Actually I could manage, If I could just control the space between the staff
and the Volta... but cant seem to figure it out?
Something like...
\override Volta . padding = #0.5 ???
Could anyone give me a hand...?
Yes Im talking about the 8 notes with flags... They are very high... and
Yes Im talking about the 8 notes with flags... They are very high... and
that makes the Horisontal Volta lines to be very far away from the staff...
Want the 8. notes to be only just as high as the quarter notes... Is this
Thanx for your help
1. Why is my single 8. notes so big, and h
Hey... It worked... I entered
between-system-space = 10\mm
And It now looks perfekt...
Thanx alot mate.
Does this mean that it can not be corrected...? it seems weird that this
not been seen before...?
It just means that I don't know how to fix it. Someone else might.
Is there
Hi, I have a few questions to the following, wich I cannot find in the
1. Why is my single 8. notes so big, and how do I change it to the size
similar to the other notes?
2. How do I change the size of the text under the grace notes, so they are
smaller than the other text.
Hope that som
I want to whrite a few drum march and rhythm
exercises, but cant make them look perfect...
Here is a little march, with alot of
things that can be done more nicely.
can anyone set this one up in a more beautifulll
manner? So the bars in under each other, the volta brakets is not ended with
I want to write an H instead of B with the function
\setEasyHeads, but cant figure out
If I want to write some text above the staff...
and then writes
the c with the "yo" is not horisontal with the
other words due to the "y" ... how do i manipulate it to be on a straigh
I want to remove the created bar totally... not only the 16. notes...
how is that done? Is there a override function to comlpetely remove the
This is what I have done so far:
\repeat unfold 16 c''16
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
cal line. As if they where SATB ... Can this
be done otherwise?
- Original Message -
From: "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Feuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Jannik Jeppesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monda
Hi all
Can anyone tell me why these two different
drumstaffs does not look the same in one file?
I whant the notes to be under each other, but they
are not... it seems that there are more space between the notes in 2.
Why is that, and how do I control the space between
4. notes, 8
Could anyone please show me an example of this???
Have read this:
but does not give any meaning to me...
On Wednesday 22 March 2006 01.37, Jannik Jeppesen wrote:
Hi... I feel
Hi... I feel, I need to ask these questions again
since they have not been answered, and I cant figure this out
I want to make a page with only guitar diagrams
like this
c c7
d d7
dm dm7
e e7
em em7
g g7
a a7
am am7
These are all the c
Hi... I feel, I need to ask these questions again
since they have not been answered, and I cant figure this out
I want to make a page with only guitar diagrams
like this
c c7
d d7
dm dm7
e e7
em em7
g g7
a a7
am am7
These are all th
Hi... can you tell me where I shall put this code,
to get a standard drumset notation???
#(define PAS '(
(bassdrum default
(lowtom default
(snare default
I added the code, and it helped. But can I somehow change the space between
the diagrams by using the code ragged-right = ##t?
So you say that it is impollible to have 2 diagrams in one line, with
one cm space between
And in the next line have four diagrams with also one cm space
Ok one more question...
Why is there less space between chord name and diagram in the G chords, that
there is in the other chords when it now is specified with the following
code? As I see it it also is in C an B that meens every second line
any idea?
\with{\override VerticalAx
ave 2 diagrams in one line, with only
one cm space between
And in the next line have four diagrams with also one cm space between?
Thats what I am looking for... Very sad, if it is not possible...
- Original Message -
From: "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ode . in-dot) {\fret-diagram
\markup \override #'(finger-code . in-dot) {\fret-diagram
\markup \override #'(finger-code . in-dot) {\fret-diagram
to make a .ly file with
\markup{ \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-2;"
\fret-diagram #"6-x;5-x;4-o;3-1;2-1;1-3;"
Quoting Jannik Jeppesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi all..
How do I whrite
A score with only fret diagrams?
I can only figure out to use
Hi all..
How do I whrite
A score with only fret diagrams?
I can only figure out to use the "^\markup
\fret-diagram" command...
And Is it possible to whrite arrows to show
strumming on the guitar?
All for now...
Hi again...
Can any of you answer these questions, simply cant figure out what to do...
Question one is most important, since I cant frint out my little book,
untill this is solved
Hi, have a few questions regarding EPS files.
