Re: Changing every grob's color in a staff

2005-11-14 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Thanks a lot for your suggestions, Han-Wen. I finally managed to get what I wanted. I post my solution here: \version "2.6.4" #(define (override-color-for-all-grobs color) (lambda (context) (let loop ((x all-grob-descriptio

Changing every grob's color in a staff

2005-11-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
t; \applyoutput #gray-grob (notes...) } but unfortunately \applyoutput works on the first grob only. How could I tell Lilypond to use "gray-grob" on every grob on the staff? Thanks in advance, Maurizio Tomasi. ___ lil

Re: small phrase to small png

2005-04-26 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
___ lilypond-user mailing list Use --preview from the command line. Maurizio. -- Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. +39-02-23699308

Re: midi with multiple scores

2005-04-21 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
-- Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. +39-02-23699308 ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tie problem

2005-03-01 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Maurizio Tomasi wrote: The reason why Lilypond is not behaving as expected is, when you use <<>> Lily creates a new voice (by the way, why are you using "\\"?). The solution is to include the note to tie in the <<>> construct

Re: Tie problem

2005-03-01 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
<< { c1 ~ c4 } { s4 s4\< s4\! \> s4\! s4 } >> c4 c c } } } Regards, Maurizio. -- Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126

Re: Grace notes, ties, optimum notation

2005-02-17 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
rhaps this could be useful to you: Regards, Maurizio. -- Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. +39-02-23699308

Re: Comment marks

2005-01-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
g/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user Of course it is possible, and you was near to get the right solution! Simply enclose the part to comment between %{ and %}, i.e. %{ a b c d d e f g %} will ignore the two lines "a b c d" and "d e f g". Maurizio. -- ***

Re: Question re lilypond

2005-01-04 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
or. Hope this helps, Maurizio. -- **** Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. +39-02-23699308 ___ lilypond-user mailing list l

Re: Notes having two values contemporaneously

2004-12-22 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
6 g8 } >> } \layout { raggedright = ##t } } Hope this is what you are looking for. Maybe you will have to correct this score in order to run under Lily 2.2.5. Maurizio. -- Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (

Re: NoteWorthy Composer exporter for Lilypond

2004-12-01 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
ium ( without needing to reboot Windows to do the conversion process. Also, I do not have Noteworthy Composer and do not know if the trial version permit the user to install and use plug-ins. Regards, Maurizio. -- **** Maurizio Tomasi Via

Re: pizz and also midi

2004-12-01 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Maurizio Tomasi wrote: Mats Bengtsson wrote: I would like to add a patch change for pizz/arco as well as adding tempo changes in the score. LilyPond supports the standard list of Midi instruments. It should be possible to set midiInstrument to "pizzicato strings&qu

Re: pizz and also midi

2004-12-01 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
hanges are done with the \tempo command. Does the \tempo command affect the MIDI file as well? I think this was Aaron's question. Maurizio -- **** Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. +39-02-23699308 http://www.geocitie

MIDI files are overwritten when using \book

2004-11-24 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
versions created test.midi, test-1.midi and so on. How can I force such a behaviour with \book? Regards, Maurizio. -- ******** Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. +39-02-23699308

[Fwd: Re: Question re lilypond]

2004-11-22 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I am forwarding your mail to the Lilypond-User mailing list. Please send your questions to this list as well: in this way they are read by a number of people, and your problems are more likely to be solved. Regards, Maurizio -- Maurizio Tomasi Via

Re: ties over non-tied notes

2004-11-17 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
otes bes4 ~ bes2 } \new Voice { s4. \hideNotes d8 ~ d2 } >> } } If you want, you can adjust the tie direction using \tieDown and \tieUp in the four voices. Hope this is what you wants. Regards, Maurizio. -- ******** Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Berga

Re: Question re lilypond

2004-11-16 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Maurizio. -- **** Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. +39-02-23699308 ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems with titling in 2.3.16

