I'm attempting to write a markup command that, in addition to other
formatting, strips a trailing # or b character off the end of the text
argument and replaces it with the appropriate accidental markup. I think
I'm super-close but stuck on the proper syntax for passing a markup list to
the concat.
Alec Bartsch writes:
> I'm attempting to write a markup command that, in addition to other
> formatting, strips a trailing # or b character off the end of the text
> argument and replaces it with the appropriate accidental markup. I think
> I'm super-close but stuck on the proper syntax for passi
Hello everyone,
Is there a simple way to have the output-filename as a variable (the title of
the main header)?
This one doesn’t recognise the property as a string:
\paper {
output-filename = \fromproperty #'header:title
Thank you all,
Hello cord,
note that \fromproperty is a markup command, which is interpreted later with
the right context. The output-filename does not actually want a markup, so
you’d need to be careful here.
If you really want to do this you can extract values from the top level header
or from the header o
I’ve been wondering just now: Wouldn’t it be possible to use the break-align-
symbol mechanism to allow for dynamic indents? Take this as example:
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = "ins" } {
\override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders =
#(make-vector 3 '(cue-end-clef
Hello Alec,
note that since 2.24 we have a neat markup function \with-string-transformer,
which is called whenever a string is found, and does a lot of the logic for
you (such as making sure this is called upon a string, not a complex markup:
#(lambda (layou
Thanks, I'll check it out!
Il ven 3 mag 2024, 14:23 K. Blum ha scritto:
> Hi Paolo, hi David,
> I've replaced the current stencil function with the one from the
> openLilyLib "frames" module (which has even more capabilities).
> Here is the result:
> https://github.com/KlausBlum/Ly-Boxer-Snipp
I’m using the vocalName and shortVocalName context properties in Lyrics and for
a particular project, I always set them to be the same thing (i.e. so that the
verse numbers appear on every line). Right now, that means putting two “\set”
commands in each Lyrics context in order to set both prope
How do I get the comma (which is not italicized) attached to the italics text
just before it?
\version "2.24.3"
\markuplist \wordwrap-lines { test test test \italic { italic text }, test test
test }
Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South
Try this:
\markuplist \wordwrap-lines {\concat { "test test test "\italic { "italic text"
}", test test test" }}
Le samedi 04 mai 2024 à 11:18 -0400, Fr. Samuel Springuel a écrit :
> How do I get the comma (which is not italicized) attached to the
> italics text just before it?
> \version "2.2
"Fr. Samuel Springuel" writes:
> How do I get the comma (which is not italicized) attached to the
> italics text just before it?
You got your question answered by another use already, so I'll just add
that typesetters will usually tend to give punctuation the shape of the
word adjacent to it for
Word wrapping does not appear to be functioning in this solution:
\version "2.24.3"
\markuplist \wordwrap-lines {\concat { "test test test test test test test test
test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
test test test test test test test test test "\ital
"Fr. Samuel Springuel" writes:
> Word wrapping does not appear to be functioning in this solution:
> \version "2.24.3"
> \markuplist \wordwrap-lines {\concat { "test test test test test test
> test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
> test test test test test tes
Okay, so then I need to break up the string to create separate markups (except
in the critical location around the italics text:
\version "2.24.3"
\markuplist \wordwrap-lines { test test test test test test test test test test
test test test test test test test test test test test test test tes
"Fr. Samuel Springuel" writes:
> Okay, so then I need to break up the string to create separate markups
> (except in the critical location around the italics text:
> \version "2.24.3"
> \markuplist \wordwrap-lines { test test test test test test test test
> test test test test test test test
On Sat 04 May 2024 at 11:18:52 (-0400), Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
> How do I get the comma (which is not italicized) attached to the italics text
> just before it?
> \version "2.24.3"
> \markuplist \wordwrap-lines { test test test \italic { italic text }, test
> test test }
You concat it
On 2024-05-04 8:06 am, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
1) Can I establish that shortVocalName should default to vocalName at
the top level of the file (effectively placing it where I can transport
it over to my format file)?
Yes, you do something like this:
\version "2.24.3"
\layout {
I’m printing out attribution information in which the title of a work from
which the text was translated is in italics. Attached is an example of the my
results before I started this thread. The comma after “Sponsa Christi” is in
italics (as you suggested was the more normal typographic practi
A-ha! That makes sense and works great, thanks David.
On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 1:54 AM David Kastrup wrote:
> Alec Bartsch writes:
> > I'm attempting to write a markup command that, in addition to other
> > formatting, strips a trailing # or b character off the end of the text
> > argument and
Thanks for the tip, Valentin, great to know about this.
On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 3:22 AM Valentin Petzel wrote:
> Hello Alec,
> note that since 2.24 we have a neat markup function
> \with-string-transformer,
> which is called whenever a string is found, and does a lot of the logic
> for
> you (s
Hi all,
It is difficult to put into words how happy I am using Lilypond. I had to use
Sibelius for a project last year, and it was pure torture. As the old saying
[almost] goes: “They’ll have to pry Lilypond out of my cold, dead hands!”
Exhibit A: I’m in data-entry mode (i.e., not concerned abo
> If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see
> that the note spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics,
> accidentals, etc.). But clearly there’s more than enough horizontal
> room to make those eighth notes absolutely even — in fact, that kind
> of thing is what the ma
Hi Werner,
> You are aware of https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=1154 ?
Oh! I vaguely recall that. Thanks for the reminder.
I believe I applied it to my score, but it didn‘t make a change in m7. It might
be because of the accidentals…? (See modified snippet acting as MWE, below.)
>> You are aware of https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=1154 ?
> Oh! I vaguely recall that. Thanks for the reminder.
> I believe I applied it to my score, but it didn‘t make a change in
> m7. It might be because of the accidentals…? (See modified snippet
> acting as MWE, below.) Unfortunatel
> > If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see
> > that the note spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics,
> > accidentals, etc.). But clearly there’s more than enough horizontal
> > room to make those eighth notes absolutely even — in fact, that kind
> > of thing is w
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