Space between time signature and repeat bar line.

2011-12-17 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Thanks to Peter Gentry and James pkx188h for helpful suggestions regarding first and second time repeat bars. I find that \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) (volta "1.") ) is easier to use than the usual method. I've been trying to typeset a score which has an initial repeat bar l

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 109, Issue 56

2011-12-17 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Thanks to Peter Gentry and James pkx188h for helpful suggestions regarding first and second time repeat bars. I find that \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) (volta "1.") ) is easier to use than the usual method. I've been trying to typeset a score which has an initial repeat bar l

Not interested in mid meaning of \repeat volta

2011-12-15 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Since my previous mail, I've looked in the documentation and come up with: %%start snippet \version "2.14.2" \header { title = "BLOW THE WIND SOUTHERLY" composer = "Northumbrian folk-song" } soprano = \relative c' { \key a \major \time 6/8 \bar "|:" cis'8. b16 a8 e cis e fis d

Not interested in midi meaning of \repeat volta etc.

2011-12-15 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, In 2.14.2 is there any way of getting \bar "|:" to print out *after* the time signature? Also, is there any way of printing the first-time and second-time bars as markup or \mark instead of using \repeat volta \alternative etc.? Thanks. ___ l

dynamics placing (was Re: Lilypond lobbying?)

2011-08-29 Thread Frederick Dennis
> >> How do you like syntax like this: > >> e1 \< #0.25 \f #0.5 \> f2 \! #0.5 > >> which would mean this > >> \new Voice << { e1 f2 } {s4 s4 \< s2 \f \> s4 s4 \! } >> > Dear All, I've tried e1 \< #0.25 \f #0.5 \> f2 \! #0.5 which gets an error: unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH I've tried \new Voice <<

Collision between voiceOne & voiceTwo, peculiar cautionary

2011-08-03 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Thanks to Xavier and Peter for sorting out what was not such a problem. The following amended code looks fine: \version "2.14.2" pianoOne = \relative c' { \time 6/8 \voiceOne aes'4 g8 \once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1 fis4 g8 } pianoTwo = \relative c' { \voiceTwo 4 8 4 8}

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 105, Issue 5

2011-08-03 Thread Frederick Dennis
cautionary accidental has been moved to the next chord and the f sharp is on top of the f natural. Is this a bug? Frederick Dennis. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Collision between voiceOne and voiceTwo, peculiar cautionary

2011-08-03 Thread Frederick Dennis
cautionary accidental has been moved to the next chord and the f sharp is on top of the f natural. Is this a bug? Sorry, I forgot to edit the subject. Frederick Dennis. Frederick Dennis. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Indent only one system, replace long extender with dashes

2009-11-17 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, \version "2.12.2" How do you indent just one system? I've got some shortInstrumentNames appearing at bar 23, the previous bars being hidden, so short-indent in \layout makes room for the names, but also indents all the other systems which I don't want. Also, the section is voices singing

Re:title on a separate page (Susan Dittmar) (David Nalesnik)

2009-10-07 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, When I tried to add the titlepage code to the LSR, I got a message from Firefox that had an out-of-date certificate and could not be trusted(?) I have altered the music so it is now public domain, hopefully. %start file \version "2.12.2" %The next bit is scheme code to

Re:title on a separate page (Susan Dittmar)

2009-10-05 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I was very interested in the correspondence about a title-page. I noticed that Kieren's solution seemed to ignore the original header information and insert another markup for it while Valentin's solution produced very small titles while using \book so I took the liberty of combining the

Re: The best way for a book?

2009-09-02 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear Pierre, I noticed that your lyrics (De- us in ad- iu- tó- ri- um me- um in- ten- de.) didn't have the hyphen in the right place. Shouldn't they be: De -- us in ad -- iu -- to -- ri -- um etc.? Then the syllables get spaced out nicely. I can't help you on the other problem. Yours, Fred. __

Re: Accidentals: Unwanted naturals

2009-08-31 Thread Frederick Dennis
> > these programs operate as you describe > > Okay, then they *do* use (essentially) the same method as Lilypond, > not some "visually-oriented" method which "follows the key signature"... > Not so. In Sibelius, you put the key signature, e.g. F sharp major, then type the plain letter names, e.g.

