I have a measure where I'm using << \\ >>, but I need
the stems for both voices to go up.  Lily keeps giving
me this error:

pulcinella.notes.ly:255:93: warning: ignoring too many
clashing note columns
        \change Staff = upper<< {s4. fis'''8-. r r | d-. r r
ais-. r r | fis-. r r d-. r r | 
                                      ais-. r r fis-.
r r } \\ { \stemUp d2.( | d)( | \once \override
NoteColumn #'X-offset = #1.3 { d)( } | \once \override
NoteColumn #'X-offset = #1.3 { d) } } >> |

I have that for three measures, and I get the error
for all three.  I try the x-offset, but it doesn't
work either.  Here's my code for one of the measures:


        \change Staff = upper<< {s4. fis'''8-. r r | d-. r r
ais-. r r | fis-. r r d-. r r | ais-. r r fis-. r r }
\\ { \stemUp d2.( | d)( | \once \override NoteColumn
#'X-offset = #1.3 { d)( } | \once \override NoteColumn
#'X-offset = #1.3 { d) } } >> |


Any help would be much appreciated.  On a similar
note, is there anywhere we can post code, output, and
what it  _should_ look like so that others can see
what we're talking about and try to help?


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