Francois Planiol-Auger wrote:
Hi List!

I need ties over other notes, as a simplified notation.

In my case it would be right to use for every note that is hold a new voice,
I try to explain it in a console-graphical way:
                   _    |
         _    |    |    |
s2 |     |    |    |    e2    % last tone
r4 |  r8 | r8 |    d  ~ d2    % is a chord:
r8 |     a    bes4   ~  bes2  % <e d bes g>2
   g2         ~         g2    % "

But it is more readable when one uses only one voice and ties over the
non-tied or later tied note(s):
(still in a console-graphical way explained):
 _____________    |
 |  |   |    |    |
 |  |   |    |    e2
 |  |   |    d8 ~ d2
 |  |   bes8   ~  bes2
 |  a8
g8        ~       g2

But the problem is: how to do that?

Dear Francois,

  If I understand you, this should sound like

<e d es g>\arpeggio

except that you are specifying how long each note should last before the following one gets played. Is this correct? How about this (Lilypond 2.4.2):

    \relative c' \new Staff {
        << { g8 a bes d <g, bes d e>2 }
           \new Voice { \hideNotes g2 ~ g2 }
           \new Voice { s8 \hideNotes a4. ~ a2 }
           \new Voice { s4 \hideNotes bes4 ~ bes2 }
           \new Voice { s4. \hideNotes d8 ~ d2 } >>

If you want, you can adjust the tie direction using \tieDown and \tieUp in the four voices. Hope this is what you wants.


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