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 81, Issue 135

2009-08-30 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear Kieren, I think I've sorted it out. > > > On one system, the piano staves are ridiculously far > > apart. How do you bring them closer together? > > Have you looked at the documentation on vertical spacing, particularly >

Re: Change distance between piano staves for one system only

2009-08-30 Thread Frederick Dennis
> > Am Samstag, 29. August 2009 schrieb Frederick Dennis: > > Dear All, > > \version "2.12.2" > > I'm typesetting a 6-stave piece, SATB and piano. > > Is there any way of altering the distance between the > > piano staves, just for one syst

Re: chord duration

2009-08-30 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear Christian, I checked out your code and all you have to do is add a dot after the g2 to give the value of a dotted minim (half-note). Thanks for the code, as I've never used \improvisationOn. Yrs, Fred. > Hi there, another problem. I hope people don't get too impatient with > me. I try to fig

Change distance between piano staves for one system only

2009-08-29 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, \version "2.12.2" I'm typesetting a 6-stave piece, SATB and piano. Is there any way of altering the distance between the piano staves, just for one system. Also, is there any way to put more distance between the top piano stave and the bass singers' stave? I have checked out the documenta

Re: Have a title page, but also default headers on 1st score page (Frank Steinmetzger)

2009-08-28 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear Frank, Thank you for the snippet and modifications. Just looking at it makes my head spin. Hopefully, I'll be able to use it after studying it. Fred. Am Freitag, 28. August 2009 schrieb Frederick Dennis: > > > I'm creating scores for my choir and because some of us use du

Lilypond Speed (Jonathan Wilkes)

2009-08-28 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear Jonathan, It takes me 11 seconds the first time, 4 seconds without a version number and 3 seconds with a version number. AMD Sempron 2500+ 1.4 GHz, 448MB of RAM Physical Address Extension Windows XP Professional Fred ___ lilypond-user mailing list li

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 81, Issue 124

2009-08-28 Thread Frederick Dennis
> > > > I'm creating scores for my choir and because some of us use duplex > printers, they would like an empty page at the beginning. So I thought "Why not have a > nice title page there?", But because the majority does not use duplex > printers, I want the default title still visible. (Also beca

TIP] Scheme function to force regular system breaks (Kieren MacMillan)

2009-08-28 Thread Frederick Dennis
Thanks, Kieren. Added to the archives. > > > Thought I'd share this... it's a Scheme function I wrote to force > system breaks at regular intervals (e.g., four measures per system is > a popular jazz sheet music layout). > Comments/improvements are welcome. > > Hope this helps someone else! > Kiere

How do you shorten a hairpin?

2009-08-07 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, When I try to shorten a hairpin on a minim (half note) using << { } \\ { } >> and spacers, the lyrics ignore the note. I've tried Keiren's scheme code from a few versions ago without success. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

How do you indent a system

2009-06-06 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, \version "2.12.2" I'm producing a single-stave unison score of a hymn. How do I indent the start of each verse without having to use a separate \score for each. I can use \break in the music and \set stanza = "1." etc. inside verse = \lyricmode {} so can put the music and words in one var

Re: [Frescobaldi] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7.9

2009-05-25 Thread Frederick Dennis
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Frederick Dennis <> wrote: > >> Frescobaldi 0.7.9 has been released. This release contains some bugfixes >> and >> small improvements. Changes: >> >> Dear Mr. Berendsen, > I had some

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 78, Issue 99

2009-05-25 Thread Frederick Dennis
> > > Frescobaldi 0.7.9 has been released. This release contains some bugfixes > and > small improvements. Changes: > > Dear Mr. Berendsen, I had some problems installing Frescobaldi 0.7.8 into opensuse 11.1 The latest was: kde4_meinproc_executable-notfound, Error 127 Meinproc seems to be a progra

Custom volta text problem.

