In addition to Han-Wen's answer; ly2dvi -p will give you both PS
and PDF files with outline Type1 fonts, whereas ly2dvi -P gives
you PS files with bitmap fonts.


David Bobroff wrote:
The official, but undocumented, way to install the Type1 fonts is

make MAKE_PFA_FILES=1 install

Yes, indeed.  Thanks Mats!  I'm now getting outline fonts in PDFs.  When
I generate plain PS files, however, some elements (e.g. noteheads and
clefs) are bitmaps.  Is this to be expected?

Also, assuming that I'm using outline feta fonts, is it possible to
scale them to arbitrary sizes (feta19 feta17.5 etc), and if so, how?

-David Bobroff

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