If I generate an EPS file it generates alot of
Hi, have a few questions regarding EPS files.
If I generate an EPS file it generates alot of white emty space at the top
of the document. So when I open the EPS file in word there is a lot of emty
space between my text and the image. Here is a example of a file converted
to EPS:
, Jannik Jeppesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Okay... Getting closer:-)
Can this file be opened in all word programs ? Im using microsoft word
and there are some problems.
I wrote:
lilypond -b eps
and it made these files:
Does anyone know if this prog
Can be used with lilypond in any way.
That would be absolute perfect if that could be done in any way?
I simply have too many problems making my pdf files into word, so this could
make my day:-)
I have installed the trial, and as far as I can
shows the same
in word
Am I doing somthing wrong...
Easier: Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
This gives you a command window. I guess that the command prompt says
C:/Documents and Settings/Jannik Jeppesen>
which shows the working folder. The
It does not work. The file I want to see in EPS is here:
C:/Documents and Settings/Jannik
And my prog is here:
I try to whrite:
D:/Programmer/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond-windows -b eps C
Is this possible at all in winXP???
Cant find any way to do this...
I really would like to see this mentioned EPS file in action;-)
Think it is just what I need
Hi and thanx for your answer..
I think I understand it all now... BUT:
I never rund any command... I always just double
select UTF-8 as the encoding.
Quoting Jannik Jeppesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
(Sorry if this has been discussed 1000 times, but cant figure this one
I am using notepad to whrite my .ly files.
How do I whrite Æ Ø and Å ind my files... in title and ind lyrics?
If I whrite &q
Hi and thanx for your answer..
I think I understand it all now... BUT:
I never rund any command... I always just double click the .Ly file, and it
then generates a PDF file for me... So I still do not understand how to
generate the EPS file...
Thanx again
(Sorry if this has been discussed 1000 times, but cant figure this one out)
I am using notepad to whrite my .ly files.
How do I whrite Æ Ø and Å ind my files... in title and ind lyrics?
If I whrite "Bjørn" it simply only says "Bj"
I am using WinXP
I do not want to install big programs as Jed
Hi and thanx for your answer... can you please specify following since I do
not understand what you meen...:
What is this and how do I use it?
What is EPS files and how do I generate them?
with a very basic rough preview.>
I dont really understand what you meen here either...?
Best wishes
How is it possible to make the scripts bigger?
I use my scripts in Word, since I don´t now how
else to print them out with text... Cant figure out the lilybook.
So I open each pdf file, takes a print screen and
opens again in paint, then I safte the picture in jpg, and opens that in word.
Hi, thanks. offcause... that helped:-)
believe me or not, but I am really reading the manual... But it really just
slips my mind everytime I need something new. I never can find what I am
looking for.
Is it possible to Make all the bars exact the same size? It does not look
good that the
How does I change the chord names whith the numbers
in the scale? So if we are in E major
I = E, (tonika)
IV = A, (subdominant)
V7 = H7 (dominant)
I | / / / / | / / / /
| / / / / | / / / / |
/ / / | E / / / | E / / / |
| H7 / / / | A7 / / / | E / / / | / H7 / / |
Best reguards
title = "12 takters Blues"
composer = "Jannik Jeppesen"
chordline = \chordmode {
\repeat volta 20 {
e1 e e e:7
a:7 a:7 e
I usually give my
questions good titles. dont know what happened this time:-) Sorry.
title = "Improvise"
composer = "Jannik Jeppesen"
chordline = \chordmode {
\repeat volta 20 {
a1:m c g e:m
of lilypond are you using?>
I am using version "2.6.3"
I have a few questions.
Please allow a few days for responses.
1. Why does the following create a .pdf and a midi, but when I play
the .midi file it just stops... it never plays anything?
Some versions of lilypond have bugs with midi
ow is that
\version "2.6.3"
\header{title = "Improvise"composer =
"Jannik Jeppesen"}
chordline = \chordmode { \repeat volta
20 { a1:m c g e:m }}
\score {<<
\header{title = "Improvise"composer =
"Jannik Jeppesen"}
chordline = \chordmode { \repeat volta 20
{ a1:m c g e:m }}
\score {<<
\chordline>> \layout {} }\score {
Hi can anyone help me?
