Re: Tutorial on writing lilypond functions?

2023-04-05 Thread Eef Weenink
Found: I go from there. Op 6 apr. 2023, om 08:38 heeft Eef Weenink>> het volgende geschreven: Using (thanks to Gilbert :-)) I am now at the point I want to automate more.

RE: tutorial @seealso links

2007-10-22 Thread Trevor Daniels
Definitely an improvement Trevor > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of > Graham Percival > Sent: 20 October 2007 07:58 > To: lilypond-user Mailinglist > Subject: GDP: tutorial @seealso links > >

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-18 Thread Manuel
I'm trying to put "fine" and "da capo al fine" in a piece. I found instructions for "D.S. al fine", but if I write: \mark "da capo al Fine " the phrase is engraved above the upper system, not in between both systems, and disrupts the graphic order of the music engraving. If I write: \onc

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-18 Thread Manuel
Thank you, it is working fine. Manuel Am 17/12/2006 um 19:42 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: Quoting Gilles Sadowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi. It seems to be working now. Gilles suggestion (thanks, Gilles) worked fine but I couldn't substitute "title" and "composer" for "piece" and "opus". Eve

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-17 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Quoting Gilles Sadowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi. It seems to be working now. Gilles suggestion (thanks, Gilles) worked fine but I couldn't substitute "title" and "composer" for "piece" and "opus". Eventually I wrote it thus: In a \score block, you can use only "piece" and "opus". ["title" a

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-17 Thread Gilles Sadowski
Hi. > It seems to be working now. Gilles suggestion (thanks, Gilles) worked > fine but I couldn't substitute "title" and "composer" for "piece" and > "opus". Eventually I wrote it thus: > In a \score block, you can use only "piece" and "opus". ["title" and "composer" must be set outside of al

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-17 Thread Manuel
It seems to be working now. Gilles suggestion (thanks, Gilles) worked fine but I couldn't substitute "title" and "composer" for "piece" and "opus". Eventually I wrote it thus: \version "2.10.0" \paper{ printallheaders=##t bottom-margin = 1\cm first-page-number = 2 } \layout{ \context{ \Sco

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-15 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Note, though that you have to put the actual music first in the \score blocks, i.e. \score{ { c' d' e' f' } \header { piece = "Miniature" opus = "Igor Stravinsky" } } see "How LilyPond files work". /Mats Gilles Sadowski wrote: Try this: %--- \score { \header { piece = "Mi

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-14 Thread Gilles Sadowski
Hi. > > I had been trying to do that. I show you now a brief example modified > from the pdf tutorial: > > Version 2.10.0 > > \paper{ > printallheaders=##t > } > > > > \Score > \header { > title = "Miniature" > composer = "Igor Stravinsky" > } > { c' d' e' f' } > } > > \Score > \header {

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-14 Thread Manuel
Am 14/12/2006 um 23:14 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: Manuel wrote: I have just finished the first part of my didactical work. People usually comment on the nicety of the engraving's typeface (do you call it typeface?) The second part contains a series of two-part pieces (cantus + bassus).

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Manuel wrote: I have just finished the first part of my didactical work. People usually comment on the nicety of the engraving's typeface (do you call it typeface?) The second part contains a series of two-part pieces (cantus + bassus). I'm having trouble printing the titles. if I set the

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-14 Thread Manuel
I have just finished the first part of my didactical work. People usually comment on the nicety of the engraving's typeface (do you call it typeface?) The second part contains a series of two-part pieces (cantus + bassus). I'm having trouble printing the titles. if I set the "print all he

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > Putting the footer links again only require one-line fix in a build > > script and a small setup in a wiki. If the developers agree, > > I don't. I'll play the evil totalitarian guy here. > > Writing good documentation is hard. I know that bett

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread Graham Percival
John Mandereau wrote: Graham has a plan to centralize snippets (I mean you could find almost all code snippets in one place), but I don't know the current state of this. Exactly the same as it was last August. That said,

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread John Mandereau
Valentin Villenave wrote: > 2006/12/5, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > > Before reinventing the wheel, we should first look for what already > > exists (or has existed). > > I don't think Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan is pretending to reinvent the > wheel (and neither am I, by the way). Ther

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread John Mandereau
[CCing back to the list...] Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan wrote: > Le 5 déc. 06 à 23:29, John Mandereau a écrit : > > It's easy to start a new wiki, a new documentation, a new whatever, > > but > > it's much harder to develop it on a long timescale. > > > > Before reinventing the wheel, [...] > > I

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread John Mandereau
Mats Bengtsson wrote: > Quoting Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > Well, my problems mostly come from the fact I don't always know the > > right English word for what I'm looking for... > > I hope you have seen the Music glossary, included in the LilyPond > documentation. Frédéric Chi

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Quoting Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I also hope you have found the index of the manual (it seems that many people miss it (partly since it's called "LilyPond index" for silly technical reasons). Well I guess I was part of those people until now... My bad. Are you talking about htt

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread Valentin Villenave
2006/12/7, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: There is a search function, at the bottom of, even though one of the problems with it is that it often lists links to old versions of the manual first. Hmmm... I have indeed _never_ noticed it, and thank you very very much for hav

