I have just been through them all, once again! Here was my made quick list to check:
one twoT threeRT fourTR fiveR sixRT1q
one1qTR twoRT1h three1hTR fourRT3q five3qTR sexRTF
oneFTR two1qT threeT1q four1q five1qT1h six1hT1q
one1qT3q two3qT1q three1qTF fourFT1q five1hT sixT1h
one1h two1hT3q three3qT1h four1hTF fiveFT1h six3qT
oneT3q two3q three3qTF fourFT3q fiveFT sixF

And there is no Black White Half hole for the flute!!! It is missing. There is multiple Greyblack and BlackGrey but not a single Black White one.

By the way secondary questions on the topic.
Anyone knows if one can turn the hole animation 90 degrees? When you do the flute, you lift your finger to the side and it would then be more natural to help the common person with understanding half holing with the correct animation :) I'm all for the newbies making it easy for them on any level I can. For a Child can't understand it, then it is to complicated in my book.

Maybe someone knows what all the small ht3g whatever stands for after the finger number?

I tested my note sheet on some a friend yesterday, he actually did play the melody rather good with the Flute diagram, YEA!!! Absolutely awesome to see it work.

Thanks all of you, love the application - I learn programming, notes, compiling stuff and words and getting deeper understanding.

Dearly regards
- New user Darkijah

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