Dear All,

I'm trying to set  an SATB hymn with separate vocal staves and a piano
accomp. duplicating the voice parts
(sop. - stem up,  alto - stemdown etc.)
Where do you insert \stemUp or \stemDown? Also, I would like to have a
bracket for the vocal parts. The other problem is
when I type cis for c sharp or fis for f sharp, I get "string error". I have
been through the tutorial and have searched the documentation.
The only reference to "bracket" was for tuplets. I cannot find an example of
SATB/piano accomp. with separate vocal staves and
polyphonic parts for piano (hymn-style) within the documentation or in
mutopia. I found the hymn on westgallerymusic which I can

% Created on Mon May 05 02:07:20 BST 2008
\version "2.10.33"

\header {
    title = "All ye People Clap your Hands"
    poet = "Brady and Tate"
    composer = "Broderip"
    piece = "Psalm 47"

\include ""
soprano = {   g'2 d'4 c
 b2 a
 g2. a4
 b2. a4
 b a b c
 d2 g,
 a4 a4 a4 a4
 b2 b
 a2. g4
d'2 c4 b
a2 b
c4( b) a( g)
f d f a
b2.( c4
d2) c
b a4.( g8)

alto = { d2 g4 f
 g2 f
 g2. f4
 g2. f4
 g d g g
 f2 g
 f4 f f f
 f2 g
 f e
 b2 a4 g
 d'2 g
 e c
 r4 g g g
 g2 e
 d2. c4

tenor = { g2 b4 c
 d2 d
 d4( c b) a
 g2. d'4
 d c b g
 a2 c
 d4 d d d
 d2 e
 c2. c4
 d2 c4 b
 a2 b
 c4( b) a( g)
 f d f a
 d2 c
 b a
 r4 d' d d
 b2 a
 g f

bass = {
g2 g4 a
 g2 d
 b4( g b) d
 g2. d4
 g f g e
 f2 e
 d4 d d d
 d2 g
 a a,
 b'2 a4 g
 f2 g
 e c
 d4 g, b d
g2 c,
d2. d4
r4 g b d
g2 c,
d2. d4
verseI= \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "1."


verseII= \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "2."


verseIII= \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "3."


staffSoprano = \new Staff  {
    \time 2/2
    \set Staff.instrumentName="Soprano"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
    \key g \major
    \clef treble
    \relative c' {
        \context Voice = "melodySop" {
 % Type notes here

    \bar "|."

staffAlto = \new Staff  {
    \set Staff.instrumentName="Alto"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
    \key g \major
    \clef treble
    \relative c' {
        \context Voice = "melodyAlt" {
 % Type notes here

    \bar "|."

staffTenor = \new Staff  {
    \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
    \key g \major
    \clef "G_8"
    \relative c' {
        \context Voice = "melodyTen" {
 % Type notes here

    \bar "|."

staffBass = \new Staff  {
    \set Staff.instrumentName="Bass"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
    \key g \major
    \clef bass
    \relative c' {
        \context Voice = "melodyBas" {
 % Type notes here

    \bar "|."

staffPiano = \new PianoStaff {
    \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
    \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano  "
        \context Staff = "RH"
        \relative c'
        {  % Right hand
            \clef treble
            \key g \major
            \relative c'

            <<   {  \soprano  } {  \alto   } >>
        \context Staff = "LH" {  % Left hand
            \clef bass
            \key g \major
            \relative c'
            << {  \tenor } {  \bass } >>

\score {
        \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLI" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
\verseI }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodySop" \verseII }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLIII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodySop" \verseIII }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyAltLI" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodyAlt"
\verseI }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyAltLII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodyAlt" \verseII }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyAltLIII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodyAlt" \verseIII }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyTenLI" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodyTen"
\verseI }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyTenLII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodyTen" \verseII }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyTenLIII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodyTen" \verseIII }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyBasLI" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodyBas"
\verseI }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyBasLII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodyBas" \verseII }

        \context Lyrics = "lmelodyBasLIII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto
"melodyBas" \verseIII }


    \midi {

    \layout  {

\paper {
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