2009-05-16 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I worked out the custom volta text problem but Graham beat me to it. \version "2.12.2" voltaSafety = \markup { "" \text \italic { safety } } voltaLast = \markup { "" \text \italic { last time only }} \relative c'' { c1 \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta voltaSafety) 'st

Kieren's Double Breve: Thank You.

2009-04-09 Thread Frederick Dennis
Thank you, Kieren, for that double-breve function which I am now using in Reading's (d.1692) Preces and Responses. I think the breve looks much better with double side-bars. Fred. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 76, Issue 98

2009-03-24 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, In the following extract from "The Preces and Responses" by John Reading (d. 1692), the tenorTwoSnippet lyric "to" has an over-long extender. Adding skips after it makes the extender even longer. Is there any way of shortening it? The first and third staves for the priest aren't long eno

Re: Cannot install Frescobaldi

2009-03-21 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I tried to install Frescobaldi with openSuse but keep getting the message: cmake - no such program. I'm a novice at linux. Also, --exec-prefix produced an error. Is there an easier way of getting it to work? Thanks for your attention. ___ lilypo

Reading the maillists, mutopia and the docs

2008-08-18 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Graham keeps saying Lots of users don't read the mailists As a new user, I ransack the docs, the maillists and mutopia for answers to questions before asking for help, anywhere Google takes me. Often, the answer is in the docs but not in any obvious place. I check out the listserv and

Prevent precautionary key signature

2008-08-02 Thread Frederick Dennis
Sorry, I forgot to edit the subject line again. Dear All, \version "2.10.33" Thanks to Trevor Daniels, I can now prevent the precautionary time signature at the end of a movement by putting: \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible after the notes and before \bar

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 68, Issue 104

2008-08-02 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, \version "2.10.33" Thanks to Trevor Daniels, I can now prevent the precautionary time signature at the end of a movement by putting: \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible after the notes and before \bar ":|" \pageBreak I can also get rid of the preca

Hiding end-of-line cautionary key signature and time signature

2008-08-02 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, \version "2.10.33" How do you hide end of line cautionary key signatures and time signatures. I've used: \once \set Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible \once \set Staff.explicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible which don't work. I'm only using one

Bar numbers collide with StaffGroup bracket

2008-08-01 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, \version "2.10.33" I've just noticed that the bar numbers are colliding with the StaffGroup bracket. I've put \context {\score \override BarNumber #'padding = #3 } in the layout block but nothing happens. I've also put it at the top and in various other places. Thank you for your

Alter size of dynamics

2008-07-24 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I solved the problem about moving a note along a bit (to accommodate a ffz sign next to an accent) I simply used \cadanzaOn ...Off and inserted a few spacer rests to attach the ffz to. However, comparing the score with the Barenreiter one, I feel that the dynamics are too large. I have se

move note to the right a bit

2008-07-23 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, In the SATB & pno. piece, Nun laßt uns den Leib begraben, by Schubert, he uses ffz, > and a fermata over a note. The ffz is to the left side of the > This means that the note has to be moved to the right a bit. Previously, \voiceThree \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1. has wo

Make LilyPond go on to page two

2008-07-05 Thread Frederick Dennis
On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Frederick Dennis < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Dear All, > In 20.10.33, I've assembled a stack of \markups with two \scores within > each (cantor/choir). > The horizontal dimensions are fine (all lined up) except for one choir &g

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 68, Issue 17

2008-07-05 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, In 20.10.33, I've assembled a stack of \markups with two \scores within each (cantor/choir). The horizontal dimensions are fine (all lined up) except for one choir block which does not have a preceding cantor block. I got round this by copying the code for the cantor but not putting any n

How do you move a couple of words down a bit?

