Thanks for the suggestion. This does provide a nice automatic numbering ... but does not repeat the verse number on subsequent lines.
But I did recycle your suggestion using a modified function with one paramater #(define nextcountstanza (let ((counter 0)) (lambda (x) (set! counter (+ x counter)) (string-append ( number->string counter)".")))) so that I can copy-paste these expressions instead of manually putting the right number \set stanza = #(nextcountstanza 1) - at the betinning of each verse \set stanza = #(nextcountstanza 0) - within the verses Le 27.01.24 à 12:19, Ya Gloops a écrit :
#(define nextcountstanza (let ((counter 0)) (lambda () (set! counter (1+ counter)) (string-append ( number->string counter)".")))) \new Lyrics \lyricsto "VoiceOne" { \set stanza = #(nextcountstanza) \VerseOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "VoiceOne" { \set stanza = #(nextcountstanza) \VerseTwo }
-- Silvain Dupertuis Route de Lausanne 335 1293 Bellevue (Switzerland) tél. +41-(0)22-774.20.67 portable +41-(0)79-604.87.52 web: <>