I'd leave out the MIDI input (even if
someone's working on midi2ly again),
Hm. Good point. It's not quite in the core...
and at least in my installation
of 1.13 there's no (must investigate further...)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Op maandag 21-09-2009 om 22:47 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Alexander
Spätestens beim Schlusswort des Autors befiel mich jedoch das kalte
Grausen ob der Recherche: "wenn [...] Sie einzelne Stimmen
transponieren wollen, ist hier Neuschreiben ang
Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
You know you can have LilyPond transparent (alpha) PNGs directly by using
-dpixmap-format=pngalpha on the commandline, like:
lilypond -dresolution=300 -dpixmap-format=pngalpha --png
or by including these lines in your template:
#(ly:set-option 'pixmap-format "p
Alexander Kobel wrote:
Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
You know you can have LilyPond transparent (alpha) PNGs directly by using
-dpixmap-format=pngalpha on the commandline, like:
lilypond -dresolution=300 -dpixmap-format=pngalpha --png
or by including these lines in your template:
Carl Sorensen wrote:
If fill-line has one argument, it's centered.
If fill-line has two arguments, the first is left-aligned, the second is
If fill-line has three or more arguments, the following rules apply:
The first argument to fill-line is left aligned.
The last argument to f
Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
In the following snippet, the only ties that look nice are the ones
that happen immediately before and after the line break. The other ties touch the ledger lines.
The tie/ledger line collision doesn't happen in 4/4.
Not that it helps, but it's nothing to
On 01/08/2013 11:23 AM, Josiah Boothby wrote:
I'd like to collect some suggestion for a replacement font for
Century Schoolbook.
Another source of open fonts that may be of sufficient quality for use
in scores is Arkandis Digital Foundry[4].
On 01/08/2013 12:23 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 07.01.2013 10:14, schrieb Urs Liska:
Dear community,
I'd like to collect some suggestion for a replacement font for Century
Hi all,
thank you for your diverse suggestions. [...]
But I'd still be pleased by further suggestions.
Hi Urs,
On 01/09/2013 10:01 AM, Alexander Kobel wrote:
If you use your Google-fu, you'll find a wealth of discussion whether
or not the CorelDRAW should be avoided by professional typesetters
Also, you can have a look at the following of the Scribus project's wiki
On 03/08/2013 10:19 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
On 03/08/2013 03:52 PM, wrote:
Some German lyrics from before the times of Neue Deutsche Rechtschreibung
feature ck between two syllables. Without Hyphen it is "lecker", with
it is "lek-ker". Using lec --
On 03/09/2013 06:37 PM, Olivier Biot wrote:
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Alexander Kobel>> wrote:
On 03/08/2013 10:19 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
On 03/08/2013 03:52 PM,
On 03/29/2013 05:39 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
Now take a programming language as another example (PHP and Python are
explicitely _not_ distributed under the GPL BTW).
The interpreter is GPLed by group A, as well as some libraries.
User B writes a program in that language. This program is considered
On 03/29/2013 06:26 AM, Janek Warchoł wrote:
An example came to my mind: imagine someone typesetting a score and
using one (just one) function from OLLib. Distributing whole OLLib
together with the score just to have this one functionality would be
inconvenient, so he'd like to actually paste th
On 04/02/2013 10:04 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 03/30/2013 01:02 AM, Alexander Kobel wrote:
On the other hand, user C /should/ be allowed to distribute source code under
whatever license he wants to /as long as he doesn't ship the GPL libraries with
it./ It's useless wi
On 04/02/2013 06:51 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 04/02/2013 11:38 PM, Anthonys Lists wrote:
You've just answered your own question. You have just said that this program
does NOT contain ANY copyrighted content from the gsl.
As such, it is not a derivative work. That's what the la
On 04/09/2013 08:26 PM, Janek Warchoł wrote:
2013/4/9 Werner LEMBERG:
It's a very hard problem and probably not solvable.
Ah, I misread, sorry. Yes, it might be worth to test with line
I find it most interesting that apparently there is some way to solve
this problem. If line st
On 04/09/2013 08:47 PM, Alexander Kobel wrote:
Besides, rectangles bound /regions,/ and I see a valid point in not
willfully changing regions or areas. For lines, it's slightly more
likely that the designer intended the object to be a line than for
rectangles. [...]
