On 2015-09-12 02:17, Tim Reeves wrote:
> Am 11.09.2015 um 20:17 schrieb David Bellows:
> > Urs, I'd still like to see a poll or at least all the answers
> > collected and analyzed etc.
> I didn't intend to drop that poll idea.
> But I find this thread very interesting and also touching, and it should
> not be just buried in the mailing list archive. We should let it fade
> out and then see if we can give it a decent place somewhere.
> Urs
So far, in the small, non-random sample we have, it looks like the
average user's age is somewhere around 60. I guess you can teach old
dogs new tricks! ;)
Well, another interpretation is that to be able to spend the amount of
time required for using LilyPond, you need to be either retired or (by
profession) really desperately in need for its specific feature set...
Here: 31 to lower the average. Computer science grad student from
Saarbrücken, Germany, working on the borderline between mathematics
(computer algebra and numerics) and computational geometry.
I used to lead a church choir for seven years, and still sing in choirs
and ensembles. Lily was my reliable tool of choice for quick-and-undirty
engravings of (mostly) chorales last minute before the rehearsal. I'm in
a long-standing love-and-hate relationship with LaTeX and solely use
Linux since more than a decade. Guess that helped to dampen the learning
curve. I never had trouble to produce perfectly usable scores for my
needs, but that's almost exclusively "simple" vocal scores.
Only occasionally, perfectionism hits me for a while and I try to push
Lily's and my abilities - typically, until life complains and steals
back its time. Unfortunately, that means that there are some unfinished
pieces (both of Lily code and musical pieces) lying around and waiting
for my retirement... ;-)
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