The following hack seems to work:
 \override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #ly:note-head::print
 \override TabNoteHead #'glyph-name = #"2cross"
 \override TabNoteHead #'style = #'special
\override TabNoteHead #'stem-attachment = #ly:note-head::calc-stem-attachment)


Quoting Christopher Giroir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Howdy, I've recently started using Lilypond to transcribe my band's current music. I wanted to add tablature to guitar parts that have stopped (muted) notes. I have a macro that changes the note head to a cross that works fine when my guitar notes variable is fed into a normal staff, but in a TabStaff the notes are displayed normally with numbers.

I found out how to replace the Tab function so that I can set the tab to always display an "x" instead of the number, but this seems like a hack and also doesn't look quite right since the real music with a nice looking cross note is right above it.

Is there anyway to highjack the Tab transcriber for a second and make it display a normal cross note?


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