break-align-symbols is mentioned in 2.20.
As you say, it should be altered with considering other effects.
On 2022/02/06 1:20, Richard Shann wr
On Sun, 2022-02-06 at 00:15 +0900, Masaki, Akikazu wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> The last spacer is not necessary, but staff lines don't reach
> trailing
> key or time signatures by default. (I guess you tried that.)
yes, that's the purpose of the spacer.
> Set StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols proper
Hi Richard,
The last spacer is not necessary, but staff lines don't reach trailing
key or time signatures by default. (I guess you tried that.)
Set StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols property;
\version "2.22.0"
\layout {
\context {
\override StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols
When the following movement in a score is going to be in a different
key the player is sometimes warned by printing a key signature change
after the closing barline.
The attached file accomplishes this, but I wonder if there is something
less hacky that does this. In particular the spacer rest dura