2004-09-20 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
the first thing I'd check. > > > > it does'nt works Under Emacs, press C-x 8 * - to get an hyphen which works with Lilypond 2.3.16. Maurizio. -- Maurizio Tomasi Via Newton, 6 24126 Bergamo (Italy) Tel. 035/311489 http://

Double scripts and slurs

2004-08-31 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I think that the PDF file Lilypond 2.3.13 produces with the following input has some layout problem: \relative c''' { c8.->-\trill( b32 c) % 1 c,8.->-\trill( b32 c) % 2 c'8.->-\trill( b32 c) % 3 c,4 } Of the three slur, the first and the third ones seem too high to me. On the ot

Re: tempo marking in 2.2.5

2004-08-31 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Russ Ross wrote: I'm using the cygwin version of Lilypond 2.2.5 and noticed that tempo markings seem to have gone away since 2.2.2. An unchanged source file that included: \tempo 4=58 printed =58 using 2.2.2 and nothing under 2.2.5. I ran the file through convert-ly in case anything had changed i

Centering text spanners under a note

2002-10-30 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I am typesetting an old edition of Mozart quartets, and sometimes dynamics appear in parentheses. I manage to write these with --- \score { \context Staff { \notes \relative c' { c1_#'(columns (large "(") (dynamic "p") (l

Re: eindelijk

2002-09-26 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
>Thomas is a personal friend of ours (from the EJE orchestra!), who at >last ('eindelijk') tried lily. He didn't imagine us having so many >non dutch speaking users. Oh, that's ok. If his question has some interest, why do not translate it and post here? Maybe somebody else could be interest

Re: eindelijk

2002-09-26 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
>heb ik lely draaiend. Weliswaar de windows versie, want linux wilde >niet helemaal. Dat laatste ligt niet aan lely, maar aan ontbrekende >zaken in suse. > >Maar nu de windows versie dus. Ik kan HW's hoornconcerten (die van >Mozart eigenlijk) genereren en bekijken, via PDF alleen, want de a

Re: ! LaTeX Error: File `geometry.sty' not found.

2002-09-26 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> Hi > > I am new to the list and just starting to learn LilyPond. I know this > has been discussed here before but I haven't seen a solution. > > ! LaTeX Error: File `geometry.sty' not found. is the familiar message. > I don't have the file and Google searches haven't shown where I get >

Bar size (2nd time)

2002-09-18 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Yesterday I posted this message which was refused because it was too big. I reduced the size of the PNG image, so now it should be ok. -- Original message -- Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:09:47 +0200 (CEST) From: Maurizio Tomasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subjec

Re: "Firstpagefill?"

2002-09-18 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> Thank you grahAm for the enlightening answer to my previous question. I am interested too in the issue of preventing lilypond from removing staves in the first page, but Graham's answer has not been sent to this mailing list. Could you forward the e-mail here, please? Maurizio __

Re: Landscape paper

2002-09-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> in the \paper block set > > linewidth = 27.0 \cm > > this might help. in gv you then flip the paper to "portrait" rather than > landscape to view. > > hth, > simon. Thanks a lot, Simon. I tried to use the "linewidth" specification before sending my e-mail, but I did not see the expected result

Landscape paper

2002-09-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody. I've tried to print a score using landscape orientation, but the result doesn't satisfy me. I wrote: --- \paper { papersize = "a4" orientation = "landscape" } \include "" \score {

Blank paper (again!)

