Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
So I suppose using
\set chordRootNamer = #(lambda (x) ("-")) or something like that (I'm
not sure about the syntax), then \unset chordRootNamer would do the trick.
Ok, I wasn't able to make some valid lilypond syntax with this. I asked
google and didn't g
1) I believe that you will have to enter the Fm again so that it will
show up as Fm/Eb (f:m/eb). I have done it this way. I have not seen
it done the way that you describe before in any commercially printed
music. I am only a little familiar with Finale and not at all with
Sibelius but I wo
hi Neil
many thanks for your answer and your solutions!
may i add my comments (which of course render my personal view which i
adapted when i encountered the problems i reported; i wouldn't exclude that
in another context i could have other wishes concerning default settings...)
Neil Puttock w
1) I don´t know, but I´m interested, too!
Ok, hope others will chime in, then.
If I see well, it's note very simple.
Chord names are written as markups. The markup is generated by a scheme
function. So if you want to override this, you either need to override
this scheme function or write
convert-ly -s shows the changes that convert-ly makes to a file
between versions. You'll note that there are no syntax changes between
2.11.62 and 2.11.64. Additionally, you'll note on the lilypond front
page, the changes in 2.11.62 and 2.11.63 are mostly documentation and
translation updat
The syntax didn't change between .62 and .63, so convert-ly won't
do anything for .63.
- Graham
On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 08:14:27AM +1100, Nick Payne wrote:
> I have 2.11.63 installed on Windows, and I notice that if I run convert-ly
> against a file, it changes the \version number to 2.11
I have 2.11.63 installed on Windows, and I notice that if I run convert-ly
against a file, it changes the \version number to 2.11.62 rather than
2.11.63. This corresponds with what I see in the console window:
= --edit "C:\Documents and Settings\nick\My
Hi Eluze,
2008/11/5 Eluze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 1. is it possible to keep the right-broken text inside the system
#'right-broken #'anchor-alignment = #RIGHT
> 2. if there is only one note left, the spanner line stops on the first line,
> and the right-(broken-) text is printed - probably a bug
There's no need for the \new Score in this situation. You can just as
well do the setting
in the \layout block:
\score {
\new Staff { c''1 \mark "molto" c'' }
\new Staff { c'1 \mark "molto" c' }
\context {
\remove "Mark_engraver"
\remove "Staff_col
Thank you for all that fast help, this is really the best list I know!
Dominic Neumann schrieb:
I updated your file a bit and hope that it is what you wanted.
I added "" at the end of the lyrics of stanza 3. This shifts the
fourth verse to the place you wanted.
This gives a programming erro
Hi Till
This gets close to what you want, I think:
%Skip zu Klammer vier
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\markup {\concat { \bold "(4.) " rak }} -- ka -- ut -- ta suu -- rin -- ta
kat -- so -- maan.
- Original Message -
From: "Till Rettig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bailey Jame
You mean onewordthatispartboldandpartregular? Oh, that would be
difficult indeed, as Kieren indicated, \concat may be the only way.
Am 06.11.2008 um 16:59 schrieb Till Rettig:
Bailey James E. schrieb:
Aha! this one I know.
music = \new Voice = stimme \relative {
c4 d e f
g a h c
I updated your file a bit and hope that it is what you wanted.
I added "" at the end of the lyrics of stanza 3. This shifts the
fourth verse to the place you wanted.
Additionally I replaced the first underline in the fourth verse by ""
for layout reasons. If you keep the underline, the syllable be
Bailey James E. schrieb:
Aha! this one I know.
music = \new Voice = stimme \relative {
c4 d e f
g a h c
lyrik = \new Lyrics \lyricsto stimme {
do \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic re \revert
Score . LyricText #'font-shape mi fa
sol la \override Score . LyricText
Aha! this one I know.
music = \new Voice = stimme \relative {
c4 d e f
g a h c
lyrik = \new Lyrics \lyricsto stimme {
do \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic re \revert
Score . LyricText #'font-shape mi fa
sol la \override Score . LyricText #'font-series = #'bold ti
Hi Till,
markup commands won't work inside of quoted text...
Yes, but you can include quotes in a markup (e.g., \concat).
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Till,
to let the stanza number appear bold, just write
\set stanza = "4. "
before "syllable".
> The issue is, that when having 4 repeats with 2 voltas, the fourth stanza
Do you mean 4 verses in a repeat with two voltas?
Please provide us a little example.
Hi all,
is there a way to change only part of a lyric syllable?
The issue is, that when having 4 repeats with 2 voltas, the fourth
stanza (in the second volta) is on the same level as the third in the
first volta. I would like to indicate that the text belongs to the
fourth stanza, though.
Paul Hodges wrote:
--On 04 November 2008 21:30 -0800 abqconlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
when I generate the PDF file all of my special characters are spaces
and I lose the rest of the syllable.
You need to save your .ly file in UDF-8 format - the characters will
then be recognised
--On 04 November 2008 21:30 -0800 abqconlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> when I generate the PDF file all of my special characters are spaces
> and I lose the rest of the syllable.
You need to save your .ly file in UDF-8 format - the characters will
then be recognised and handled correctly.
I am new to Lilypond but it is amazing how fast you can turn out great
looking music. I am having a problem with some music I am doing with
umlauts. I see it in the .ly file regardless of the editor I am using, but
when I generate the PDF file all of my special characters are spaces and I
lose the
> 3) When writing a song with lyrics, for instance a Christmas carol,
> there a alot of additional verses. I read " Printing stanzas at
> the end" on
> but that a) seems cumbersome
I'll bet if someone
Dominic Neumann wrote:
Welcome to LilyPond, André!
Thanks. Actually I'm just back from a long break. In 2003 I typeset a
set of piano etudes (, "Tien
Etudes op een thema van J. Mulders") for my classical teacher in lilypond.
So some things are still the
Quoting Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
3) I don´t think, it´s possible to let LilyPond decide how to print
stanzas at the end.
It should certainly no be impossible, but would require you to
implement this "intelligence" using Scheme functions.
2008/11/6 Atte André Je
Welcome to LilyPond, André!
1) I don´t know, but I´m interested, too!
2) You should set \germanChords or \semiGermanChords to meet your needs.
3) I don´t think, it´s possible to let LilyPond decide how to print
stanzas at the end.
2008/11/6 Atte André Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
I have a couple of questions, that I couldn't figure out in the
1) If I have a set of chords that I'd like to be printed like this:
Fm -/Eb Bb/D
how do I then get the dash ("-") symbol (meaning "repeat the previous
chord, now with Eb in the bass"?
2) I'm danish, and we w
2008/11/5 Daniel Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
>> I have copied this to devel, as well as to user, because I'd like to get
>> permission to add the function setHeadColor to ly/
> Sorry for my bad English.
> What I was asking is the stem director
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