2008-06-30 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, in version 2.10.33, how do you move lyrics down a bit? Just two words. Thank you for your attention. I have looked at the docs. Adding a blank lyricline would move them down too much. ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://l

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 67, Issue 107

2008-06-30 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, \version "2.10.33" I've been trying to set the Anglican Preces and Responses. So far, I've got one line, with two \score lines inside a \markup. and juggled the numbers so that the score does not go off the page. I've shrunk the font by 1 , which looks reasonable. Is there any way of movi

Re: Vertical Stretching of Groups

2008-06-15 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Regarding vertical stretching of staves, have you looked at Trevor Bača's "Controlling vertical spacing exactly - mini HOWTO" in which he says: 1. First, it seems that there are two *different* models for controlling vertical spacing, which we might term "permissive" and "strict", respect

Slur in wrong place: rests too high: adjust stave separation for just one system

2008-06-05 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I'm using version 2.10.33 In the following extract, the slur from b to a is too high. Is there a remedy for this? Also, why are the quaver rests so high? Do I have to write c8\rest or something for each one? I started doing this but this caused unexpected changes elsewhere so I gave up. L

Placing \score within \markup (?)

2008-05-31 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I read in an old listserve that if you put the \score in a \markup, you can control separate areas of notation, and, for instance, have a gap between the cantor's single stave and the following SATB on two staves. I am thinking of the Preces and Responses used in church services. Although

Template for Anglican preces & responses (please)

2008-05-30 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Anybody got a template for SATB Anglican preces & responses? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Discovered: how to set SATB with keyboard reduction and place the dynamics nicely.

2008-05-19 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I've discovered how to set SATB with dynamics and lyrics. Also how to make a keyboard reduction with the dynamics placed nicely between the staves and not touching the notes or barlines. Would it be O.K. to email my efforts so that the experts could point out any better ways of doing it?

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 66, Issue 56

2008-05-19 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I'm trying to set a Magnificat for SATB with piano reduction. The problem I have encountered is that if I put dynamics into the voice parts, they all go into the reduction. I have done a spacer track with dynamics in and they appear in the reduction (although too high up and colliding). C

Re: All Ye People Clap Your Hands

2008-05-10 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I collected the midi file of "All Ye People Clap Your Hands" from The composer , John Broderip, died in 1770 and the lyricists, Brady and Tate, are early Victorian, so the copyright is in the public domain. ___ lilypond-user

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 66, Issue 13

2008-05-05 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, Thanks to Reinhold and Mats, I've managed to set a hymn, SATB with piano reduction, 3 verses printed separately under each voice. The ignore melismata routine is fine but I would also like to use dotted slurs. Putting #(set-global-staff-size 14) in \paper doesn't make any difference. How

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 66, Issue 11

2008-05-05 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All, I'm trying to set an SATB hymn with separate vocal staves and a piano accomp. duplicating the voice parts (sop. - stem up, alto - stemdown etc.) Where do you insert \stemUp or \stemDown? Also, I would like to have a bracket for the vocal parts. The other problem is when I type cis for

New user, linux, Xp, jEdit, Lilypond tool, cutting and pasting

2007-11-05 Thread Frederick Dennis
\relative c' { } } \context Staff = "LH" { % Left hand \clef bass \key ef \major \relative c { } } >> } \score { << \staffAltoSaxophone \staffPiano >>

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 58, Issue 105

2007-09-29 Thread Frederick Dennis
ayout {} \midi {} } Score.SeparationItem moves the note after the segno along a bit, avoiding the collision. However, the coda signs and texts are very untidy. The extra.offset doesn't seem to have any effect. Yours, Frederick Dennis. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

moving objects

2007-09-25 Thread Frederick Dennis
ething as simple as positioning the segno would be self-evident? Wouldn't it? Frederick Dennis. ___ lilypond-user mailing list