Re: Standard sheet music in (US)

2006-07-17 Thread Rick Hogg
Rick, All you have to do is change your paper.scm. That's all I did, and I get 9x12 PDFs just fine. All you have to do after that is find a printer that will print 9x12 paper or go to your local copy shop. I've attached my paper.scm file. Look at the section that gives paper dimensions. The li

Re: x-offset in <<\\>> environment?

2006-07-16 Thread Rick Hogg
Sorry, the stems still collide. Well, voice 1 flag collides with voice 3 stem. Thanks --- Rick Hogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I asked this question last month and got an answer > that almost helped, but is it possible to use > X-offset > in the <<\\>> environm

x-offset in <<\\>> environment?

2006-07-16 Thread Rick Hogg
I asked this question last month and got an answer that almost helped, but is it possible to use X-offset in the <<\\>> environment? I need both voices to be stem-up, so I created a blank second voice, using only first and third for notation, but the flags still collide (that is, << \\ \\ >>). Th

Dynamics above/below bar lines?

2006-07-16 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello, I'm copying a score (same one I've been working on for months now, trying to make it perfect, waiting for technology to catch up, etc, etc.) and one of the things in this score is dynamic markings above or below the bar lines. It helps spacing in some aspects. So I'm wondering, how do I go

x-offset in <<\\>> environment?

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello, I have a measure where I'm using << \\ >>, but I need the stems for both voices to go up. Lily keeps giving me this error: warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns \change Staff = upper<< {s4. fis'''8-. r r | d-. r r ais-. r r | fis-. r r d-. r r

Re: Angle of (de)crescendo

2006-06-09 Thread Rick Hogg
Thanks for all the answers. Since 2.9.x is in development, is it worth upgrading now, or should I wait for the next stable release? Thanks, Rick --- Daniel Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Kieren MacMillan wrote: > > In v2.9, there is! ;-) > > > > In the NEWS section of the documentation

Angle of (de)crescendo

2006-06-08 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello, I'm just wondering if there's a way to adjust the angle of a crescendo or decrescendo. I'm copying a piece into Lilypond, and some of the shorter cres. follow the direction of the line (e.g. angling up with an ascending line, down with a descending line). I really like the look of it and w

Re: Different staff sizes?

2006-06-08 Thread Rick Hogg
Kieren, For some reason I can't get your link working, but I looked in the documentation again and did find a command staffsize=ht, but that looks like it only applies when using Lilypond-book. Are there any non-lp-book uses for this? Thanks, Rick --- Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Different staff sizes?

2006-06-07 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello, Just wondering if it's possible to make the solo voice in my saxophone/piano piece smaller in the piano score? (e.g. saxophone staff size 12 piano staff size 14) Thanks __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protecti

Re: Recent user trying to find out how to "mix music and text".

2006-06-05 Thread Rick Hogg
Another option instead of integrating LP with LaTeX just to import into OOo would be to learn LaTeX.  I'm just starting off with LaTeX myself, and honestly, I think it will be better (more professional) looking and easier to integrate.  All the same you should be able to import files into OOo, and

Re: Questions about my piece

2006-05-31 Thread Rick Hogg
Okay,I've attached my notes file and my score file.  Typeset the score file to see what I'm talking about.  You might need to adjust the paper size if you haven't made the modification for 9 inch by 12 inch paper.Thanks!Rick Hogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Mats,I tried to att

Different margins on separate pages?

2006-05-31 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,I would like to set the margins on the first page differently than on the following pages.  Basically, the instrument name is too close to the top of the page on the other pages to be printable, but the first page is perfect.  Is there any way to do this?Thanks,Rick Ring'em or ping'em. Make

Re: Questions about my piece

2006-05-31 Thread Rick Hogg
Mats,I tried to attach the piece, but it was kicked back at me by the list.  I can include my code, and I'd be more than happy to email anyone willing to help with the attachment.  I'm just going to attach the bar before the cadenza and the cadenza.  I'm sure it'll probably be in the wrong octave,

Questions about my piece

2006-05-30 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,I'm working on a piece, "Pulcinella" by Eugene Bozza, for any of you saxophonists out there, and I have an unmetered cadenza in the sax part that starts with a sustained dotted quarter note while the piano plays a run of 32nd notes that then continues in the saxophone line.  I need to matc

Re: Connecting arpeggio brackets?