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Quoting Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Well, my problems mostly come from the fact I don't always know the right English word for what I'm looking for... I hope you have seen the Music glossary, included in the LilyPond documentation. -a little box with a simple "search" button woul

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-07 Thread Valentin Villenave
2006/12/6, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: It seems that you don't use LilyPondTool. If you used it, you would have a full-text search of LilyPond doc. See the screenshot at As a matter of fact, I do use LilypondTool. But I just did'nt remember the doc was

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Bertalan Fodor
It's easy to start a new wiki, a new documentation, a new whatever, but it's much harder to develop it on a long timescale. As for me, I find wiki-based doc are a LOT easier for everyone to contribute, improve, propose, translate, and -most off all- gain easy and immediate access to every info

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Graham Percival
Valentin Villenave wrote: 2006/12/5, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: It's easy to start a new wiki, a new documentation, a new whatever, but it's much harder to develop it on a long timescale. As for me, I find wiki-based doc are a LOT easier for everyone to contribute, improve, propose,

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
Sounds indeed more relevant. Thank you Han-Wen. 2006/12/6, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Valentin Villenave escreveu: > understand why it hasn't been a success. But maybe it would be worth > trying to to put the footer links again. Can this be done easily, or > does it means spending ho

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Valentin Villenave escreveu: > understand why it hasn't been a success. But maybe it would be worth > trying to to put the footer links again. Can this be done easily, or > does it means spending hours page-per-page ? I would like to reverse the policy this time. I'll put in a wiki link if there i

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
2006/12/5, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: There is already an unofficial wiki on OK my bad. Though I thought I had indeed already seen there was a wiki somewhere, I wasn't able to find where it was (the fact is, I only tried with

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-05 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau escreveu: > > 3) In the past, there was in the footer of each HTML page of the > > documentation a link to a dedicated wiki page, where users could add > > comments. As long as an available LilyPond wiki exists, it might be good > > to add this footer back.

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-05 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
John Mandereau escreveu: > 3) In the past, there was in the footer of each HTML page of the > documentation a link to a dedicated wiki page, where users could add > comments. As long as an available LilyPond wiki exists, it might be good > to add this footer back. this didn't work: we had the link

Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-05 Thread John Mandereau
Valentin Villenave wrote: > Hello everybody, > > I may be out-topic, but I would like to talk about how useful Wiki > applications might be to Lily... > > For instance, Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan has started writing a quite > good Wikibook, based on the official tutorial. > > http://fr.wikibooks

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Manuel wrote: As of now, there are three things between me and happiness, at least concerning the first half of my first work with LilyPond, so I can show it to people like a newborn child: ... - I need to put the page numbering in the center. I looked in "page formatting" and elsewhere i

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-04 Thread Manuel
Thanks very much for your help, Mats! Typesetting music with LilyPond is fun. I can't do it right, but it is still fun. (And actually it wasn't fun with other, commercial programs). It is perhaps difficult for a poor musician with no knowledge whatsoever of a command-line way of working to

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you read "How LilyPond files work" in the Tutorial, you will learn that if you have something like \relative b' { \set Staff.instrumentName = " 2 " \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() d2 c b r a4 b c a g2 r b4 c d b a b c a b c d b a b c a d2 c b r a4 b c a g2 r \bar "|

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-03 Thread Manuel
Am 03/12/2006 um 00:04 schrieb Graham Percival: Mats Bengtsson wrote: Right! This first example of the tutorial is somewhat idealized to hide unnecessary complications. I hope you haven't got stuck there but rather kept reading and experimenting with the program. Graham, maybe we should mo

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-03 Thread Valentin Villenave
Hello everybody, I may be out-topic, but I would like to talk about how useful Wiki applications might be to Lily... For instance, Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan has started writing a quite good Wikibook, based on the official tutorial. Curr

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Right! This first example of the tutorial is somewhat idealized to hide unnecessary complications. I hope you haven't got stuck there but rather kept reading and experimenting with the program. Graham, maybe we should modify this first example so the user output is exactly

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-02 Thread Manuel
I wrote an instruction for the bottom margin like this: \version "2.10.0" \paper{ bottom-margin = 3\cm } and it seems to work, only the actual bottom margin is bigger than the 3 cm specified. Concerning the titles for the pieces, I don't get it. I tried different ways, like this one:

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Right! If you specify one or more header blocks at the top level of the file, the last one will be used globally for all the scores in the file. If you want specific titles for each score, include the header block within the corresponding \score{...} block: \score{ ... \header{ ... } } \sco

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-01 Thread Manuel
Am 01/12/2006 um 10:21 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: Manuel wrote: Since you don't say what error message you get or include your file in the email, it's impossible to provide any help here. It says "gescheiterte Dateien". In that case, I guess that you also get some more warning or error

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Manuel wrote: Since you don't say what error message you get or include your file in the email, it's impossible to provide any help here. It says "gescheiterte Dateien". In that case, I guess that you also get some more warning or error message above that line, which provide more specifi

