Le 17/05/2021 à 23:36, darki...@jesusgod-pope666.info a écrit :
So I am getting closer to finishing my Tin Whistle varibles :) - a long list, I should be able to finish it after sleep, making the last work on it.

This is how a line now looks: e2\len g4\lgn e\len d\ldn e\len g\lgn fs\lfs e2\len | \break

First letter is either Low, Middle or High, Second letter is the note and the last letter is Natural or Sharp. It took some time to think things over on this to have unique names and all.

Um, did you see my previous emai, giving a completely automated way to do this?


So I was sitting and thinking to myself, maybe I could tilt the Whistle diagrams somewhat in one direction, is that possible? I wanna see how it looks, if one can tilt it some degrees from the Bottom to the left or the right. I can see you can do it with letters, but could not figure out how this might work with a diagram.

And maybe someone knows how to also make the diagram in color?

Either in this:
ldn = ^
    \center-column {
    \override #'(size . 0.5) % 1 standard
    \override #'(thickness . 0.3) % 0.1 standard
    \override colors something???
    \woodwind-diagram #'tin-whistle #'((cc . (one two three four five six))(lh . ())(rh . ()))}


\override #'(size . 0.5) % 1 standard
\override #'(thickness . 0.3) % 0.1 standard
\rotate #10
\with-color "salmon"
\woodwind-diagram #'tin-whistle #'((cc . (one two three four five six))(lh . ())(rh . ()))

Best regards,

Or in the note notation.

Anyway, my brain is finished for today, I need to sleep. If anyone have some brainpower and the know how then it will be much appreciated! I will post my list of Tin Flute variables tomorrow when done for anyones use or if anyone wanna take a look and maybe have some suggestions. It is still not automatically but it still is a lot faster then needing to write all the data every single time ;) Much much faster. :)

Moving forward for sure. Goodnight!

Dearly regards
- Darkijah

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