By the w
On 2015-09-12 02:17, Tim Reeves wrote:
> Am 11.09.2015 um 20:17 schrieb David Bellows:
> > Urs, I'd still like to see a poll or at least all the answers
> > collected and analyzed etc.
> I didn't intend to drop that poll idea.
> But I find this thread very interesting and also touching, a
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
I'm most of the time using #(set-accidental-style 'neo-modern) .
Is it possible to "swiitch on" this function for the whole score?
Try #(set-accidental-style 'modern 'Score).
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Alexander,
thanks for Your answer.
Where Do I have to put in #(set-accidental-style 'modern 'Score) ? In
the first staff of the score? Or can I put it in the layout-block?
Where did you put it without 'Score? :-)
I'm not sure about the layout block, but it might work
Hi, all,
does anybody know of a way to make Lyrics _not_ to respect a SpanBar
going through the whole score?
I want to keep the Span_bar_engraver for some bar lines, but I have
longer syllables in the lyrics which disturb the spacing at other
barlines. Thus I want them to ignore those barlin
Frederick Dennis wrote:
Dear All,
\version "2.12.2"
How do you indent just one system?
Hi, Frederick,
perhaps I'm just tired, but no idea right now for this one.
Also, the section is voices singing: "Ah".
I used a hidden slur to get an extender
...which is not what you should do. Have a lo
Hi, Frederick,
my e-mail from yesterday night was rejected; some server on it's way is
currently blacklisted by SpamCop.
Hope it works this time,
Still no idea about indenting the system, other than starting a new
score at this place... :-(
Alexander Kobel
MonAmiPierrot wrote:
So, I need to put a small blank space (blank blank, without the staff) just
after theclef/key/time symbols, just to give the Idea that the key/time
environment beginnes earlier, and this is just an excerpt.
Hi, Piero,
I guess you want something like
\once \override
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi all,
I'm engraving a song for voice and piano — the voice is swung (dotted
eighth plus sixteenth) while the piano is playing triplets.
I would like to [at least see what it looks like if I] set it so that
the dotted sixteenth in the voice lines up visually/vertical
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
I have a problem with the addquote-command.
In the below quoted snippet it doesn't work and I don't know why.
Here is the example
\version "2.12.2"
oben = \new Staff \relative { c4 d e f g2 c g1 }
\addQuote "oben" { \oben }
unten = \new Staff { \quoteDuring "
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Alexander,
I just took your question as a motivation to finally add the
functionality for *num/den suffixes in the following rhythm snippet.
This is fabulous… and *way* more than I was expecting. ;)
Well, that's not my fault... :-) Really, everything but the
some hidden errors for which I don't have the
intuition to guess them.
Anyway; feel free to test it, and perhaps it can be merged into the
cited LSR entry.
%% applyRhythm
%% 2009, Alexander Kobel (www.a-kobel
Murphy's law. Still looks okay to me, but (sigh!) just the error message
for ill-formed duration strings missed the "not" in "not a valid duration".
%% applyRhythm
Francesco Petrogalli wrote:
is there a simple way to make a function that generate a repetead
pattern having just a note as input?
Hi, Francesco,
you mean like this:
\include "applyRhythm-1.1.ily"
brahmsify =
#(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
#{ <<
Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
You could try something like
basis=\relative c { <<
{ f8( f'4 f8) } \\
{ f,2 }
\transpose c d { \basis }
\transpose c e { \basis }
Oh, damn. Now how clever is this?! I suggest you use Frank's solution...
Kudos. :-)
A more complex, yet mo
Valentin Villenave wrote:
Virtually anything can be done with Scheme:
Hey, cool! That's just what I was about to try to implement...
lilypond-user mailing list
Qian Li wrote:
How can I make an unmeasured tremolo mark (three slanted lines) between
two staves to indicate a trill with two chords, one for each hand? What
can be tweaked to move the marking up or down?
have a look at
Hugh Myers wrote:
I have two "\tempo 4=200" which admittedly follow each other without
intervening change. The second is not displayed. Why? How may this
behavior be modified?
If "without intervening change" means at different locations, you
probably can just make a hidden change in between:
Xavier Scheuer wrote:
Surprisingly this works for me with 2.13.8 without adding "usual
That's due to a recent enhancement by Neil Puttock, which allows
end-of-score RehearsalMarks to be printed without additional tweaks.
The "usual thing" for marks at the end of a line is still necess
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