- edit apparently did not send it the right place, I have my difficulty
with this email stuff.
On 2021-05-17 10:04, darki...@jesusgod-pope666.info wrote:
Thanks that was another way, I did find someone while looking for
solution - it was like HALLELUJAH moment when I found it and the
angels sin
I have just been through them all, once again! Here was my made quick
list to check:
one twoT threeRT fourTR fiveR sixRT1q
one1qTR twoRT1h three1hTR fourRT3q five3qTR sexRTF
oneFTR two1qT threeT1q four1q five1qT1h six1hT1q
one1qT3q two3qT1q three1qTF fourFT1q five1hT sixT1h
one1h two1hT3q thr
darki...@jesusgod-pope666.info wrote:
Although am getting these warnings when compiling - it does not seem to
like what I have done very much - but it does work.
You have two cases of the 'Unattached TextScriptEvent' warning.
This sort of thing happens when LilyPond can't find the correspo
Apparently this did not get send the right place either... *Sigh* I'll
try again:
I don't understand, I tried to put them behind the Note first, and had
to put them in front to get them to work when I did it.
I can see you put them behind as I would as well have understood it
should be done co
darki...@jesusgod-pope666.info wrote:
I learned from the video on Varibles on
youtube that the varible call should be put into a { }
But I guess that was wrong.
Have you read the Learning Manual?
I have read a lot in lots of places, but not read the manual from
beginning to end, 200 or something pages if I recall.
Just went straight for it pretty much whatever direction things took me
:) Learning by doing and searching out what I needed and it has been a
pretty good road I think overall.
So I am getting closer to finishing my Tin Whistle varibles :) - a long
list, I should be able to finish it after sleep, making the last work on
This is how a line now looks: e2\len g4\lgn e\len d\ldn e\len g\lgn
fs\lfs e2\len | \break
First letter is either Low, Middle or High, Second l
Le 17/05/2021 à 23:36, darki...@jesusgod-pope666.info a écrit :
So I am getting closer to finishing my Tin Whistle varibles :) - a
long list, I should be able to finish it after sleep, making the last
work on it.
This is how a line now looks: e2\len g4\lgn e\len d\ldn e\len g\lgn
fs\lfs e2\
On Sun, 16 May 2021 at 16:23, wrote:
> Anyone knows how to make color to a whole lyric sentence, I know there
> is an option for different kind of grey. Can I override a whole verse
> with one specific color? :)
> I have this:
> \addlyrics {\set stanza = "1." Be -- hold os, Fa -- der, ved dit
I'm not quite sure how to ask this, so please bear with me. Right now
I'm having fun doing jazz lead sheets (for which lilypond is a
fantastic tool--lilyjazz is fantastic! thank you!). What I find I'm
doing is creating a "concert" version, then making a bes version, then
a ees version (I
On 2021-05-17 5:43 pm, Mark Probert wrote:
I'm not quite sure how to ask this, so please bear with me. Right now
I'm having fun doing jazz lead sheets (for which lilypond is a
fantastic tool--lilyjazz is fantastic! thank you!). What I find I'm
doing is creating a "concert" version, then maki
Aaron wrote:
> You could use multiple \books along with \bookOutputSuffix:
Many thanks! I haven't played with that part of this amazing program
yet. Off to explore...
.. m.
This is how I have worked with scores. All parts written in main key then
use transpose in \bookpart output section. This allows midi output for all
parts in same key for audio review and PDF output for instrumentalists in
proper key for their instrument. If you use variables for your parts (e.g.,
You wrote:
> This is how I have worked with scores. All parts written in main key
> then use transpose in \bookpart output section.
> I've written a few arrangement leadsheets, and being able to use
> transpose like this on performer request is, well, brilliant. A few
> edits, re-engrave, a
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