Nick Payne wrote:
Is this possible without faking the chord by creating two voices?
Is this more what you are looking for?
It is not all that easy to use:
- you have to work out the position, e.g. -9, by yourself
- and it won't move when you transpose.
See IR 3.2.84.
singleLV =
#(define-music-function (parser location pos dir) (integer? integer?)
\override LaissezVibrerTieColumn #'tie-configuration =
#(make-list 8 (cons $pos $dir) )
$(make-music 'EventChord 'elements
(list (make-music 'LaissezVibrerEvent)))
treble = \relative c {
<e' bes'>4 \singleLV #-9 #DOWN <a,, cis' a'>8. g''32( f) g8. e16
bass = \relative c {
<g g'>4
\once \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag e'8.
r16 r8. <a cis>16
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