"Trent J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Proper alignment of figures eg. > > 7 > #3 > 2 > > It’s most important that the sharp on the three be on the left of the > number and not on the right so as not to confuse a sharpened 3rd > resolution after the current figures.
You can re-define this kind of behaviour, see `format-bass-figure' scm/bass-figure.scm:
\version "2.3.22" #(define-public (format-bass-figure-with-acc-before figures context grob) ;; TODO: support slashed numerals here. (define (fig-to-markup fig-music) (let* ((align-accs (eq? #t (ly:context-property context 'alignBassFigureAccidentals))) (fig (ly:music-property fig-music 'figure)) (acc (ly:music-property fig-music 'alteration)) (acc-markup #f) (fig-markup (if (markup? fig) fig (if align-accs (make-simple-markup " ") (if (not (eq? acc '())) (make-simple-markup "") (make-strut-markup)))))) (if (number? acc) (make-line-markup (list (alteration->text-accidental-markup acc) fig-markup)) fig-markup))) (define (filter-brackets i figs acc) (cond ((null? figs) acc) (else (filter-brackets (1+ i) (cdr figs) (append (if (eq? (ly:music-property (car figs) 'bracket-start) #t) (list i) '()) (if (eq? (ly:music-property (car figs) 'bracket-stop) #t) (list i) '()) acc))))) (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'text) (make-bracketed-y-column-markup (sort (filter-brackets 0 figures '()) <) (map fig-to-markup figures)))) \score { << \new Staff { \clef bass c d e f } \context FiguredBass \figuremode { <3+> <4-> <5 7!> <2- 4+> } >> \layout { raggedright = ##t \context { \Score bassFigureFormatFunction = #format-bass-figure-with-acc-before } } }
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