On 3/23/2022 5:18 AM, Valentin Petzel wrote:
I have nothing against ghosts, just against this type of ghost.
This is the user mailing list. For requests like "please fix this" you might
also send this to the bug mailing list. If you need a quick fix: Adding an
empty grace column \grace{ s } befo
s properly attached to the note. Here is the MWE (see also attached
> image Ambitus-LV-ghosts.png):
> \version "2.22.0"
> \new Voice \with { \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } {
>a'\laissezVibrer c'' c'
> }
> In this example, th
(see also attached
image Ambitus-LV-ghosts.png):
\version "2.22.0"
\new Voice \with { \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } {
a'\laissezVibrer c'' c'
In this example, the c'' and c' are necessary to establish a range for
the ambitus to di
On 10/20/2017 4:52 PM, Michael Gerdau wrote:
Hi list,
I have a chord with \laissezVibrer attached and I want only one of ties:
%% snip - snip - snip
\version "2.19.65"
{ \laissezVibrer }
%% snip - snip - snip
I want e.g. only the tie from c' (and/or only from g') but no
On 10/20/2017 4:52 PM, Michael Gerdau wrote:
Hi list,
I have a chord with \laissezVibrer attached and I want only one of ties:
%% snip - snip - snip
\version "2.19.65"
{ \laissezVibrer }
%% snip - snip - snip
I want e.g. only the tie from c' (and/or only from g') but no
Hi list,
I have a chord with \laissezVibrer attached and I want only one of ties:
%% snip - snip - snip
\version "2.19.65"
{ \laissezVibrer }
%% snip - snip - snip
I want e.g. only the tie from c' (and/or only from g') but not both.
I'm kind of sure this should be poss
On 19/10/13 07:07, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to change the shape of more than one laissezVibrer at the same
time in chord, but I can't seem to find an way to do it because they are
simultaneous. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
\version &qu
gt; View this message in context:
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Changing-the-shape-of-more-than-one-laissezVibrer-in-chord-tp152566p152569.html
> Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
Now that's very clever! :D
I just need to use this for a couple of two note chords in whole note, so I
guess I will just cheat as well.
Thanks a lot!
View this message in context:
ks a lot for
it! That is looking promising, I will have a look on it now to see if I
understand how to make it work on my score.
View this message in context:
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Thomas Morley
> 2013/10/18 Gilberto Agostinho :
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to change the shape of more than one laissezVibrer at the same
>> time in chord, but I can't seem to find an way to do it because they are
2013/10/18 Gilberto Agostinho :
> Hi all,
> I would like to change the shape of more than one laissezVibrer at the same
> time in chord, but I can't seem to find an way to do it because they are
> simultaneous. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
> \v
Hi all,
I would like to change the shape of more than one laissezVibrer at the same
time in chord, but I can't seem to find an way to do it because they are
simultaneous. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
\version "2.17.28"
\markup {The top laissezVibrer is look
f the next note were not a 'c', an error
message would have been emitted.
Visually, this gives the correct output:
\alternative {
{ r2 r4 f8 c8 \laissezVibrer }
{ c8 c c c }
But is this the correct way? For example, in the midi the note doesn't
sound tied.
I believe
n error
message would have been emitted.
Visually, this gives the correct output:
\alternative {
{ r2 r4 f8 c8 \laissezVibrer }
{ c8 c c c }
But is this the correct way? For example, in the midi the note doesn't
sound tied.
-- Johan
cation offsets) (list?)
\once \override LaissezVibrerTie #'control-points = #(alter-lv-tie-curve
\relative c' {
d8( e) ~ e4 ~ \shapeLVTie #'(0 0 0.75 -0.7 2.25 -0.7 3 0)
\relative c' {
\override LaissezVibrerTie #'control-point
car stil-ext) (car new-stil-ext
#(assoc-set! (assoc-ref all-grob-descriptions 'LaissezVibrerTie)
'stencil enlarged-extent-laissez-vibrer::print)
music = \relative c' {
\laissezVibrer s s s
il-scale stil scale-factor 1))
(new-stil-ext (ly:stencil-extent new-stil X))
(x-corr (- (car stil-ext) (car new-stil-ext
#(assoc-set! (assoc-ref all-grob-descriptions 'LaissezVibrerTie)
Thomas Morley writes:
> Hi Nick,
> 2012/3/9 Nick Payne :
>> Thanks. I gave it a try. The one shortcoming I've found is that the ends of
>> LV ties on a chord containing a second no longer align.
> That's because "factor" is used in a multiplication. An easy fix would
> be to change that to
ns 'LaissezVibrerTie)
'stencil enlarged-extent-laissez-vibrer::print)
music = \relative c' {
\laissezVibrer s s s
\laissezVibrer s s s
\new StaffGroup
\new Staff \with { fontSize = #-3
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magste
On 08/03/12 09:09, Thomas Morley wrote:
Hi Nick,
2012/3/7 Janek Warchoł:
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Nick Payne wrote:
The default length of laissezvibrer ties in Lilypond is extremely short
compared to those I see in commercially published scores. Here's the
Lilypond output (defaul
Hi Nick,
2012/3/7 Janek Warchoł :
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Nick Payne
> wrote:
>> The default length of laissezvibrer ties in Lilypond is extremely short
>> compared to those I see in commercially published scores. Here's the
>> Lilypond output (default an
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Nick Payne wrote:
> The default length of laissezvibrer ties in Lilypond is extremely short
> compared to those I see in commercially published scores. Here's the
> Lilypond output (default and tweaked) compared to the LV ties in scores from
2012/3/7 Nick Payne :
> The default length of laissezvibrer ties in Lilypond is extremely short
> compared to those I see in commercially published scores.
