I updated your file a bit and hope that it is what you wanted. I added "" at the end of the lyrics of stanza 3. This shifts the fourth verse to the place you wanted. Additionally I replaced the first underline in the fourth verse by "" for layout reasons. If you keep the underline, the syllable before is placed too much to the right (here in 2.11.51).
Then I replaced (4.) by the \set stanza command I already mentioned. Dominic 2008/11/6 Till Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Bailey James E. schrieb: >> >> Aha! this one I know. >> music = \new Voice = stimme \relative { >> c4 d e f >> g a h c >> } >> >> lyrik = \new Lyrics \lyricsto stimme { >> do \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic re \revert Score >> . LyricText #'font-shape mi fa >> sol la \override Score . LyricText #'font-series = #'bold ti \revert >> Score . LyricText #'font-series do >> } >> >> \score { >> << >> \music >> \lyrik >> >> >> } >> >> In end effect, I always have to consult the font-interface to know where >> the bold or italic is, but it's not so difficult. >> >> > Thanks, this is about what I figured out also, but what I need would be > "\override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic re \revert Score . > LyricText #'font-shape mi" > that is: both syllables to one note! And as you can try, it just prints > everything verbatim. > I add a longer example as an indication. > > Till > >
\version "2.11.51" sopran = \relative c'' { b8 a c b a g fis4\fermata | e2. r4\fermata \new Voice = versesopran { \voiceOne \repeat volta 4 { e4 e8 fis g4 g8 a a4. b8 b2 | d2 b | a8 b c a b2 | b8 c d e b2 a8 g a b g2 \break } \alternative{ {a8 g a b c4 a8 g | fis4. e8 e2 } { a8 g a b c4 a8 g | fis4. e8 e2 } } } e2\( e\)\fermata \bar "|." } haupt = \lyricmode { Uu __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oo -- aa } obertexteins = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1." Hei -- nil -- lä här -- ki -- en kau -- ka -- lon nuk -- kuu lap -- si vi -- a -- ton. %Refrain En -- kel -- par -- ven tie koh -- ta luok -- se vie rak -- ka -- ut -- ta suu -- rin -- ta kat -- so -- maan. } obertextzwei = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2." %\skip 1*2 En -- tre les deux bras \skip 8 de Ma -- rie %dort, dort, %dort le fruit de vie. Hel -- mas -- sa äi -- tin -- sä ar -- ma -- han nuk -- kuu poi -- ka Ju -- ma -- lan. %Refrain En -- kel -- par -- ven tie koh -- ta luok -- se vie rak -- ka -- ut -- ta suu -- rin -- ta kat -- so -- maan. } obertextdrei = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "3." Kes -- kel -- lä lil -- jain ja ruu -- su -- jen nuk -- kuu Her -- ra ih -- mis -- ten. En -- kel -- par -- ven tie koh -- ta luok -- se vie rak -- ka -- ut -- ta suu -- rin -- ta kat -- so -- maan. "" } obertextvier = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "4." Ris -- til -- lä rin -- nal -- la ryö -- vä -- rin nuk -- kuu uh -- ri puh -- ta -- hin. En -- kel -- par -- ven tie koh -- ta luok -- se vie %Skip zu Klammer vier "" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \set stanza = "4. " rak -- ka -- ut -- ta suu -- rin -- ta kat -- so -- maan. } \score { \new Staff = women << { \new Voice = "sopranos" \voiceOne \sopran } \new Lyrics = "Haupt" \lyricsto "sopranos" \haupt \context Lyrics = "Haupt" \lyricsto versesopran \obertexteins \new Lyrics = "verse2" \lyricsto versesopran \obertextzwei \new Lyrics = "verse3" \lyricsto versesopran \obertextdrei \new Lyrics = "verse4" \lyricsto versesopran \obertextvier >> }
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