Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread ah
A friend of mine dislikes composing music on the commercial software he owns (Si..us). The main reason is that he is into modern, avant-garde music and the notation on his current system is just not there yet or what's offered does not satisfy him. He is a professional music composer. I have n

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread mskala
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, ah wrote: > ... using a TeX-based or TeX-like (free) music composition system, if > available and doing all programming, templating etc. in this myself. > Advantages: platform independent and free. Lilypond is not TeX-based nor conceptually TeX-like, despite the fact that it u

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread Karlin High
On 6/12/2019 11:08 AM, ah wrote: The main reason is that he is into modern, avant-garde music and the notation on his current system is just not there yet or what's offered does not satisfy him. He is a professional music composer. I recommend searching lilypond-user list archives for posts by

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread Urs Liska
12. Juni 2019 19:49, msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca schrieb: > On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, ah wrote: > >> ... using a TeX-based or TeX-like (free) music composition system, if >> available and doing all programming, templating etc. in this myself. >> Advantages: platform independent and free. > > Lilypond is

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread Urs Liska
12. Juni 2019 19:26, "ah" schrieb: > ... > > And also whether there will be lots and lots of symbol libraries for him > to choose from? > There are essentially *no* native symbol libraries available, but that should not disturb you too much. You can instead - use any glyphs from any system-i

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread David Kastrup
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca writes: > On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, ah wrote: >> ... using a TeX-based or TeX-like (free) music composition system, if >> available and doing all programming, templating etc. in this myself. >> Advantages: platform independent and free. > > Lilypond is not TeX-based Well, not

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread mskala
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, David Kastrup wrote: > > nor conceptually TeX-like, despite the fact that it uses backslashes. > > It's a batch processing system with plain text input syntax. That makes > for workflows not unaccustomed to LaTeX users. By the way, it did LaTeX users are accustomed to writin

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread David Kastrup
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca writes: > On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, David Kastrup wrote: >> > nor conceptually TeX-like, despite the fact that it uses backslashes. >> >> It's a batch processing system with plain text input syntax. That makes >> for workflows not unaccustomed to LaTeX users. By the way, it d

Re: Migrating from commercial music notation software to free alternative

2019-06-12 Thread mskala
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, David Kastrup wrote: > > LaTeX users are accustomed to writing macros in a Turing-complete language > > with, for instance, if statements. > > LaTeX or TeX users? I said LaTeX users because you did, but the statement is true about both. TeX users were the original topic of thi

How can I set this piano music?

2019-06-12 Thread Markus Grunwald
Hello, I'd like to set the bar that's in the attachment (I apologize if it's too big - I tried to make it small). I have a problem with the left hand: I don't know how to set the b2. This is what I already have: \version "2.18.2" \language "deutsch" global = { \key f \minor \time 4/4 } ri

Re: How can I set this piano music?

2019-06-12 Thread Leo Correia de Verdier
You need to make a separate voice for it. A short way, that I would use in this case is simply. ... left = \relative c { \global <<{r8 f8 as4}\\b,2>> es4 es, \fermata | } … There will be cases when you need more complex settings and will have to specify them more throughout. There is a lot to