"James Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1.  Putting together some music for a choir I've just joined, and I'm having
> trouble figuring out where the lyrics for the 2nd, 3rd, etc verses go.
> Normally for songs I see music that just has the lyrics for the first verse
> next to the notes, and then the rest of the words written out in a block
> somewhere else on the page (This may be because normal to me ==
> traditional/folk music.)  .  How do you do those blocks?  Is lilypond-book
> going to be required for this? 

It's not traditional in choral music.  In a word: Don't.

> 2.  The lyrics seem to end up too close to the divider lines between bars in
> some cases.  I'm thinking about bar 5, where "man-" ends up too close to the
> black line, and bar 6 for "night" does the same.  Do I need to add space
> manually?  Or is this the way people expect printed lyrics to look?  (I'm
> really a fiddler and a piper, not a singer; this is my first experience with
> really caring about having to read the words.)

Or you could use ChoirStaff instead of StaffGroup.



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