On 08/03/12 09:09, Thomas Morley wrote:
Hi Nick,

2012/3/7 Janek Warchoł<janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>:
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Nick Payne<nick.pa...@internode.on.net>  wrote:
The default length of laissezvibrer ties in Lilypond is extremely short
compared to those I see in commercially published scores. Here's the
Lilypond output (default and tweaked) compared to the LV ties in scores from
three different publishers:
\version "2.15.32"

\version "2.15.32"

xLV = #(define-music-function (parser location further) (number?) #{
    \once \override LaissezVibrerTie  #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
    \once \override LaissezVibrerTie  #'details #'note-head-gap = #(/ further
    \once \override LaissezVibrerTie  #'extra-offset = #(cons (/ further 2)

\relative c' {
    c4\laissezVibrer s s s
    \xLV #3 c4\laissezVibrer s s s
I'd make it halfway between current length and your longer version.
Keep in mind that it can be used for "let ring" indications in guitar
music (unless i'm mistaken), and that can be a pretty dense music.

as a workaround (instead of tweaking every LaissezVibrerTie one by
one) I come up with:

\version "2.14.2"

#(define factor 2)

#(define (enlarged-extent-laissez-vibrer::print grob)
   (let* ((stil (laissez-vibrer::print grob))
          (stil-ext (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
          (stil-length (interval-length stil-ext))
          (new-stil-length (* stil-length factor))
          (scale-factor (/ new-stil-length stil-length))
          (new-stil (ly:stencil-scale stil scale-factor 1))
          (new-stil-ext (ly:stencil-extent new-stil X))
          (x-corr (- (car stil-ext) (car new-stil-ext))))

#(assoc-set! (assoc-ref all-grob-descriptions 'LaissezVibrerTie)
'stencil enlarged-extent-laissez-vibrer::print)

\relative c' {
         <c e g c>\laissezVibrer

You may want to play around with the value of "factor" to find sth
that fits your needs.
Works with 2.15.31, too.

Thanks. I gave it a try. The one shortcoming I've found is that the ends of LV ties on a chord containing a second no longer align. It also increases the weight of the LV ties relative to ordinary ties and slurs:

\version "2.15.32"

#(define factor 2)

#(define (enlarged-extent-laissez-vibrer::print grob)
  (let* ((stil (laissez-vibrer::print grob))
         (stil-ext (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
         (stil-length (interval-length stil-ext))
         (new-stil-length (* stil-length factor))
         (scale-factor (/ new-stil-length stil-length))
         (new-stil (ly:stencil-scale stil scale-factor 1))
         (new-stil-ext (ly:stencil-extent new-stil X))
         (x-corr (- (car stil-ext) (car new-stil-ext))))

#(assoc-set! (assoc-ref all-grob-descriptions 'LaissezVibrerTie)
'stencil enlarged-extent-laissez-vibrer::print)

\relative c' {
<c e g c>\laissezVibrer s s s <d c f,>\laissezVibrer s s s

<<attachment: with_tweak.png>>

<<attachment: without_tweak.png>>

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