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-01 Thread Manuel
Am 01/12/2006 um 09:38 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: Manuel wrote: Am 01/12/2006 um 02:02 schrieb Geoff Horton: I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number engraver, wich I had removed, is back again. You can have multiple things in the \layout block, like this: \layout {

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Manuel wrote: Am 01/12/2006 um 02:02 schrieb Geoff Horton: I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number engraver, wich I had removed, is back again. You can have multiple things in the \layout block, like this: \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \Score \

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-01 Thread Manuel
Am 01/12/2006 um 02:02 schrieb Geoff Horton: I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number engraver, wich I had removed, is back again. You can have multiple things in the \layout block, like this: \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \Score \remove "Bar_numbe

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-30 Thread Geoff Horton
I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number engraver, wich I had removed, is back again. You can have multiple things in the \layout block, like this: \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } __

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-30 Thread Geoff Horton
Add this to the end of your \score block: \layout { indent = 0.0\cm } If you already have a layout block, just add that to it. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-30 Thread Manuel
So, "indent" is the word. Am 01/12/2006 um 00:36 schrieb Geoff Horton: \layout { indent = 0.0\cm } I added this and it worked in itself, but now the bar number engraver, wich I had removed, is back again. Manuel ___ lilypond-user maili

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-30 Thread Manuel
I don't know the technical terminus for this in English: the first staff of a new piece begins more to the right than the following ones. How do I get the first staff to be like all the others? Manuel ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-30 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Right! This first example of the tutorial is somewhat idealized to hide unnecessary complications. I hope you haven't got stuck there but rather kept reading and experimenting with the program. (If you really want to know exactly what the LilyPond looks like, that produced that particular example

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-29 Thread Manuel
If I open a new, blank page and enter \relative{c d e f g a b c } the result is not what the tutorial says it would be, for it has a time signature and measure bars, which doesn't bother me, of course, but which are not there in the tutorial as the desired result. Manuel Am 29/11/200

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-29 Thread Arvid Grøtting
James E. Bailey> writes: > > I'm having some difficulty with the Metronome_Mark_engraver. I've successfully > hidden it, but the notes > are spaced around it so there's some odd spacing. I'm wondering it's possible > to remove the metronome mark altogether. Sure! In the \layout block,

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-29 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm having some difficulty with the Metronome_Mark_engraver. I've successfully hidden it, but the notes are spaced around it so there's some odd spacing. I'm wondering it's possible to remove the metronome mark altogether. The code is here:

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
As it's indicated a few lines below, you should add \relative{...}, i.e. \relative{c d e f g a b c } to get the desired octave. /Mats Manuel wrote: If I enter { c d e f g a b } as per instructions, part 2.1 of the tutorial, the result does not look at all like the tutorial says it should

Re: Tutorial vs. actual printout

2006-05-12 Thread Graham Percival
On 11-May-06, at 3:57 PM, Kieren Richard MacMillan wrote: Hi, Rick: When I do it the measure is as wide as my page. Why is that? Try adding \paper { ragged-right = ##t } Thanks; I've added this info to the tutorial. Cheers, - Graham ___

Re: Tutorial vs. actual printout

2006-05-11 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hi, Rick: When I do it the measure is as wide as my page. Why is that? Try adding \paper { ragged-right = ##t } Best wishes, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tutorial install mac os x

2005-02-21 Thread Graham Percival
On 20-Feb-05, at 11:12 AM, Libero Mureddu wrote: I've just finished a shorter version about how to install lily on mac os x I have also some screenshots, but they are too big to send them on the mailing list. Let me know if is good. I'm finishing the longer version, for newbies. Looks good -- and

Re: tutorial install mac os x

2005-02-21 Thread Libero Mureddu
Il giorno 21/feb/05, alle 05:47, Chuck Boody ha scritto: There are some grammar errors and I have a couple of other suggestions. Would you like me to re-write your file and mail my changes to you??? yes, of course, it would be great! libero Chuck Boody On Feb 20, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Libero Muredd

Re: tutorial install mac os x

2005-02-20 Thread Chuck Boody
On Feb 20, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Libero Mureddu wrote: Hi! I've just finished a shorter version about how to install lily on mac os x I have also some screenshots, but they are too big to send them on the mailing list. Let me know if is good. I'm finishing the longer version, for newbies. Your dire

Re: Tutorial

2003-07-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Michael Smith wrote: Dear Sir or Madam: I have spent many hours reviewing the documentation and music samples. I think this is an awesome and powerful program. I have review Maestro and Finale. While these are end-user programs, I enjoy having the ability to "code" the music. However, I hav

Re: Tutorial

2003-07-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
During the years, we have seen a few emails from people who intend to translate the manual into different languages, but I don't known of anyone who has finished the task. One problem is that Lilypond still is continously developed, so the translator has to update the text fairly often. So, for the

Re: Tutorial

2003-07-20 Thread Antonio PALAMA'
Michael Smith wrote: Some issues I have encountered are: all b, e, a and d's have a natural printed beside them. How do I suppress the naturals? Since the piece is in the key af a flat major the "normal" b,e, a and d are flat. Lilypond requires the real pitches to be specified in the source.