Dear All,
I am a new Lilypond user. I have processed some single staff scores, and
found the transpose function
quite easy and useful. I had a problem with collisions between grobs and
notes but discovered how to use
the padding  to  move things, thanks to some advice. This was on OpenSuse
10.2 using a text editor, a file selector
and a terminal. Unfortunately, the machine was an old, slow one. Now I am
trying Lilypond in Windows XP, which will, hopefully, speed things up.
Browsing the letters, I came across a very helpful one which mentioned jEdit
and the Lilypond tool which can be installed as a plugin. First you have to
install  Java runtime environment 1.4 or later. Within the jEdit, once setup
with the plugin, you can run a wizard which will set up your score in great
detail, saving lots of coding and brain-ache. A very useful REM (comment)
says: Insert your notes here.
jEdit colours the various components of the coding, enabling easy analysis.
Also, errors are immediately underlined, enabling swift correction (in the
case of simple errors).
As regards documentation, there is plenty of it. Would it be an idea to
include quite a lot of simple, entire examples, as snippets still have to be
incorporated within one's code and the full examples contain many
complexities which are peculiar to themselves and not useful in other
contexts. I am thinking of say, two-part inventions, three-part inventions,
hymns, simple piano pieces e.g. Bergmüller, small symphony movements e.g.
Mozart's 1st, flute sonata movements (J.C. Bach for instance). It is then
possible for the novice to simply cut and paste, having compared the code
with the pdf. You could then process endless hymns, symphonies whatever. For
any particular feature, the novice could be referred to a short, simple but
complete code and have the pdf to see its effect. Cutting and pasting is
easier than trying to understand or remember complicated code. Yes, I know
that you can build up your own library, I'm thinking of the novice.

A problem I have encountered is the version number. When I process the
welcome file, I get 2.10.0 but when I ran some other code, I got 2.10.33
What is an external error? My jEditor says there are no errors, but Lilypond
will not process the code.
% Created on Mon Nov 05 23:43:17 GMT 2007
\version "2.10.33"

\header {
    title = "1. Eclipse"
    composer = "Pam Wedod"
    meter = "Gently - with a little movement"

\include ""

staffAltoSaxophone = \new Staff  {
    \time 4/4
    \tempo 4 = 72
    \set Staff.instrumentName="Alto Saxophone"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="alto sax"
    \transposition ef,
    \key ef \major
    \clef treble
    \relative c' {
 r1 r1 e4. ( d16 c) b4.( a16 g e2) r8 a( gis b)

% bar 5
e4.( c16 a) f'4.( e16 d e2)\< r8 f( g e)\! a4.\mf( g16 f) g4 c,
f4.( e16 d) e4 a, b8(\> c d2) c8( b)\!

% bar 10
a2 r2 r1 a8(\p\< b c e) b'\!\( a\> e c)\! d2. c8( b)

% bar 14
a2. r4 r1 r2 a'8 g e d e d a b c4.(\> b8\!

% bar 18
a2) r2 a'8 g e a, c4.(\> b8\! a2)\p r a4(\poco c b\> gis

% bar 22
a2)\a  r2 r1 e4.\mf( d16 c) b4.( a16 g e2) r8 a8(\< gis b)\!

% bar 26
e4.(\mp c16 a) f'4.( e16 d e2\<) r8 f( g e)\! a4.\f( g16 f) g4 c,
f4.( e16 d) e4 a, b8(\> c d2) c8( b)\!

% bar \mp
a2 r2 r1 a8(\mf\< b c e) b'\!\( a\> e c)\! d2.\p c8( b)

% bar 35
a2. r4 r1 e'4. ( d16 c) b4.( a16 g e1)\> r1\!^\fermataMarkup

    \bar "|."

staffPiano = \new PianoStaff {
    \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
    \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano  "
                    \tempo 4 = 72
        \context Staff = "RH" {  % Right hand
            \clef treble
            \key ef \major
            \relative c' {
        \context Staff = "LH" {  % Left hand
            \clef bass
            \key ef \major
            \relative c {

\score {

    \midi {

    \layout  {

\paper {

By the way, I am wearing my asbestos coms in anticipation of the flames.
Frederick Dennis.
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