2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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Réf. : Figured Bass Questions.....

2004-10-18 Thread Jean-marc LEGRAND
Hi ! I have an answer for the lines after figures. I've done this on Lily2.0 and win XP, with a Marais piece for the viol. For these lines, I used the proprety e2-"\\embeddedps{0.1 setlinewidth 2.5 9 moveto 4 0.5 rlineto stroke}", which draws a line from the note e. As far as I can remmeber,


2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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Re: How do you handle lyrics for 2nd, 3rd, etc verses to a song?

2004-10-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
James Moore wrote: I'm brand-new LiliPond user - it's great! Very easy to learn, too. Two questions: 1. Putting together some music for a choir I've just joined, and I'm having trouble figuring out where the lyrics for the 2nd, 3rd, etc verses go. Normally for songs I see music that just has t

Re: lilypond bombs on Mandrake 10 again

2004-10-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Maybe this helps: login as root on your computer and run the following commands: cd /usr/lib/ ln -s (the mail reader may introduce line breaks, but the full command 'ln -s' should be on the same line). Thi

Italian Crafted Rolex from $75 to $275 - Free Shipping

2004-10-18 Thread Emmanuel Lindsay
Heya, Do you want a rolex watch? In our online store you can buy replicas of Rolex watches. They look and feel exactly like the real thing. - We have 20+ different brands in our selection - Free shipping if you order 5 or more - Save up to 40% compared to the cost of other replicas - Standard Fe

Re: How do you handle lyrics for 2nd, 3rd, etc verses to a song?

2004-10-18 Thread Arvid Grøtting
"James Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > 1. Putting together some music for a choir I've just joined, and I'm having > trouble figuring out where the lyrics for the 2nd, 3rd, etc verses go. > Normally for songs I see music that just has the lyrics for the first verse > next to the notes, and t

problem at convert-ly

2004-10-18 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, lilypond-2.2.6 freshly installed, I wanted to update an old file named, produced with 2.2.0, but convert-ly produces a SyntaxWarning. What does this mean, and is it relevant or not? A file named with 0 bytes was created, and the original file was untouched.

Re: problem at convert-ly

2004-10-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Roland Goretzki wrote: Hi at all, lilypond-2.2.6 freshly installed, I wanted to update an old file named, produced with 2.2.0, but convert-ly produces a SyntaxWarning. What does this mean, and is it relevant or not? A file named with 0 bytes was created, and the origina

Re: problem at convert-ly

2004-10-18 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Roland Goretzki writes: > lilypond-2.2.6 freshly installed, I wanted to update an old file named >, produced with 2.2.0, > but convert-ly produces a SyntaxWarning. What version of python do you use? > Or can it be, that there are no relevant changes from 2.2.0 to 2.2.6? Yes, that ca

$B#M#L#MHG=P2q$$7O!!?ML.3+Bs(B .net

2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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Re: lilypond-snapshot Was: 2.3.20 doesn't work :-(

2004-10-18 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Saturday 16 October 2004 03:30 pm, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > You don't need the input file to solve Roland's problem. Forgive me, but I'm a bit confused. Is tha idea of lilypond-snapshot to make it simpler to have and use two versions of lilypond on the system? I take it that it works, and I cou

Re: lilypond-snapshot Was: 2.3.20 doesn't work :-(

2004-10-18 Thread Pedro Kroger
David Raleigh Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Is tha idea of lilypond-snapshot to make it simpler to > have and use two versions of lilypond on the system? yes > I take it that it works, and I could simply use > "lilypond" to invoke one version and "lilypond-snapshot" > to invoke the other,

I tried your suggestions and got this. Mandrake 10.0

2004-10-18 Thread Sarah Cordish
Do I need to reinstall lilypond? What went wrong? Sarah This is what I got: [EMAIL PROTECTED] sarah]$ su Password: [EMAIL PROTECTED] lib]# cd /usr/lib/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] lib]# ln -s libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1.0.0 ln: `': File exist


