The 'global' section in the project I'm setting is a quartet and I use 'global'
as a template of sorts for time signatures, etc. That way I only have to enter
that information once. The solution given does solve the problem of the
duplicate rests, but why are the full measure rests not collect
Y a-t-il un moyen de répéter automatiquement les numéros de versets à chaque
définis par \set stanza = "1." ... sans répéter cette instruction à l’intérieur du texte
des versets
avec cette structure dans la partie score, les paroles étant définies dans des
\new Ly
This is the English-speaking list. You probably meant to send this to the
French forum, .
/Sorry for my question in French on an English-speaking forum... here is an
Englsh version/
Is there a way to automatically repeat the verse numbers on each line
when it is defined by \set stanza = "1."
without repeating this instruction within the verse text
with this structure in the
Hello !
#(define nextcountstanza
(let ((counter 0))
(lambda ()
(set! counter (1+ counter))
(string-append ( number->string counter)"."
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "VoiceOne" { \set stanza = #(nextcountstanza) \VerseOne
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "VoiceOne" { \set sta
Hi Silvain,
Am 27.01.24 um 11:12 schrieb Silvain Dupertuis:
/Sorry for my question in French on an English-speaking forum... here
is an Englsh version/
Is there a way to automatically repeat the verse numbers on each line
when it is defined by \set stanza = "1."
without repeating this
Thanks for the suggestion.
This does provide a nice automatic numbering ...
but does not repeat the verse number on subsequent lines.
But I did recycle your suggestion using a modified function with one paramater
#(define nextcountstanza
(let ((counter 0))
(lambda (x)
(set! coun
Silvain Dupertuis writes:
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> This does provide a nice automatic numbering ...
> but does not repeat the verse number on subsequent lines.
> But I did recycle your suggestion using a modified function with one paramater
> #(define nextcountstanza
> (let ((coun
Hi there,
On Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 6:35 AM Silvain Dupertuis <> wrote:
> *Sorry for my question in French on an English-speaking forum... here is
> an Englsh version*
> Hello,
> Is there a way to automatically repeat the verse numbers on each line
> when it is define
Try the code here?
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Yes it does! Thank you.
On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 11:23 PM Vaughan McAlley
> Hi Ivan,
> \new PianoStaff \with { \remove "Span_bar_engraver" }
> should work!
Hello everyone,
I have some music that has a four measure repeating section and then puts
numbers at the first measure to indicate how many times the group has been
done. I thought the measure counter engraver would work nicely, but it
numbers every measure instead of every four measures. Is there
Hi Sam,
Thanks for these thoughts!
> I'm not sure if this fits under your umbrella of having a single top level
> file, but what about this?
> definedVariables = data
> \include song.ily
> definedVariables = data
> \include song.ily
> song.ily
Hi all,
So… At the bottom of this email, I’ve included a somewhat-M W E of something
I’m wrestling with around all this stuff. You’ll see I have a ScoreMarks.ily
file (one of many \includes, but needed here because the structure of the vc
and pc are slightly different!), a notes.ily file (with
14 matches
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