I'm working on a piece, "Pulcinella" by Eugene Bozza, for any of you saxophonists out there, and I have an unmetered cadenza in the sax part that starts with a sustained dotted quarter note while the piano plays a run of 32nd notes that then continues in the saxophone line.  I need to match this line up exactly, and I need to make the rest of the piano part line up with the rest of the sax cadenza.  As I have it now, the piano part takes up the one measure it's supposed to, but now the sax part is stretched over three bars.

I'm really hoping there's someone out there who has the score to look at to see what I'm talking about.  Unfortunately I'm not able to attach a pdf to show you what it looks like.

Also, how do I get laissez vibrer ties to stretch farther?  I have a run, but I need each note to hold out longer than the next , all ending in the same place.  Actually, in the score the ties don't even start until after the last note of the run, but you can tell they're meant to go with the previous notes.

One more question:  In measure 16 of the piano part there's an arpeggio.  It's supposed to be an arpeggio bracket, but even after using \arpeggioBracket it doesn't draw one.  How can I fix this?

Thanks in advance for all the help,

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