2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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Re: I tried your suggestions and got this. Mandrake 10.0

2004-10-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I'm really not an expert in the way Guile loads dynamical libraries, but waiting for some Mandrake 10 user or expert of the inner workings of Guile to answer, I try anyway. Sarah Cordish wrote: Do I need to reinstall lilypond? What went wrong? Sarah This is what I got: [EMAIL PROTECTED] sarah]$ su


2004-10-18 Thread 网店联盟
有商品您想网上开店吗?没有货源您想兼职创收吗? == 与众不同的超级网店,帮助您轻松开店潇洒赚钱! == 1+1超级网店 = 1个网上店铺 + 1个独立的购物网站, 是新一代的网上商店,采用独有的技术和创新的模式, ★如果您有货源,您的产品可以同步发布到所有的超级网店帮您销售! ★即使您没有货源,您一样可以开一个超级网店, 因为您可以代销我们总部和其他超级网店的商品, 而且,无须进货压货,有定单后按批发价结算即可


2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Content-type: text/plain;charset=iso-2022-jp Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-magid: M00016 X-magno: 000125 $B7|>^$b$*$?$a$7$/[EMAIL PROTECTED](B $B!Z%/%8IU![!!!Z%R%m%7$G$9![!"!"!"(B $B%R%m%7$G$9!#(B $B>eAXIt$N$*AFAj$G5

Vertical Spacing revisited

2004-10-18 Thread Peter B. Steiger
I finished that SATB score I was keying in last week when I said I had trouble getting the vertical spacing to work correctly, and now I see the problem. It looks like Lilypond (2.3.11) is dividing total systems by number of pages to try to force an equal number of systems per page... so when I ha

Re: Vertical Spacing revisited

2004-10-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Lots have happened since version 2.3.11, especially when it comes to the page layout, so I definitely recommend to upgrade before you spend too much effort on tuning the performance of 2.3.11. Regarding your earlier questions on verticalExtent, you should visualize each context (Staff or Lyrics) in

Re: Vertical Spacing revisited

2004-10-18 Thread Peter B. Steiger
On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 10:53, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > Lots have happened since version 2.3.11, especially when it comes to > the page layout, so I definitely recommend to upgrade before you spend > too much effort on tuning the performance of 2.3.11. I should just say "wow!" here. I actually downl

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2004-10-18 Thread $B%a%k%7!

Re: Figured Bass Questions.....

2004-10-18 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
"Trent J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Proper alignment of figures eg. > > 7 > #3 > 2 > > It’s most important that the sharp on the three be on the left of the > number and not on the right so as not to confuse a sharpened 3rd > resolution after the current figures. You can re-define t

Re: Major Seventh Chord Nomenclature

2004-10-18 Thread Lyle Raymond
>> Still having a problem with the latest stable version's chord output. I'm >> getting capital M's instead of triangles. Is there a fix, or are we still >> waiting for an update? > >The regression test (big) >

You have a new personal message

2004-10-18 Thread Forum
Hello, Kate has sent you a new personal message entitled "Security". You can read this personal message by following the link below:";> Regards, Korndragon team. _

Re: lilypond bombs on Mandrake 10 again

2004-10-18 Thread Trent J
Hi, I had the same problems with Mandrake as well with some others but it seems that the latest Mandrake version of Lilypond installs everything fine but the problem is that it only makes lilypond only available to the root user. You can double check this by going to the the lilypond directory u

Re: warning

2004-10-18 Thread Mail Delivery System
Invalid e-mail address. (B (B (B___ (Blilypond-user mailing list (B[EMAIL PROTECTED] (B


2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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2004-10-18 Thread $BIpED!!??=c(B
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Automatic response to your mail (Error)

2004-10-18 Thread Webmaster
The automatic reply to this e-mail which you should have received in response to your e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] has not been defined. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance. ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.o