version 2.8.1-4 (Fedora 4)
After reading in the list, I have built a template for put several
midifiles in one file .mid
(see below)
Is it possible, in a similar way, ie. with the identifiers upperun,
upperdeux ...
and then score, to make a template for the layout ? (with indent for the
fiëé visuëlle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Am 2006-04-28 um 21:12 schrieb Stan Mulder:
>> Here's what I do, and I use Linux: I use a graphical program to
>> input the general notation. Then I export that info to a Lilypond
>> music file. Then I can tweak the music with a text editor until I
has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data
flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great help
for obtaining global idea what LilyPond's about.
Tomas Valusek
lilypond-user mailing list
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 23:09:32 +0200
dax2 wrote:
> Hey -- I think I saw this on the list but my search through all
> mails does not give any hits.
> Why do I get this error -- I cannot figure out. Same happens with
> lilypond-book.py. When I rerun the script, the empty convert-ly.1
> sati
> After reading in the list, I have built a template for put several
> midifiles in one file .mid
I was once looking for a tool to concatenate the files that lilypond
generates from several \score blocks.
What you propose is *not* that. You just put everything in a single
\score, and of
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 23:09:32 +0200
dax2 wrote:
> import lilylib as ly
> ImportError: No module named lilylib
> neptun:/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2 #
I forgot to mention that I made local "make install" in the
directory containing lilylib, so that I now have
> Any help would be most appreciated!
I've made some change to your file [see attachment], most
notably to make explicit use of the "Voice" context.
\version "2.6.3"
global = {
\clef "G_8"
\key d \minor
preludemelody = \relative c' {
% \global
I was thinking the same. It would be extremely useful.
On 29 Apr 2006, at 12:30, Tomas Valusek wrote:
has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data
flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great
help for obtaining global idea wha
Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried out so
far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:
1. NoteEdit.
I like the way one can just input bare, basic notation, and the
configurability. I've also come to like the way the keyboard input works, at
least after I
I've tried them all except for Jedit and have settled on Noteedit. It gets me
started, then I manually edit the .ly file.
lilypond-user mailing list
After reading in the list, I have built a template for put several
midifiles in one file .mid
I was once looking for a tool to concatenate the files that lilypond
generates from several \score blocks.
What you propose is *not* that. You just put everything in a single
\score, and of cou
> >(Please, tell me if it run for you)
> When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
> valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.
> Hmm...
> Of course, it run for me. It's a valid syntax.
As it is, it's not!
["...etc" (lines 15,
What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I
don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter.
Quoting Tomas Valusek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data
flow, relationship between v
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I
don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter.
I disagree. Even though I am a programmer I know this would help with
things like the set v.s. override question.
Paul Scott
Eyolf Ostrem wrote:
Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried out so
far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:
2. Rosegarden.
I had hopes for this program, but most of them have been thrashed. The
keyboard input mode is hopeless, with the fixed positions, re
3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java
setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text input, I
get errors and nothing happens.
You might try to look at the LilyPond+jEdit tutorial at
> 3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
> Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java
> setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text input,
> I get errors and nothing happens.
To get this work properly i had to use jre-1.5.0 instead of the (standard)
On Sat 29 April 2006 19:03, Franz Fellner wrote:
> Hi
> > 3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
> > Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java
> > setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text
> > input, I get errors and nothing happens.
> To get this
>(Please, tell me if it run for you)
When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.
Of course, it run for me. It's a valid syntax.
As it is, it's not!
["...etc" (lines 15, 18, 22), "..."
Just do \override TextScript #'font-size = #-1
To learn more about this and other properties that can be set, goto the
section on Text Scripts in the on-line manual. At the bottom of the
page, click on TextScript and at the bottom of the next page click on
font-interface. The general principles
The manual includes a direct example of how to change the minimum
vertical spacing allocated to a Staff. To specify a fixed vertical
space for the Staff, just use the same syntax but with the property
called Y-extent instead of minumum-Y-extent. Here is a full example,
which shows both advantage
I'm using 2.6.1
I'm getting an odd error message. The file appears to
parse and process correctly. Then after Lilypond has
computed the line and page breaks I get the messages
ERROR: In procedure ly_scm2double:
ERROR: Wrong type argument: (-8)
The file then appears not to have written to the PD
Quoting Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
\define-music-function {\foo \x \y} { c8 \x d8 \y }
{ \foo e16 {f g} }
{ c8 e16 d8 {f16 g16} }
The usefulness of this kind of function is disputed among developers, so it
might not become part of the official lilypond distribution.
I am not a d
Hello Eyolf!
It looks like a bug. Why would it be left-aligned after all? But it appears
that Lilypond didn't like this structure of creating 2 voices contexts,
namely "stollen" and "abgesang", and then, in the score block, creating
another voice context (called "one") comprising them. So, if y
I would recommend to upgrade to the new stable version 2.8.
If you search the mailing list archives of bug-lilypond, you might be
lucky to find something related but don't expect anyone to come up with
a fix for such an old version of the program.
Quoting Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL P
Quoting "c.m.bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hello all,
I sent a message to the list a couple of days ago and never heard
anything back, I'm just wondering if the message actually went
through, because it seems like people here are good at responding :)
That's easy check, just look in the mailing
> "EO" == Eyolf Ostrem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
EO> Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried
out so
EO> far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:
I have most often used ABC for the initial note entry, and then edit
the abc2ly lilypond output if
> I forgot to mention that I made local "make install" in the
> directory containing lilylib, so that I now have
> /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.9.2/python/lilylib.py
> /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.9.2/python/lilylib.pyc
> even if Lilypond-2.9.2 has not been built yet.
> Greetings/Donald
The following hack seems to work:
\override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #ly:note-head::print
\override TabNoteHead #'glyph-name = #"2cross"
\override TabNoteHead #'style = #'special
\override TabNoteHead #'stem-attachment =
Quoting Christopher Giroi
As I have never contributed to docs, I'm always a bit embarassed in
giving advices. So, first many thanks to all.
In any case:
I found absolutely necessary to have in lily docs many diagrams as
possibile. Lily is a complex program, where user can operate at
different level. A schema showing a
If you think LilyPond does something wrong, please send the message to
the bug-lilypond mailing list.
Regarding your attempts to set the space-alist:
- Why not start from the default setting and just replace
the entries in the list that you want to change?
The default is
\override Score.BarLin
Using the techniques currently available in LilyPond, Erik's example
is easily implemented as:
foo = #(define-music-function (parser location x y) (ly:music? ly:music?)
c8 $x d8 $y #})
{ \foo e16 { f g }}
As you see, you don't really need any Scheme competence to do it.
I question
What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I
don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter.
Well, it could help those of us who'd like to help out more with
development but don't have a clear conception of how stuff fits
Sorry, I pressed Send too quickly.
Quoting Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
If you think LilyPond does something wrong, please send the message to
the bug-lilypond mailing list.
Regarding your attempts to set the space-alist:
- Why not start from the default setting and just replace
the e
Actually, I think the programmer who did the error was you!
The error message probably refers to the fact that the space-alist
entry doesn't have all the necessary information that it usually has.
Of course the formulation reveals that
whoever wrote it didn't expect too many users to modify thi
On 4/29/06, Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I question that. I think it looks easy to you because you already know
how it all works and fits together. I do agree that adding some more
examples to the manual would help greatly.
Agreed. LilyPond is a domain-specific language. It is rat
I also tried several possibilities for input. I came to Noteedit and emacs.
Noteedit helps me entering the notes and creates a basic output file for
lilypond. Try the newest SVN Version of Noteedit, lilypond export was
improved and very soon a "direct-printing" option will be available (
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