Graham Percival wrote:
> John Mandereau wrote:
> > Putting the footer links again only require one-line fix in a build
> > script and a small setup in a wiki. If the developers agree,
> I don't.  I'll play the evil totalitarian guy here.
> Writing good documentation is hard.  I know that better than most: I've 
> spent almost 1000 hours working on the current docs.  "Wiki" isn't a 
> magic wand that you can wave and get good docs.  Documentation requires 
> time and effort.
> I have a challenge: before complaining about my anti-wiki position, 
> spend five hours writing docs for the official docs.  It doesn't have to 
> be all at once; spend half an hour one day, maybe an hour on the next, 
> etc.  Send your doc changes to me according to this page:

Your long experience with the docs may allow you to be more totalitarian
than me :-)

I'll soon have stuff to commit on the tutorial, when I've finished
hacking these buildscripts for the French tutorial release.

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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