
Is there anything wrong with my posting?
Should I post it to the bugs mailing list?

On Friday 16 April 2004 23:48, Michael Kiermaier wrote:
> Hello!
> It is my strong believe that a perfect music typesetter only needs the pure
> musical information of a music file, without redundancy. For this reason I
> never was happy with Finale & Co., and for the very same reason lilypond
> looks tremendously appealing to me.
> I finished my first lilypond a while ago and the result was overwhelming.
> But still I see some points where I think that lilypond does not totally
> the right thing. Some of them went away when I updated from 2.0 to 2.2, but
> the bigger part remained.
> I want to report and discuss them here.
> Please download my file at
> http://home.in.tum.de/~kiermaim/misc/Rag.ly
> and compile it with lilypond-2.2.0
> A)
> bar 1: There is a line titled %HACK in the source file which is necessary
> to get the bar printed correctly. This is a bug documented in the manual. I
> was a bit surprised that 2.2 does not fix it.
> B)
> bar 1, left hand: The bass clef should be placed below the notes of the
> right hand. For example, in bar 17 lilypond sets the treble clef correctly.
> I am not sure why this does not happen in bar 1.
> C)
> I feel that the accidentals of grace note are too much apart from the main
> note. This can be observed in many locations, the first one is the f# in
> the left hand of bar 6.
> D)
> bar 7, left hand: The bass clef is set too close to the preceeding bb-note.
> E)
> bar 9, left hand: There is a collision between the slur and the 3 of the
> triplet.
> F)
> bar 31, right hand: There is a collision of the grace note d and the ledger
> line of the succeeding chord.
> G)
> Many ties look too steep. For example in bar 32, right hand; or in bar 41,
> right hand. I am not sure if the horizontal alignment of the ties is
> correct. I looked at scores of Edition Peters, and I have the impression
> that ties get hooked horizontally to the center of the note heads, if this
> is possible without collision, otherwise they are hooked to the inner
> border (I hope this is understandable). Lilypond seems to hook always to
> the inner border.
> H)
> bar 37, right hand. There is a collision of two ties. In version 2.0 the
> tie of the note e went down, so there was no collision of the ties (but a
> collision with the ledger line). I guess the correct thing would be the
> behaviour of 2.0, but making the tie a bit flatter (or steeper?) to avoid
> the collision with the ledger line.
> J)
> bar 37, left hand. The upper slur collides with the flag. This clearly does
> not look good, but I am not sure what would be the correct way resolve it.
> K)
> bar 42, right hand. The ending of the 8va-bracket doesn't look good. It
> should end either clearly before or clearly behind the dot, in my opinion.
> In 2.0 it ended (too much) before the dot, but it did not look good,
> either.
> Please note that I am not looking for manual fixes for these observations.
> A, B, D, E, F, H, K look like bugs to me. Maybe I discovered some unknown
> ones. I hope that my post helps to fix them quickly.
> Also I hope to have a discussion about the observations, especially the
> more arguable ones.
> Many Thanks for this great program and keep up the good work,
> ~michael

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