Hi Silvain, Am 27.01.24 um 11:12 schrieb Silvain Dupertuis:
/Sorry for my question in French on an English-speaking forum... here is an Englsh version/ Hello, Is there a way to automatically repeat the verse numbers on each line when it is defined by \set stanza = "1." without repeating this instruction within the verse text with this structure in the score part, lyrics being defined in variables \new Lyrics \lyricsto "VoiceOne" { \set stanza = "1." \VerseOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "VoiceOne" { \set stanza = "2." \VerseTwo } ... For a 5-verse song, it's best to repeat these verse numbers!
Not to my knowledge, but this is something that's quite high on my list of LilyPond enhancements I'd like to try my hands at. Stay tuned. (As far as I can see, it's not completely trivial to implement since we have to wait until the line breaking is known, and then horizontal spacing has to take the additional stanza numbers into account.) Lukas