> > The official, but undocumented, way to install the Type1 fonts is
> > 
> > make MAKE_PFA_FILES=1 install
> > texhash
> Yes, indeed.  Thanks Mats!  I'm now getting outline fonts in PDFs.  When
> I generate plain PS files, however, some elements (e.g. noteheads and
> clefs) are bitmaps.  Is this to be expected?

use dvips -Ppdf -u +lilypond.map for making PS.

> Also, assuming that I'm using outline feta fonts, is it possible to
> scale them to arbitrary sizes (feta19 feta17.5 etc), and if so, how?

That has been possible for over a year ; use #'font-magnification.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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