You are right. I have just done this
http://paconet.org/lilypond/bach-cbt1.pdf and that would have been
very useful.
The default length of laissezvibrer ties in Lilypond is extremely short
compared to those I see in commercially published scores. Here's the
Lilypond output (default and tweaked) compared to the LV ties in scores
from three different publishers:
\version "2.15.32"
r, and lilypond if the notes are
> correct as played and a laissezVibrer is used to indicate the
> longer duration of a note. A specific context can be heard
> here:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrZTNhW44-o
There are plenty of decent ways of notating this without
\laissezVibrer, depend
to the player that the notes don't add up to the time signature. I
think it is simpler for the composer, the player, and lilypond if the notes are
correct as played and a laissezVibrer is used to indicate the longer duration
of a note. A specific context can be heard here:
On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Mark Polesky wrote:
> Peter Buhr wrote:
> > I want to specify a duration (tie length) for
> > \laissezVibrer as in:
> >
> > a4\laissezVibrer{1}
> >
> > meaning put a tie of duration whole-note on the 1/4 note
> > &q
* Peter Buhr [2010-09-13 20:57]:
I want to specify a duration (tie length) for \laissezVibrer as in:
meaning put a tie of duration whole-note on the 1/4 note "a". Knowing how long
to let a note ring seems essential to describe the music for a player. I
Peter Buhr wrote:
> I want to specify a duration (tie length) for
> \laissezVibrer as in:
> a4\laissezVibrer{1}
> meaning put a tie of duration whole-note on the 1/4 note
> "a". Knowing how long to let a note ring seems essential
> to describe the music f
On 14/09/10 10:57, Peter Buhr wrote:
I want to specify a duration (tie length) for \laissezVibrer as in:
meaning put a tie of duration whole-note on the 1/4 note "a". Knowing how long
to let a note ring seems essential to describe the music for a player. I
I want to specify a duration (tie length) for \laissezVibrer as in:
meaning put a tie of duration whole-note on the 1/4 note "a". Knowing how long
to let a note ring seems essential to describe the music for a player. I
searched the web and found others asking
OK! Very good!
Thank you so match!
lilypond-user mailing list
On 15/05/10 07:06, Mario Moles wrote:
How can I lengthen the curve of \laissezVibrer?
\version "2.13.20"
extendLV = #(define-music-function (parser location further) (number?) #{
\once \override LaissezVibrerTie #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
\once \overr
How can I lengthen the curve of \laissezVibrer?
\version "2.13.21"
\header {
title = "Piccolo pezzo"
\paper {
ragged-last = ##f
left-margin = 1.75\cm
right-margin = 1.25\cm
global = {\override Score.M
Thanks. What I did in the end was to create a third voice with \hideNotes
turned on and attach the laissezVibrer tie to a note in that voice. I also used
the hidden voice for some ties and slurs across the visible voices.
> -Original Message-
> From: Robin Bannister [ma
Nick Payne wrote:
Is this possible without faking the chord by creating two voices?
Is this more what you are looking for?
It is not all that easy to use:
- you have to work out the position, e.g. -9, by yourself
- and it won't move when you transpose.
See IR 3.2.84.
Nick Payne wrote:
the laissezVibrer tie specified in the bass voice also appears
on the two simultaneous notes in the treble voice.
This is because of the names you gave your voices.
They happen to be the same as those automatically chosen by
the << { } \\ { } >> construct.
I have found that when I add the bit of code to get a laissezVibrer tie on a
single note of a chord to a piece that has a couple of voices, the tie seems to
leak to the other voice. When I run the attached file through Lilypond, the
laissezVibrer tie specified in the bass voice also appears on
that, I don't know.
Introducing a subsequent short note so that you can
tie to it is overkill, and distracts the (sight-)reader.
I had two problems with using laissezVibrer for this:
- it applies to the whole chord
- it affects the spacing.
So I recently cooked up the following st
E-mail seems to have corrupted my test code:
relative c' {
On Thu 09/04/09 10:01 AM , nick.pa...@internode.on.net sent:
Is this possible without faking the chord by creating two voices? I
tried putting the laissezVibrer command against a single note of the
chord but nothing dis
Is this possible without faking the chord by creating two voices? I
tried putting the laissezVibrer command against a single note of the
chord but nothing displays.
relative c' {
lilypond-user mailing list
;X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
\new Staff {
\time 4/4
\key e \minor
\clef "treble_8" {
{ \stemNeutral fis,16 fis c a fis dis' a fis' dis'
fis' a dis' fis a c fis
\clef "treble_8" {
{ \stemNeutral fis,16 fis c a fis dis' a fis' dis' fis' a
dis' fis a c fis }
{ \stemDown fis,2.\laissezVibrer s4 }
{ \stemNeutral
The laissezVibrer tie is drawn as a Bézier curve, just like normal ties, so
you can modify its control points to control its length and shape very
flexibly, as long as it is attached to a single note rather than the notes
in a chord. The object to modify is LaissezVibrerTie and the
sometimes \laissezVibrer looks very short - how can i control the
duration/length of the tie?
thx for your help!
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