break-align-symbols is mentioned in 2.20.

As you say, it should be altered with considering other effects.

On 2022/02/06 1:20, Richard Shann wrote:
On Sun, 2022-02-06 at 00:15 +0900, Masaki, Akikazu wrote:
Hi Richard,

The last spacer is not necessary, but staff lines don't reach
key or time signatures by default.  (I guess you tried that.)

yes, that's the purpose of the spacer.

Set StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols property;
\version "2.22.0"
\layout {
    \context {
      \override StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols = #'()
      % \override StaffSymbol.break-align-symbols = #'(key-signature)
%% a bit different result
\markup { Movement I }
    c'' c'' c'' c''
    c''  c''
    \bar "|." \key bes \major }

Thank you for this insight. I worry what else altering this value might
change, but can find no reference to break-align-symbols, a search on gives just one hit for
break-align-symbol (not symbols) - namely

which lead me to

which still doesn't mention a property break-align-symbols ...

I'm guessing setting this must impact something else, as otherwise the
present default just leads to the rather unusual typesetting for the
trailing key change.



On 2022/02/05 21:58, Richard Shann wrote:
When the following movement in a score is going to be in a
key the player is sometimes warned by printing a key signature
after the closing barline.
The attached file accomplishes this, but I wonder if there is
less hacky that does this. In particular the spacer rest duration
matters but what it is doing exactly seems a mystery.

Richard Shann

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