I have tried reading all about lilly-book, but cant
understand how to make a book (lots of text mixed with lilypond pictures??) in
I have read chapter 12 in the documentation but
dont know how to use LaTeX, Texinfo etc...?
an example:
title = "Improvise"
composer = "Jannik Jeppesen"
beat = \drummode { \stemUp
\repeat unfold 20 {
hh4 hh hh hh
chordline = \chordmode {
\repeat unfold 20 {
a1:m c g e:m
drumNotes = \new DrumStaff {
\new DrumVoice {
\override Beam #'positi
:-( It only generates
the chorus in pdf???
\version "2.6.3"
\header {title = " "
composer = "Jannik Jeppesen"
\paper {
tagline = "Jannik Jeppesen"
indent = 0\cm
intro = \new DrumStaff {
\new DrumVoice {
\override B
Now I have finely found out how to repeat midi,
using volta in the layout, in guitar mode... (Thanx to Gilles)...
But can´t figure out how to do it in drum
Anyone who has experience in this
I want the figure to be continued 4 times using
volta, but played 4 times in midi as we
Hi this should work right?
But it generates a correct pdf, but the midi file is emty...
Can you figure out the problem?
\version "2.6.3"
\header {
title = "A-mol pentaton skala"
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")
tagline = &q
How is it posible to create a midi file repeating a bar 20 times, but still
using the command
\repeat volta 20 {
If i write unfold, it generates 20 bars in the layout, and thats not what i
Until now I have created 2 files, a layout file, and a midibut isn´t it
nside... like a "o" instead of a complete black dot.
That meens string 1 and 3... how is that possible.
Anyway, thanks for your answer.
Jannik Jeppesen
- Original Message -
From: "Vaylor Trucks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: We
Is there anyone who can send me an example on a a blues scale with tab
starting on 5. fret? (or somthing similar)
I really cant figure out how to tell lilypond exactly where to specify the
lilypond-user mailing
Hi again... perhaps a stupid question... hope not.
when I start cmd.exe and type "cd" nothing happends it still says:
C:\dokuments and settings\jannik jeppesen> i want to go to
C:\dokuments and settings\jannik jeppesen\skrivebord>
How is that possible?
and when i try to
I have read it i´m using winXp. And I cant figure it out. I doesn´t have
a command line??
- Original Message -
From: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: Creating image files with
Is it possible to write ghost notes in drum
That means... for example put ( ) around the snare
Or perhaps make these notes smaller???
And how about midi. Can it play:
Ghost notes (silent)?
Hope some of you have the answer.
Is it possible to create this:
three 16. note triplets
\time 2/3 { hh hh hh}16
\time 2/3 { hh hh hh}16
\time 2/3 { hh hh hh}16
How do i triple these? So they will be within
\time 2/3 {
\time 2/3 { hh hh hh}16
\time 2/3 { hh hh hh}16
\time 2/3 { hh hh hh}16
This was
Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong in the
following file? It shall create a midi file
first play drumvoice
1 6 times
then nr 2 6 times
then 3, 4 and 5.
Now it is playing only the last one [with some
other stuff as well)
I really dont get it...
I Hope some of you have the answer
Hi... how does i get the markup
(figur01) closer to the staff??
And longer away from the staff before (figur02)?
It Looks silly..
\version "2.6.3"
\header {title = "Orkestration (4 slag)"
composer = "Jannik Jeppesen"}
\paper { tagline =
is there some code, so i can repeat the midi sound,
so it will go on and on til stopped?
And. Is it possible to create 2 midi files from one
document if there are 2 drumstaff´s in the doc?
lilypond-user mailing list
Does any of you know how I make a cross on the toml
staff in drummode???
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi. Anyone who can help me how to make a cross on
the toml note? That means I want to hit the rim at the floor tom... can´t find
the code anywhere?
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi, Im about to make a book with drum notation.
I think the best way to do it is to make the scores
and save them as images and then open them in word, isnt that
I shall write some text to almost every
How do i change the .ly file to a
Im quite new to Lilypond,
Hi, I have just installed Jedit, and I
There is so many plug-ins to install, should I only
install "LilyPond Tool" or is there anyone else to use in benifit of
Best Regards
lilypond-user mailing list
Best reguards
Jannik Jeppesen
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