
I am at my first tries with lilypond, and it seems to be a wonderful program
so far.
But I have a weird problem that I am not able to solve.

I simply copy my file into this mail. In the first bar the \acciaccatura
command produces nonsense.

It would be nice if someone could give me a hint how to fix this.

Many thanks,

~michael kiermaier

\include "deutsch.ly"
\header {
  composer = "Jelly Roll Morton"
  title = "Jelly Roll Blues"
  enteredby = "MKI"

upper = \new Voice \notes\relative c''' {
  \clef treble \key b \major \time 4/4
  #(set-octavation 1) \acciaccatura {des16[ d e f]} ges8. ges16 des8. b16
ges8. des'16 b8. ges 16 |
  #(set-octavation 0) r8. ges16 des8. b16 ges8. des'16 b8. ges 16 |
  r8. des16 ges8. b16 <es es,>4 <c g e>4 |
  <c a f>2 <c a f>4-^ r4 \bar "||" |
  \times 2/3 {<b d b'>8 <b d b'> <b d b'>} <b d b'>8. f'16 <b, d g>2 |
  \times 2/3 {<b d f>8 <b d f> <b d f>} <b d f>8. <b d f>16 <b d g>4 <b d f>
  \acciaccatura {c16[ des]} d8 g4 f8 des 8. d16 b8. ges 16 |
  g8. f16 des 8. d 16 b4 <f as b>4-^ |

lower = \new Voice \notes\relative f'' {
  \clef treble \key b \major \time 4/4
  <ges des b>2 <des b ges>2 |
  \clef bass <ges, des b>2 <des b ges>2 |
  <b des, ges,>2\arpeggio <b ges>4 <b g e> |
  <c as f>2 <c as f>4-^ r4 \bar "||" |
  \clef treble <d f>2 <d g> |
  \acciaccatura {d16[ e]} f2 \acciaccatura {f16[ fis]} g2 |
  \acciaccatura {c,16[ des]} d8 g4 f8 des8. d16 b8. ges16 |
  \clef bass g8. f16 des8. d16 b4 <b, b'>4-^ |

\score {
  \context PianoStaff <<

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