> Maurizio Tomasi wrote:
> > Is it possible to force Lilypond to read a .ly file from the console?
> > Calling `ly2dvi' without arguments gives an help screen, and `ly2dvi -'
> > gives an error.
> >
> > Maurizio
> What do you mean?
> I usually just run
> 'ly2dvi file.ly'
> and i get the .dvi out of it. and the .midi when i have a \midi {} in
> the ly file...
> Jule

Yes, but suppose you want to pre-process your .ly file with m4 or cpp.
If ly2dvi does not support reading files from console, you have to

% m4 --define=SOMEMACRO test.ly > test-temp.ly
% ly2dvi test-temp.ly
% rm test-temp.ly -f              (in fact, this is optional...)

But if Ly2dvi supported some `-'-like param, then I could write:

% m4 --define=SOMEMACRO test.ly | ly2dvi -o test.dvi -

without creating a temporary file, since ly2dvi would read the Mudela code
from the console.

It would not be a "great" feature, but sometimes it could be handy to have


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