Hi Richard, The last spacer is not necessary, but staff lines don't reach trailing key or time signatures by default. (I guess you tried that.) Set StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols property; %%%%%%%% \version "2.22.0" \layout { \context { \Staff \override StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols = #'() % \override StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols = #'(key-signature) %% a bit different result } } \markup { Movement I } { c'' c'' c'' c'' c'' c'' \bar "|." \key bes \major } %%%%%%%%
Akikazu On 2022/02/05 21:58, Richard Shann wrote:
When the following movement in a score is going to be in a different key the player is sometimes warned by printing a key signature change after the closing barline. The attached file accomplishes this, but I wonder if there is something less hacky that does this. In particular the spacer rest duration matters but what it is doing exactly seems a mystery. Richard Shann