In lilypond 2.8.6 this input
{ << {c''8 d''8 c''8} \\ {r4.} >> r8 r2 }
gives three eighth notes with seperated flags (i.e. without a beam). In my
opinion, that is a bug.
In contrast, the slightly modified input
{ << {c''8 d''8 c''8 r} \\ {r2} >> r2 }
produces a beam.
I wrote a triangle voice using a RhythmicStaff.
There are two problems I want to show by a small example:
\version "2.8.6"
triangolo = {
\clef percussion
c c c c |
\mark \default |
\repeat "percent" 50 {c2 c |}
\new RhythmicStaff {
1) The rehersal mark collides with th
In the accidental-style modern, accidentals get cancelled in the following
I would like to extend that behaviour to the next two or maybe three or four
measures, since the measures are relative short in my case (3/8 time
signature). Is that possible?
What I mean is:
If I have
Thanks for the answer, that works for me.
Also, I understand the explanation why it is difficult to automatically
resolve the collisions with multi-measure-rests.
But I hope that it is at least a long time goal of the lilypond developers to
handle that case automatically.
On Thursday
it's me again.
I ran into this problem:
\relative c' { << {c c c c} \\ {R1} >> }
In the output there is a collision between the rest of the second voice and
the notes of the first voice.
The right solution would be to put the rest on a ledger line and to lower it
until no collision oc
Thanks for your reply, Markus.
I'm aware of the solution you suggested. But really I feel that the notes and
the dynamics should be together. So I would like to know if that is possible.
On Wednesday 04 October 2006 21:47, Markus Schneider wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> you could do your dy
Hi Kieren,
this doesn't work for me. I get the same error message as before.
I use Lilypond 2.8.6 (latest stable).
On Wednesday 04 October 2006 22:08, you wrote:
> Hi, Michael:
> > I want to have a crescendo mark which starts within a monophonic
> > part an ends
> > within a polyphonic
I want to have a crescendo mark which starts within a monophonic part an ends
within a polyphonic part. Like this (non working) example:
c\cr << {d\!} \\ {f} >>
The c should be connected to the subseeding d by a crescendo.
I know that I could put the first note into the polyphonic part (like thi
On Wednesday 04 October 2006 08:50, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Michael Kiermaier wrote:
> > Thanks for the hint, Mats.
> >
> > ppsempre = #(make-dynamic-script (markup "pp" #:normal-text #:italic
> > "sempre" ) )
> >
> > works. Only the vertic
Hi Kieren,
thanks, that works!
I realized that there quite some space between the dynamic marks and the
hairpin. In extreme situations like the one I had (c4\f\> c4\p), that space
should be reduced, I think.
Is it possible to adjust that space?
On Tuesday 03 October 2006 23:33, Kier
I get the warning
"crescendo too small"
for two notes close to each other, both with dynamic marks and connected by a
crescendo. In the pdf output I get a very degenerated crescendo mark: Only a
vertical line.
To fix this I have to force the two notes further apart. But I don't know how
to do t
> /Mats
> Michael Kiermaier wrote:
> >I want to have a dynamic mark "pp sempre".
> >
> >On
> >
> >.html#New-dynamic-marks the manual
> And using it:
> c-\markup
Sorry, of course this should be
lilypond-user mailing list
I want to have a dynamic mark "pp sempre".
the manual shows two ways to create new dynamic marks:
Dynamic marks consisting only of the dynamic-mark-letters f,m,p,r,s and z, s,
so "pp sempre" c
{c'( d'^\flageolet)}
gives the warning:
Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
I do not understand the meaning of the warning, since I don't know the meaning
of the word "grob" (neither does
Anyway, the result looks fine, but how do I get rid of this annoying warning?
tes new Voice contexts, I guess that you have to do
> the setting in the Staff context:
> #(set-accidental-style 'modern-voice 'Staff)
> Michael Kiermaier wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I want to combine two voices with \partcombine using
I want to combine two voices with \partcombine using the "modern-voice"
accidental-style. Unfortunately, I cannot get it to work, the accidental set
behaviour seems to be "default", no matter what I try.
Is it impossible to use \partcombine together with #(set-accidental-style
Hi Mats,
thanks for your detailed answer.
Unfortunally I am not very happy with the results I get.
I am working on an orchestral piece. Voice-independent things (time
signatures, special bar lines, repeats, rehersal marks and the tempo marks)
go to the file
In the end I want to hav
Hello list,
I wonder what is the preferred way to set tempo marks as "ritardando", "a
tempo" etc. The lilypond documentation is very good in general, but I did not
find much information about this.
I tried a scheme macro that I found in
Is there anything wrong with my posting?
Should I post it to the bugs mailing list?
On Friday 16 April 2004 23:48, Michael Kiermaier wrote:
> Hello!
> It is my strong believe that a perfect music typesetter only needs the pure
> musical information of a music f
It is my strong believe that a perfect music typesetter only needs the pure
musical information of a music file, without redundancy. For this reason I
never was happy with Finale & Co., and for the very same reason lilypond
looks tremendously appealing to me.
I finished my first lilypon
I searched hard for a way to add a ritardando sign to my lilypond score.
The only way i found is to use the markup command.
I do not like it this way. It seems like a hack to me.
A ritardando appears quite often in sheet music, and for that reason I would
like a \rit command (similar to \
On Thursday 18 March 2004 22:38, you wrote:
> As a follow-up to my previous post, you can fix it with this:
> lower = \new Voice \notes\relative f'' {
> \clef treble \key b \major \time 4/4
> 2 2 | etc.
> lower = \new Voice \notes\relative f'' {
> \clef treble \key b \major \time 4/
hint how to fix this.
Many thanks,
~michael kiermaier
\include ""
\header {
composer = "Jelly Roll Morton"
title = "Jelly Roll Blues"
enteredby = "MKI"
upper = \new Voice \notes\relative c''' {
\clef treble \key b \major
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