I want to whrite a few drum march and rhythm
exercises, but cant make them look perfect...
Here is a little march, with alot of
things that can be done more nicely.
can anyone set this one up in a more beautifulll
manner? So the bars in under each other, the volta brakets is not ended with a
|, and the stickings ( H and V) is whritten more beautiful. And any other ideas
is apreciated...
\version "2.8.0"
\paper { tagline = "" indent =
0\cm } \layout{ \context{
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
} }
\new RhythmicStaff
{ \time
s4 s8 c8:32~ |
\set Staff.voltaSpannerDuration =
#(ly:make-moment 1 4) \repeat volta 2
{ c8 c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c8 c
\grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16_"H" c_"V" \grace c16~_"V" c8_"H" c16_"V" c_"H" \grace
c16~_"H" c8_"V"| c16 c^> c c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ |
c8 c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ |
c8 c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c^> c c |
} \alternative { { \grace c16~ c4 r8
c:32~ } { \grace c16~ c4 r8 c:32~ } }
\repeat volta
2 { c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c \grace c16~ c8
| c16 c^> c c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c \grace c16~
c8| c16 c^> c c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ |
c4 \grace c16~ c8. c16 | \grace
c16~ c8 \grace c16~ c8 \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c^> c
c | } \alternative { { \grace c16~ c4 r8 c:32~
} {\grace c16~ c4 r4 } } \bar "|." }
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