2002-09-06 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody! It is some time I do not write to this list (going to holydays...). I read Karl Berry's e-mail about printing music pages with Lilypond. At you can download my "Score Maker" program for printing music pages (i.e. pages with empty staves on it). It works under Windows 95/98/

Re: output png

2002-07-31 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> I'd like to output a small snippet of score as a png image (discussing the > range of a cello, \score{\notes{a'''}}} ). Is there a nice way to do this? > I can go from dvi to ps to png, but surely there's an easier way to generate > graphics (given how many are on the website!) > > Thanks, > -

Spacing problems

2002-07-11 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody. As I promised you, here it is a Lily score (Mozart Kegelstatt Trio KV. 498) showing some apparent spacing problems. The score is quite big, so I rendered the first page using Ghostscript in a .png file (see the attachment). Note that I used Lilypond 1.5.64. The problem is in

Re: Note spacing

2002-07-10 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> > I am using Lilypond 1.5.64, and I need to change the average distance > > between consecutive notes in a score. The score I am typesetting takes 45 > > pages (!), but Lily places often only 2 or 3 widely spaced bars per line. > > I would like to force Lily to shrink a bit the whole thing to ge

Note spacing

2002-07-08 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody. I am using Lilypond 1.5.64, and I need to change the average distance between consecutive notes in a score. The score I am typesetting takes 45 pages (!), but Lily places often only 2 or 3 widely spaced bars per line. I would like to force Lily to shrink a bit the whole thing

Alterations above an articulation

2002-07-01 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
If I compile the following code with Lilypond 1.5.x (currently I am using version 1.5.63, but this happened with older versions too): -- smallNatural = #'(music ((font-relative-size . -1) "accidentals-0")) \score { \context

Re: stdin input

2002-06-24 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> Maurizio Tomasi wrote: > > Is it possible to force Lilypond to read a .ly file from the console? > > Calling `ly2dvi' without arguments gives an help screen, and `ly2dvi -' > > gives an error. > > > > Maurizio > > What do you mean? > I usu

stdin input

2002-06-24 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Is it possible to force Lilypond to read a .ly file from the console? Calling `ly2dvi' without arguments gives an help screen, and `ly2dvi -' gives an error. Maurizio ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: multiple pieces in one score.

2002-06-24 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> hi people, > > as i've already mentioned before, i'm working on rearranging one of the > suites from the water music for two trumpets and two trombones. the > suite consists of 5 pieces. my problem: for each instrument, i'd like to ~> print all of the pieces into one document, but have each piec

About \partcombine

2002-06-24 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody. As somebody already knows, I am typesetting Mozart's Piano Concerto KV 459 (I have completed the first movement!), and I have another question about the \partcombine command. Ok, my situation is: I want to create an orchestral score and many individual parts, one for each inst

\partcombine (and grace notes)

2002-06-18 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody! I am trying to write an orchestral score with Lilypond 1.5.61, and I have some problem with the \partcombine command. If I compile the following code: -- \score { \context StaffGroup = group < \c

Can't find start of slur

2002-06-18 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody! I have a feature request for Lilypond 1.5.61. Consider this file, where there is a multimeasure rest, followed by a slur that has not been properly opened: -- \score { \context Staff { \notes \re

Beam settings

2002-06-14 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I have a problem with beams in Lilypond 1.5.59. Consider this file: -- \score { \notes \relative g'' { \time 6/8 g8 g, g' a a, a' | b b, b' c c, c' } } ---

Re: Lily 1.5.60 again...

2002-06-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> That's strange. The default directory should be the same as > the definition of datadir in config.make. Could it be that > you first ran configure + make and then later reran configure > with --prefix=... followed by make without doing 'make clean' > inbetween? Try 'make -C buildscripts clean' a

Lily 1.5.60 again...

2002-06-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody! I am still here, trying to run Lilypond 1.5.60. Now it seems to work, but there is a strange thing I had to do in order to get it working, so I would know what exactly I made. Ok, I will repeat it: I wanted to install Lilypond under /usr, not under /usr/local, so I called `c

Re: Lilypond 1.5.60 and --prefix option

2002-06-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> Somehow, someone thinks that stepmake is installed in > /usr/share/stepmake. Could you check if that's true? > > Could you also send your config.make? I suspect it says: > >stepmake = /usr/share/stepmake > > where it should say: > >stepmake = $(depth)/./stepmake > > Jan. Thank you ver

