In addition to Han-Wen's answer; ly2dvi -p will give you both PS
and PDF files with outline Type1 fonts, whereas ly2dvi -P gives
you PS files with bitmap fonts.
David Bobroff wrote:
The official, but undocumented, way to install the Type1 fonts is
make MAKE_PFA_FILES=1 install
> > The official, but undocumented, way to install the Type1 fonts is
> >
> > make MAKE_PFA_FILES=1 install
> > texhash
> Yes, indeed. Thanks Mats! I'm now getting outline fonts in PDFs. When
> I generate plain PS files, however, some elements (e.g. noteheads and
> The official, but undocumented, way to install the Type1 fonts is
> make MAKE_PFA_FILES=1 install
> texhash
Yes, indeed. Thanks Mats! I'm now getting outline fonts in PDFs. When
I generate plain PS files, however, some elements (e.g. noteheads and
clefs) are bitmaps. Is this to be expect