Okay... Getting closer:-)
Can this file be opened in all word programs ? Im using microsoft word 2002,
and there are some problems.
I wrote:
lilypond -b eps mester_jacob.ly
and it made these files:
mester_jacob-1.eps (48 KB)
mester_jacob.eps (1.077 KB)
mester_jacob.eps.pdf (52 KB)
1. The pdf is totally blank?
2. if I open the eps or -1.eps file from word (insert...picture...from file)
it shows a little bit of some noteheads, and some bars... but nothing i
particular... the one is much bigger than the other, but it shows the same
in word
Am I doing somthing wrong...
Easier: Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
This gives you a command window. I guess that the command prompt says
C:/Documents and Settings/Jannik Jeppesen>
which shows the working folder. Then you can go to the folder where you
have the file:
cd Skrivebord\Børnesange\Lilypond
Next, rename the file so it doesn't contain any spaces, for example
to mester_jacob.ly (it should be possible to handle also files with
spaces in the file name, but it complicates matters).
Now you should be able to run the the command, which should already
be available in the PATH, meaning that you don't have to specify the
full path to the command:
lilypond -b eps mester_jacob.ly
Quoting Jannik Jeppesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
It does not work. The file I want to see in EPS is here:
C:/Documents and Settings/Jannik
Jeppesen/Skrivebord\Børnesange/Lilypond/mester jacob.ly
And my prog is here:
I try to whrite:
D:/Programmer/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond-windows -b eps C:/Documents and
Settings/Jannik Jeppesen/Skrivebord\Børnesange/Lilypond/mester jacob.ly
In start--> run
But it does not work...
Any Ideas?
I guess the procedure is this: press start -> run -> write the path where
lilypond is found, for example: "c:\program files\lilypond\lilypond -b
Right now I'm not sure where you'll find the eps file, probably in the
folder as lilypond.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jannik Jeppesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matevz Jekovec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Pictures too small
Hi and thanx for your answer..
I think I understand it all now... BUT:
<You can export your score to EPS (and not PDF as normally) by adding
eps" when running the lilypond command:
$ lilypond -b eps score_name.ly>
I never rund any command... I always just double click the .Ly file, and
then generates a PDF file for me... So I still do not understand how to
generate the EPS file...
Thanx again
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