Lilypond 1.5.60 and --prefix option

2002-06-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I am trying to compile Lilypond 1.5.60. If I run - % ./configure (lots of stuff...) % make all (other stuff...) - all goes well, but if I use the command-line switch

Piano dynamics

2002-06-13 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I tried to compile input/template/ with lilypond 1.5.59, and the result was: -- % ly2dvi Running LilyPond... -I /home/ziotom/lilypond-1.5.59/input/template -H dedication -H title -H subtitle -H sub

Trill lines

2002-06-12 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I have a little problem with trill wavelines using lilypond 1.5.59. I want to have a trill line which is a bit above its default position. If I compile the following script (taken from input/test/ - \score { \context St

Re: parser problem

2002-06-07 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> Hi all > > Here I am again with a question. A while ago I gave up on trying to build > lilypond and used an RPM for 1.4.2, > > But since lilypond is improving so rapidly I decided to try to compile > again, so, on my Mandrake 8.2 box, I tried to built lilypond-1.5.9. This > time I got past the

Re: Tempo signature

2002-06-06 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> Are there commands to produce, e.g., Allegro, Adagio, Largo at wanted > positions? > > - > Marco If you want to write these indications above the staff with a "good-looking" separation from it, you can use the following command: -

Re: Guile 1.5.x

2002-05-29 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> Hmm. What does > > guile -c '(write (minor-version))' > > say? I suspect it says "4.1", and that's why you're seeing this > problem. "Unfortunately" (!) my Lilypond system now runs well, so I erased Guile 1.4.1 from my hard disk. Thus, I cannot run this test. But I think my problem was

Re: Guile 1.5.x

2002-05-29 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> I'm using guile 1.4 and lilypond 1.5.58 too (or actually latest cvs, > but I don't think there has been a fix). This is strange. I downloaded Guile from the Guile Home Page under via anonymous CVS, and before upgrading to 1.5.6 I had serious troubles running Lily 1.5.58 (I was not

Re: Guile 1.5.x

2002-05-29 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
> I don't understand. > > I'm using Guile 1.4, and it's fine for LilyPond 1.4.13 and 1.4.58. > Maybe there are modified versions of Guile around, or maybe there's a > problem with Guile 1.4.1? > > What lilypond version are you using, what guile version, and where did > you get your guile? > > Jan.

Guile 1.5.x

2002-05-29 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Just a little note to let you know that the problems noted by Simon (bad syntax of the `eval' command) is due to the different `eval' syntax in Guile 1.4.x. Yesterday I installed Guile 1.5.6 on my home computer, and any problem disappeared. Perhaps somebody should correct `INSTALL.txt' (in Lilyp

Re: Text above staves

2002-05-28 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Ok, thank you a lot, folks! Maurizio ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Text above staves

2002-05-28 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I am writing the second movement of Mozart's String Quartet KV387 ("Minuetto"). This piece is made by two sections: the "Minuetto" and the "Trio". At the end of the piece there is "Menuetto da capo". Well, I want to write "Minuetto" and "Trio" once, and above the whole set of staves, and "Menue

Re: music font

2002-05-28 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
I think I got the solution! The NEWS file shipped with Guile 1.5.6 says: ** Backward incompatible change: eval EXP ENVIRONMENT-SPECIFIER `eval' is now R5RS, that is it takes two arguments. The second argument is an environ

Re: music font

2002-05-28 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hey, I have the same problem installing version 1.5.57 and 1.5.58 under SuSE Linux 7.0 with Guile 1.4.1 installed. If I try the simplest file: -- \score { \notes \relative c' { c4 d e f | g1 } } ---

Version 1.5.x and grace notes

2002-05-27 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Hello to everybody. I am Maurizio, and this is my first e-mail to this group. I use Lilypond 1.4.13, and I am typesetting the String Quartet KV387 by Mozart for the Mutopia Project. In the third movement I have to deal with version 1.4.x's limitations about grace notes, so I am going to install