2006-05-25 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,Anybody?  I've searched the archives to the best of my abilities and coming up empty-handed.  Need to know how to attach arpeggio brackets between piano staves.  Read belowThanksRick Hogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,Just wondering how to connect arpeggio brackets.  I've done the \set Pia

Connecting arpeggio brackets?

2006-05-24 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,Just wondering how to connect arpeggio brackets.  I've done the \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t  and I've done \arpeggioBracket \arpeggio in both staves.  Without the \set PianoStaff... set LP draws brackets, but not connected.  With the \set PianoStaff... set LP draws a regular arpegg

Re: Connecting notes on separate staves...

2006-05-20 Thread Rick Hogg
       \new Staff = "upper" \upper            \new Staff = "lower" \lower        >>    }%%Thanks,RickThies Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Rick!Rick Hogg schrieb:> Can anybody help me on this? How do I move the notes on the bottom > staff to the right?Are you looking

Re: Connecting notes on separate staves...

2006-05-20 Thread Rick Hogg
Can anybody help me on this?  How do I move the notes on the bottom staff to the right?  I know how to move expressions and other non-musical content, but I need to shift actual notes to be able to connect them to the note on the top staff.ThanksRickRick Hogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,I've c

Connecting notes on separate staves...

2006-05-19 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,I've come across a problem.  I'm using cross-staff beams, in conjunction with voices using << \\ >>, but the note from the top staff doesn't line up with the notes from the bottom.  Have a look:%\version "2.8.3"\layout { ragged-right = ##t }stemExtend = \once \override

temporary second voice?

2006-05-16 Thread Rick Hogg
In addition to my questions of earlier, one more:Is there any way to temporarily activate a second voice in a part?  For example, in the piano part I'm working on, the left hand bounces between staves (beamed together) which I've figured out, but then it comes to a part where the right hand plays a


2006-05-16 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,I'm working on inputting a score into LilyPond, but I've come across a couple issues:1. How do I extract the solo part from the score?2. How do I make the solo part smaller in the piano score (e.g. piano part full size, saxophone part smaller)?3. How do I tweak the solo part separate from the

.scm file?

2006-05-13 Thread Rick Hogg
I see a lot of emails on the list and in the archive addressing modifying the ".scm" and other files to change one preference or another.  My question is, on Mac OS X, where are these files located?  I have a hunch that I alter them in pico, vim or TextEdit.Thanks in advance,Rick Get amazing trav

Cadenza question

2006-05-12 Thread Rick Hogg
How do I get my cadenzas to maintain bar numbers?  LilyPond halts numbering bars until after I turn off the cadenza, and I don't want that.  Example:bar 55 | cadenza | bar 56I want:bar 55 | (bar 56 cadenza) | bar 57Thanks in advance! How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Pho

Tutorial vs. actual printout

2006-05-11 Thread Rick Hogg
Quick question about examples in the tutorial:  When I try out some of them, instead of concise little snippets, they take up the entire width of the page.  For example, page 34-35 has "Piano and melody with lyrics":\version "2.7.39" melody = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 a b

Re: chord symbol collides w/music

2006-05-09 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,I know somebody replied to this last night, but your response went to my junk mail folder which I emptied before realizing what was in there.  Could you re-submit it please?Thanks for your reply!RickRick Hogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I know it has something to do with an \override or someth

chord symbol collides w/music

2006-05-08 Thread Rick Hogg
I know it has something to do with an \override or something, but how do I reposition chord symbols to not interfere with my music?\version "2.8.1"#(set-default-paper-size "letter")\paper {        top-margin = 0.00\cm        }% the header    \header {        title = "Cherokee"        tagline = "Lea

Chords above music?

2006-05-03 Thread Rick Hogg
Hello,I'm new to the mailing list, and have a couple questions:As my first attempt in Lilypond, I'm trying to input Miles Davis' "Donna Lee" complete with chords, but 1.) the chords print out below the music, and 2.) I can't seem to make a C7#5#9 or Bb7b5  Here's how my file looks:\version "2.8.1"\